Radium Keygenguru

 Posted admin

Research 3D Engine for rendering, animation and processing.Devopped and maintained by the STORM research group.

See this presentationfor an overview of the project.

Keygenguru is a malicious application and website (Keygenguru.com) which delivers other infected programs and tools. Keygenguru spreads via malicious downloads. Keygenguru can bypass security software without any PC user's consent and knowledge.


  • Eigen 3.3 (as submodule in repository)
  • Assimp 3.2 (as submodule in repository)
  • glbinding (as submodule in repository)
  • globjects (as submodule in repository)
  • glm (as submodule in repository)
  • OpenGL 3+ / GLSL 330+
  • Qt Core, Qt Widgets and Qt OpenGL v5.5+ (5.10 recommended)
  • stb_image (in repository)
  • To build : CMake 3.0.+
  • Radium is a set of mixins for managing styles in React components, allowing you to use CSS features that aren’t possible with inline styles.
  • Jun 30, 2016. Casio SA-76 Keyboard with Stand and Bench.Searching for Barry Goldstein Virtual Community -- Real Loss, September. In this energetic fighter on behalf of the Radium girls and other celebrated legal And shall stand in awe of the God of Israel. It is with mixed emotions that I sit down at the keyboard for the.

Supported compiler and platforms

The following platforms and tool chains have been tested and should work :

  • Windows : MSVC 2017 cmake support, MinGW-32 4.9.2 (with Qt Creator).
  • Mac OSX : gcc 7.1 or higher, Apple clang
  • Linux : gcc 7.1 or higher, clang

Continuous Integration:

  • Linux (clang 5, gcc7) and Mac OSX : https://travis-ci.org/STORM-IRIT/Radium-Engine
  • Windows (MSVC 2017): https://ci.appveyor.com/project/nmellado/radium-engine

Build instructions

Getting submodules

Radium Keygenguru Effects

Eigen, Assimp, glbinding, globjects, glm are submodules : you can get them by running these two commands

Folder structure

Radium-Engine relies on CMake buildchain on all supported platforms.In most cases, building should be pretty straightforward, provided that cmake can locate the dependencies.You will need to have the openGL headers and libraries, Qt 5.4 or more and cmake.If cmake doesn't locate the Qt files (e.g. if you manually installed Qt as opposed to using your distribution's package),see the troubleshooting section below.

See plateform-dependent instructions for detailled how-to.

Build output is generated in the Radium-Engine/Bundle-* directory (with * the name of the CXX compiler), with the following structure:

3rdPartyLibraries are always compiled in Release mode.Plugins are generated in bin/Plugins.

Configure build

Radium offers the following build option (off by default) :

  • RADIUM_WITH_DOUBLE_PRECISION sets the floating point format to double-precision instead of single precisition

Building on Linux/MacOS (command line instruction)

Out-of source builds are mandatory, we recommand to follow the usual sequence:

To run on Mac OS X, one may need to set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to path/to/Bundle-*/3rdPartyLibraries/lib

Building on Microsoft Windows with Visual Studio

Supported versions of MSVC

Since Radium requires:

Radium Keygenguru Therapy

  • the C++11/C++14/C++17 advanced features such as constexpr,
  • cmake built-in support

you will need a recent MSVC (2017 minimum).We tested our code with VS 2017 Community (https://www.visualstudio.com/products/visual-studio-community-vs), with the CMake Tools for Visual Studio extension.

See general instruction on cmake for Visual Studio here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/10/05/cmake-support-in-visual-studio/


Qt distributes version 5.10 with precompiled libraries for VS 2017 - 64 bits.If using earlier versions of Qt (5.5) or a different toolset you may have to compile Qt yourself.You will probaby have to manually point cmake to the Qt folder (see Troubleshooting below)

Other dependencies (Eigen, Assimp, glbinding, globjects and glm) are included as a submodule in the git repository.

Getting started with Visual Studio

Thanks to the integrated support of CMake in Visual Studio, you don't need a VS solution to build your project: open the Radium folder (via File > Open > Folder ... or devenv.exe <foldername>).VS should run cmake, generate the target builds (Debug and Release by default).Other build types can be added by editing CMakeSettings.json.

You may have Cmake errors occuring at the first run (see Troubleshooting section below).To fix them, you need to edit the VS-specific file CMakeSettings.json, via CMake > Change CMake Settings > path-to-CMakeLists (configuration-name) from the main menu.For instance, it usually requires to set cmake build types manually, and to give path to Qt libraries.To fix it, edit CMakeSettings.json, such that

Note: it is strongly encouraged to use / separators in your path, instead of as previously mentionned. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13737370/cmake-error-invalid-escape-sequence-u


Right click on CMakeList.txt > build > all.


Building with QtCreator

QtCreator is supported on Windows, MacOS and Linux.No specific requirement here, just open Radium-Engine CMake project and enjoy !


Qt cmake errors

In case you run into an error like

you need to set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, pointing to the Qt root dir of your commpiler.For example on linux with gcc :

On windows, using cmake-gui you can use the 'add entry' button, adding CMAKE_PREFIX_PATHas a string to point to the Qt directory (for example in the default installation :C:/Qt/5.6/msvc2015_64 )

Crash when starting main application on windows

This is usally caused by missing dlls.With Visual Studio, you may need to copy the Qt dlls to Radium bin folder Bundle-MSVC{Release-or-Debug}bin.


For more documentation about the engine (how to develop a plugin,how renderer works, how to setup a scene file, ...), please refer to the Docs/ folder.

(Redirected from Ra-226)
Main isotopes of radium (88Ra)
223Ratrace11.43 dα219Rn
224Ratrace3.6319 dα220Rn
225Ratrace14.9 dβ225Ac
226Ratrace1600 yα222Rn
228Ratrace5.75 yβ228Ac

Radium (88Ra) has no stable or nearly stable isotopes, and thus a standard atomic weight cannot be given. The longest lived, and most common, isotope of radium is 226Ra with a half-life of 1,600 years. 226Ra occurs in the decay chain of 238U (often referred to as the radium series.) Radium has 33 known isotopes from 202Ra to 234Ra.

In 2013 it was discovered that the nucleus of radium-224 is pear-shaped.[1] This was the first discovery of an asymmetric nucleus.

List of isotopes[edit]

[n 1]
ZNIsotopic mass(u)
[n 2][n 3]
[n 4]
[n 5]
Spin and
[n 6][n 7]
Excitation energy[n 7]
202Ra88114202.00989(7)2.6(21) ms
[0.7(+33−3) ms]
203Ra88115203.00927(9)4(3) msα199Rn(3/2−)
β+ (rare)203Fr
203mRa220(90) keV41(17) msα199Rn(13/2+)
β+ (rare)203Fr
204Ra88116204.006500(17)60(11) ms
[59(+12−9) ms]
α (99.7%)200Rn0+
β+ (.3%)204Fr
205Ra88117205.00627(9)220(40) ms
[210(+60−40) ms]
β+ (rare)205Fr
205mRa310(110)# keV180(50) ms
[170(+60−40) ms]
IT (rare)205Ra
206Ra88118206.003827(19)0.24(2) sα202Rn0+
207Ra88119207.00380(6)1.3(2) sα (90%)203Rn(5/2−, 3/2−)
β+ (10%)207Fr
207mRa560(50) keV57(8) msIT (85%)207Ra(13/2+)
α (15%)203Rn
β+ (.55%)207Fr
208Ra88120208.001840(17)1.3(2) sα (95%)204Rn0+
β+ (5%)208Fr
208mRa1800(200) keV270 ns(8+)
209Ra88121209.00199(5)4.6(2) sα (90%)205Rn5/2−
β+ (10%)209Fr
210Ra88122210.000495(16)3.7(2) sα (96%)206Rn0+
β+ (4%)210Fr
210mRa1800(200) keV2.24 µs(8+)
211Ra88123211.000898(28)13(2) sα (97%)207Rn5/2(−)
β+ (3%)211Fr
212Ra88124211.999794(12)13.0(2) sα (85%)208Rn0+
β+ (15%)212Fr
212m1Ra1958.4(5) keV10.9(4) µs(8)+
212m2Ra2613.4(5) keV0.85(13) µs(11)−
213Ra88125213.000384(22)2.74(6) minα (80%)209Rn1/2−
β+ (20%)213Fr
213mRa1769(6) keV2.1(1) msIT (99%)213Ra17/2−#
α (1%)209Rn
214Ra88126214.000108(10)2.46(3) sα (99.94%)210Rn0+
β+ (.06%)214Fr
215Ra88127215.002720(8)1.55(7) msα211Rn(9/2+)#
215m1Ra1877.8(5) keV7.1(2) µs(25/2+)
215m2Ra2246.9(5) keV1.39(7) µs(29/2−)
215m3Ra3756.6(6)+X keV0.555(10) µs(43/2−)
216Ra88128216.003533(9)182(10) nsα212Rn0+
EC (1×10−8%)216Fr
217Ra88129217.006320(9)1.63(17) µsα213Rn(9/2+)
218Ra88130218.007140(12)25.2(3) µsα214Rn0+
β+β+ (rare)218Rn
219Ra88131219.010085(9)10(3) msα215Rn(7/2)+
220Ra88132220.011028(10)17.9(14) msα216Rn0+
221Ra88133221.013917(5)28(2) sα217Rn5/2+Trace[n 8]
CD (1.2×10−10%)207Pb
222Ra88134222.015375(5)38.0(5) sα218Rn0+
CD (3×10−8%)208Pb
223Ra[n 9]Actinium X88135223.0185022(27)11.43(5) dα219Rn3/2+Trace[n 10]
CD (6.4×10−8%)209Pb
224RaThorium X88136224.0202118(24)3.6319(23) dα220Rn0+Trace[n 11]
CD (4.3×10−9%)210Pb
225Ra88137225.023612(3)14.9(2) dβ225Ac1/2+Trace[n 12]
226RaRadium[n 13]88138226.0254098(25)1600(7) yα222Rn0+Trace[n 14]
ββ (rare)226Th
CD (2.6×10−9%)212Pb
227Ra88139227.0291778(25)42.2(5) minβ227Ac3/2+
228RaMesothorium 188140228.0310703(26)5.75(3) yβ228Ac0+Trace[n 11]
229Ra88141229.034958(20)4.0(2) minβ229Ac5/2(+)
230Ra88142230.037056(13)93(2) minβ230Ac0+
231Ra88143231.04122(32)#103(3) sβ231Ac(5/2+)
231mRa66.21(9) keV~53 µs(1/2+)
232Ra88144232.04364(30)#250(50) sβ232Ac0+
233Ra88145233.04806(50)#30(5) sβ233Ac1/2+#
234Ra88146234.05070(53)#30(10) sβ234Ac0+
  1. ^mRa – Excited nuclear isomer.
  2. ^( ) – Uncertainty (1σ) is given in concise form in parentheses after the corresponding last digits.
  3. ^# – Atomic mass marked #: value and uncertainty derived not from purely experimental data, but at least partly from trends from the Mass Surface (TMS).
  4. ^Modes of decay:
    CD:Cluster decay
    EC:Electron capture
    IT:Isomeric transition
  5. ^Bold symbol as daughter – Daughter product is stable.
  6. ^( ) spin value – Indicates spin with weak assignment arguments.
  7. ^ ab# – Values marked # are not purely derived from experimental data, but at least partly from trends of neighboring nuclides (TNN).
  8. ^Intermediate decay product of 237Np
  9. ^Used for treating bone cancer
  10. ^Intermediate decay product of 235U
  11. ^ abIntermediate decay product of 232Th
  12. ^Intermediate decay product of 237Np
  13. ^Source of element's name
  14. ^Intermediate decay product of 238U

Actinides vs fission products[edit]

Radium Keygenguru For Sale

Actinides and fission products by half-life
Actinides[2] by decay chainHalf-life
range (y)
Fission products of 235U by yield[3]

No fission products
have a half-life
in the range of
100–210 k years ...

226Ra247Bk1.3 k – 1.6 k
240Pu229Th246Cmƒ243Amƒ4.7 k – 7.4 k
245Cmƒ250Cm8.3 k – 8.5 k
239Puƒ24.1 k
230Th231Pa32 k – 76 k
236Npƒ233Uƒ234U150 k – 250 k99Tc126Sn
248Cm242Pu327 k – 375 k79Se
1.53 M93Zr
237Npƒ2.1 M – 6.5 M135Cs107Pd
236U247Cmƒ15 M – 24 M129I
244Pu80 M

... nor beyond 15.7 M years[6]

232Th238U235Uƒ№0.7 G – 14.1 G

Legend for superscript symbols
₡ has thermal neutron capture cross section in the range of 8–50 barns
ƒ fissile
m metastable isomer
№ primarily a naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM)
þ neutron poison (thermal neutron capture cross section greater than 3k barns)
† range 4–97 y: Medium-lived fission product
‡ over 200,000 y: Long-lived fission product


  1. ^'First observations of short-lived pear-shaped atomic nuclei'.
  2. ^Plus radium (element 88). While actually a sub-actinide, it immediately precedes actinium (89) and follows a three-element gap of instability after polonium (84) where no nuclides have half-lives of at least four years (the longest-lived nuclide in the gap is radon-222 with a half life of less than four days). Radium's longest lived isotope, at 1,600 years, thus merits the element's inclusion here.
  3. ^Specifically from thermal neutron fission of U-235, e.g. in a typical nuclear reactor.
  4. ^Milsted, J.; Friedman, A. M.; Stevens, C. M. (1965). 'The alpha half-life of berkelium-247; a new long-lived isomer of berkelium-248'. Nuclear Physics. 71 (2): 299. Bibcode:1965NucPh..71..299M. doi:10.1016/0029-5582(65)90719-4.
    'The isotopic analyses disclosed a species of mass 248 in constant abundance in three samples analysed over a period of about 10 months. This was ascribed to an isomer of Bk248 with a half-life greater than 9 y. No growth of Cf248 was detected, and a lower limit for the β half-life can be set at about 104 y. No alpha activity attributable to the new isomer has been detected; the alpha half-life is probably greater than 300 y.'
  5. ^This is the heaviest nuclide with a half-life of at least four years before the 'Sea of Instability'.
  6. ^Excluding those 'classically stable' nuclides with half-lives significantly in excess of 232Th; e.g., while 113mCd has a half-life of only fourteen years, that of 113Cd is nearly eight quadrillion years.
  • Isotope masses from:
    • Audi, Georges; Bersillon, Olivier; Blachot, Jean; Wapstra, Aaldert Hendrik (2003), 'The NUBASE evaluation of nuclear and decay properties', Nuclear Physics A, 729: 3–128, Bibcode:2003NuPhA.729....3A, doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2003.11.001
  • Isotopic compositions and standard atomic masses from:
    • de Laeter, John Robert; Böhlke, John Karl; De Bièvre, Paul; Hidaka, Hiroshi; Peiser, H. Steffen; Rosman, Kevin J. R.; Taylor, Philip D. P. (2003). 'Atomic weights of the elements. Review 2000 (IUPAC Technical Report)'. Pure and Applied Chemistry. 75 (6): 683–800. doi:10.1351/pac200375060683.
    • Wieser, Michael E. (2006). 'Atomic weights of the elements 2005 (IUPAC Technical Report)'. Pure and Applied Chemistry. 78 (11): 2051–2066. doi:10.1351/pac200678112051. Lay summary.
  • Half-life, spin, and isomer data selected from the following sources.
    • Audi, Georges; Bersillon, Olivier; Blachot, Jean; Wapstra, Aaldert Hendrik (2003), 'The NUBASE evaluation of nuclear and decay properties', Nuclear Physics A, 729: 3–128, Bibcode:2003NuPhA.729....3A, doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2003.11.001
    • National Nuclear Data Center. 'NuDat 2.x database'. Brookhaven National Laboratory.
    • Holden, Norman E. (2004). '11. Table of the Isotopes'. In Lide, David R. (ed.). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (85th ed.). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. ISBN978-0-8493-0485-9.
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