G4hfq Keygen

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  1. G4hfq Software Keygen

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Available Software for the PC - Updated 20 June 2003

Many people ask what software is available to interface with the FT-847. Now that the rig has been out for nearly six years, there are some products that support the FT-847. The FT-847 appears unique in its codes for communicating between the rig and a PC, so you will not be able to pick another, similar, Yaesu radio in software that doesn't list the FT-847. The listing below only identifies the few software offerings that I am familiar with and people are invited to email me with additional software that works with the FT-847. Please indicate whether you have used it and know it to be compatible.

I have grouped the software below into seven categories. Some software is listed in more than one category if it supports multiple functions.

Logging with Support for FT-847: Log-EQF, Logger, XMLog, TR-Log, CT-Log, TRX-Manager, FT-847 Supercontrol, Logic 5, Shacklog, DX4Win, Prolog2K, LogWindows

Satellite Tracking Software (controls the rig & possibly your antenna): Station, Kansas City Tracker, FT847-SuperControl, RATS FT-847, LogWindows, SatPC32

CAT Control Software:RATS FT-847, FT847-Supercontrol, TRX-Manager, SuperCAT, FTBasic, LogWindows

Other: Edit, Transpon(der)

Cloning (saves & restores your FT-847 memories): Edit, FT847-Supercontrol, SuperCAT, FTBasic

Interfacing to LDG antenna tuners & OTT-847 interface: FT847-SuperControl
(REAL) TCP-IP remote control: FT847-SuperControl

This program by Eddy F5EZH performs one task: it uses the CAT control to command the FT-847 to constantly switch between two different bands, looking for a squelch opening on either band. Once it detects this, it stops switching and allows the FT-847 to retransmit the signal in duplex fashion to (presumably) another rig that is set up to communicate with the FT-847 in cross-band fashion. In order to use the program, you must set your FT-847 to satellite mode and then turn Menu #41 X-RPT to ON.
The software does not allow you to program in CTCSS or DCS codes, so the FT-847 is susceptible to any signal on the listening frequencies. It will faithfully retransmit either received signal on the other band.
The FT-847 does not allow you to program in repeater offsets in the cross-band mode, so you will not be able to use this software to access remote repeaters.
This software is good to experiment with and can be used when the control operator (you) is around home and wants the convenience of carrying your HT around and to be able to use the FT-847's power and your presumably good antennas to reach a distant station. You can get the program at http://perso.club-internet.fr/f5ezh. It's in French, but you can probably figure out what to do easily enough.
See below under edit on installing Eddy's software; this product is similar in installation.

(You might want to click here first to review the FAQ on cloning and radio configuration files.)
'Edit' is a program by Eddy F5EZH that will allow you to save a configuration of your radio to a disk file on your PC. You can also edit each of the main memory channels on screen and then reload the file into your radio. This feature is great for when you accidentally (or have to) RESET your CPU! Saving the configuration also saves your scan settings, band-stacking registers, menu settings, satellite memories, and your front panel button settings, although you cannot edit these parameters. The program is available from http://perso.club-internet.fr/f5ezh. You will want to download EDIT.ZIP (or possibly another file name). The program is in French, but most should be able to figure out what it says. This is freeware. Keep in mind that you will have to set your cloning speed to 57.6 kbps in order to run this program (this is notG4hfq software keygen the CAT speed; it's the clone speed (Menu #94)). You can access Menus #94, 95, and 96 by first turning Menu #42 EXTEND to ON, which you need to do in order to run EDIT.EXE.

Update: Nov 99. Eddy has added the capability now to manipulate the memory channels. You can insert a blank channel and push the rest down in the list (losing #78), or you can delete a channel and you have a choice of moving those following up or moving those preceding down a notch. Also, the program returns a byte value that represents the 'country identity' of the radio. In order to exchange configuration files, both radios must have the same 'country identity' byte.

Getting this software running is a little challenging, so I'll describe how to do it. The following instructions assume you know how to work with files using Windows Explorer.
1. Get the VB6 runtime software from ZDNet and install it on your machine.
2. Download EDIT.ZIP and put it in a directory of your choice.
3. Unzip the files into the directory. You will see a CAB file and a couple of others. Do not press the Setup.exe unless you know your PC supports running Setup with CAB files. (Mine did with FT-847 Supercontrol, a similar packaging, but would not work right with Edit.)
4. Try double-clicking on the CAB file. If your Zip program supports unzipping CAB files, unzip the files into your Edit directory and go to Step 7. Otherwise, go to Step 5.
5. You need to enable CAB file manipulations. On Windows 95, this can be done by using a Microsoft free product called Power Toys. Get it and unzip it in a directory of your choice. Find CAB.INF in the list and right click on it and choose Install. Now you have the capability of extracting individual CAB files.
6. Now, back in your Edit directory, double click on Edit.CAB. On the Edit menu choice, choose Select All, and all the CAB files will be highlighted. Now right click on one of them and pick Install (it's the only choice). This will extract all the files in the CAB file into your Edit directory.
7. That's it. Highlight EDIT.EXE and double click it to run the program. Do not run the Setup.exe program.
8. Make a shortcut to wherever you want on your desktop/start menu.

Station - Updated 26Feb01
Station is a rig control program for tracking satellites. Version 1.0l Beta 20 (believed to still be the latest) has code to recognize the FT-847. This program adjusts your radio when tracking satellites and adjusts TX or RX to compensate for Doppler effect. You can get this program from AMSAT at http://www.amsat.org. Enter the code 11111-11111-1 to activate it in the demo mode (fully functional, but does not save settings). The author has contributed this program to AMSAT and it is now Freeware. Instructions for entering an appropriate registration code is provided at the AMSAT site. Note: Station will only run with a 4800 setting on Menu #37 CAT RATE. This is undocumented.

TRX-Manager (formerly FT-Manager), by F6DEX, has been around for a long time by radio model standards. It offers a complete control package for the rig and is well integrated with logging software, memory management, and DX-clusters. A shareware download is available and allows you to use it for 30 days but not more than 15 minutes at a time. After 30 days, the available time to use it drops to five minutes. You can get TRX-Manager at www.trx-manager.com.

RATS FT-847- Updated 26Feb01
This software is a full control package for the FT-847. It tracks many of the features of the FT-847 faithfully. The program 1) shows a screen that looks remarkably like the FT-847 and 2) behaves virtually identically to the FT-847. It also supports satellite rig control through WISP and WinOrbit modules. A demo is available from http://www.kingsmith-software.com/toc.htm.

30Jan00 Update: The program now supports any communication speed over the CAT cable, and any serial port you could have on your machine. It also has a nice 'spectrum scope' that allows you to scan a portion of the spectrum under a variety of settings and then you can use a pointer to tune to activity that shows up there. The Memory Manager is functional but still has some improvements to be made to it.

Update 26Feb01: Kingsmith Software continues to work on the program. The latest version is 1.3.1. The accuracy of the visual interface compared with the FT-847 is still remarkable.

Update 15Jul01: This program continues to add features, and the latest version is 2.1.0. The program now supports an interface to Nova for Windows for proper rig control when using that software (Nova, an outstanding satellite tracking program, does not directly support any rig control), a major step forward. RATS also has an interface with Hamscope for digital soundcard operations. It also supports WinTrak pro for satellite tracking and Doppler corrections. The program also features a spectrum scope for tracking band activity as well as a 1000 channel (per file, that is!) memory manager. This program is a virtually perfect replication of the Yaesu front panel (visually and operationally) that you can have, given the CAT limitations of the FT-847.

G4hfq Keygen

FT847-SuperControl - Updated 18May2003

This software, by Peter DH1NGP, is now in final release 2.3 version. It is a CAT control program developed specifically for the FT-847. Due to the 'spy and try' idea, every version of FT847-SuperControl can be downloaded as limited 30 day trial version on www.supercontrol.de where you can also find the version-log for the past few years. The actual version provides the following functions:
Full transceiver control via buttons in the software. Frequency and mode will be polled automatically from the transceiver. So a normal tuning on the transceiver itself will be detected and shown in the software vfo's.

Full duplex (two-way) crossband repeater with semi repeater-offset. The FT-847 transceiver itself is only able to do one-way crossbanding.

Open memory database with an unlimited amount of possible memories in an overall view. The memory banks of all amateur radio bands are visible and useable with ease at the same time. Several additional memory banks are available. Also memory banks with the possibility to save offset, DCS, DEC, ENC and Easycomm-data are available. The easycomm-data can be sent to another serial port to drive easycomm-compatible hardware like rotors and much more.

Scanning of single memory banks, there is no need to scan all memory banks at the same time. Your FT-847 transceiver has only 100 internal memories, which must be scanned all at once. If you've saved frequencies out of different bands and if you want to scan these memories, you 'll hear a rapid clicking of relais-type-devices in the transceiver. It is not proved, but we're sure, that continuous long time period scanning, will shorten the life of these relais type devices.

Clone data memory-management for the internal memories of the FT-847® transceiver. FT847-SuperControl® is able to read, edit, archive and send back clone files to the transceiver. It's easy to set up different clone files and copy them on your harddrive. If you want to use special setup's in the transceiver, simply send the wanted clone file to the rig. Clone files can be edited with the help of existing FT847-SuperControl® memory banks of course.

Original like copy of the meter bars (s-meter, power-meter, discriminator-meter, etc.).

Support of up to eight different serial ports. These ports are to be used when converting an USB-port to a serial-port as many of the converting software's will take COM5 for the first converted USB to serial port.

Logbook - function

G4hfq Keygen

Skedbook - function

Wave recording of qso's or other important signals. FT847-SuperControl® has the possibility to record signals either when the squelch has been opened or on other choosable events. For this feature, a standard sound-card in the computer is necessary. The recorded data will be saved automatically to a special drawer and can be replayed at any time

Internet based telnet dx-cluster logger shows the latest dx-spots in the vfo-display of the software

ARS - detection after modification of the transceiver. It's also possible to set up different offsets in the same band.

Spectrum scope of AF (Audio frequency).

Full featured vfo scanner with software based quick memory bank - function (QMB). It's possible to set up different scan ranges.

Voice announcements of frequency, mode and other important functions.

Configurable homechannels for each amateur radio band

Calculated target frequency’s on two additional VFO-display’s for use with transverter-devices. The software is capable to administrate up to four transverter-devices (for each antenna-jack).

DDE-interface (Dynamic Data Exchange) to satellite-tracking programs (NOVA®, Satscape etc.) for Doppler-correction in satellite mode. The Doppler-corrected frequency will be send to the transceiver, so no manual tuning is needed anymore, when working satellites. RX- and TX-VFO will be continuously updated with doppler-corrected data. Of course, possible calculated transverter frequencies will be taken as source for the final calculation of the doppler shift. So this part is 100% compatible with AO-40 or other super-high frequency satellites. Various possibilities to alter the way to calculate the doppler shift itself are available in the settings.

Priority channel supervision (up to eight Channels at the same time)

Visual band scope with different scan-steps and various possibilities.

EasyComm interface to drive a rotator or other EasyComm-compatible hardware via special memories and the doppler correction function. FT847-SuperControl is able to track a satellite with the Help of NOVA. Azimuthal and elevation data which is also provided by NOVA, can be sent via another serial port to your Easycomm-hardware. So it is possible to track the satellite as perfect with your az-el antenna-rotator.

Automatic 10 minute station id, Contest Voice Keyer

Remote control the FT-847 transceiver via TCP/IP networks possible (also via the internet).

Testing environment for undocumented cat commands.

It is possible to have the Yaesu FC-20 autotuner full functional connected to the transceiver at the same time.

DTMF encoder / decoder, Tone generator / encoder, Dual Tone generator / encoder
Full support for LDG automatic antenna tuners and the W4RT OTT-847 interface. One-Touch Tune and NO-Touch Tune !
Other developments:
for the Yaesu FT-100 or FT-100/D transceiver,
for the Yaesu FT1000MP & FT1000MP MarkV transceiver series.


Log-EQF has been around for a long time (by any standards) and is a logging software program. It is versatile and powerful and includes support for contests, QSO management, a TNC, antenna steering, transverter offsets, and two rig management. It is a DOS implementation, not Windows, but the integration of the package with many Windows features is outstanding. Available as shareware to try it out at http://www.eqf-software.com.


This program is a new 'do everything' logging program with an impressive collection of features. It supports a complete and powerful logging system, a very nice PSK31 implementation, DX cluster tracking (the author is 'Mr. GOLIST'), support for Telnet connections, CD-ROM callbooks, and many more. It is freeware by Bob Furzer, K4CY. The interface is not standard Windows, but if that doesn't bother you, this software does just about everything. You can download it directly at http://www.itis.net/golist/download.htm. Also, there is a Logger mailing list you can join (after answering some questions about yourself) at http://www.egroups.com/group/logger. Finally, an overview of the features can be found at http://www.guam.net/pub/midxa/logger/logger.html.

Update 26Feb01: The PSK31 module has been removed from Logger.

This logging software package is freeware and you can get it at http://www.xmlog.com. It is a full featured logging program and recognizes the FT-847.

12/30/99 Update: Paul VE3KBL wrote to report that he installed XMLOG on an old 486 machine at his cottage. He was impressed that it worked well on a very limited PC and that it supported his FT-847. He uses Logic5 at home but wanted people to know that this free package worked quite well on the 486.

Kansas City Tracker (Updated)
This was reported to work with the FT-847. Anyone have good information on this software/hardware? It may be available from AMSAT who gets a portion of the proceeds. Check it out at http://www.llgrace.com. Lee N4GLB reports that he uses KCT and that it is integrated with the FT-847.

TR-Log by N6TR
I received a report from Mike that TR-Log, a contest logging program, supported the FT-847. You can get a free version to try out at http://www.qth.com/tr/. It is a DOS-based program.

CT-Log by K1EA
I received a report from Mike that CT-Log supported the FT-847. However, in looking at the web page, last updated 27 Jun 99, it does not show the FT-847 as one of the supported transceivers. You can learn more at http://www.contesting.com/ct/. This software cannot be downloaded from the internet.

LOGic 5 (New)
Lee N4GLB reports that he uses LOGic 5 with his FT-847. It is a full featured logging program. You can download a demo and learn more about the program at http://www.hosenose.com/logic5/index.html.

G4hfq Software Keygen


Ray W8RD heard from Alan G3PMR that Alan's Shacklog provides support for the FT-847 (along with many others). Shacklog is a full featured logging program with rig control. It's a DOS product that can run under any version of DOS from 3.3 on, as well in a full-screen window with Windows 3.1 or higher. Shacklog supports Packet, contesting, and can import logs from other logging programs. You can see Shacklog and download a demo at http://www.shacklog.co.uk/.


Bob N5NJ sent a posting with a message from Peter KK4HD, the author of DX4Win, announcing a number of improvements, including support for the FT-847. Bob did the beta testing for the software. I am not familiar with this software, but I have heard many good things about it. You can take a look at http://www.erols.com/pvander.


Kevin K0KPB reports that Prolog2K now supports the FT-847. He worked with the author to get it working. Kevin reports that Prolog2K is a logging program and is similar to DX4Win. You can take a look at http://www.qth.com/prolog/prolog2k.htm.

FTBasic - Updated 26Feb01

Bob G4HFQ has developed a CAT control program. Bob reports, 'It does tuning, has 6 banks of 12 memories, 8 definable scan ranges with incremental steps, can scan the frequencies in the currently displayed memory bank, allows 30 ad-hoc frequencies to be noted and recalled. It shows S-meter, PO/ALC meter, squelch, discriminator, DCS match, and RX/TX condition.' One aspect of this software that was important to at least one ham was that it runs in a 640x480 screen size. There is no satellite support at this time. You can read about it and download a demo at www.g4hfq.co.uk/ftbasic.html.

Update 03/19/00: Bob has improved this software; current version is 1.2.1.

Update 26Feb01: Bob is still working on this product and is now up to version 1.4.1. The software now supports cloning of your rig's memory channels, so you can save and edit them on your computer screen and reload them into your FT-847. Bob reports that this program now supports the new FT-817 portable rig, as well as the FRG-100.

SuperCAT - New 26Feb01

Randy, W05M, reports on a software CAT control project he was working on about a year ago. As you can read below, the software is free and you can have the source as well. Randy's site is at http://members.home.net/k5drm/.

Randy wrote: 'There is SuperCAT. I developed it about a year ago. It's Free as well as open source. I haven't done any development on it in a long while, but you are free to use it and even develop with it(how many programmers will let you do that). It was developed in Visual Basic 6. Both the Source Code and Compiled version can be downloaded at the link bellow. I don't have a fancy site to promote, however it does have some neat features. The features include FULL Cross-band repeat (not just one way), CTCSS & DCS scan, Backup and restore using clone function and more. I originally developed it to give example on how to program using CAT commands. The interface isn't the best, but it is workable. Enjoy. De WO5M(formally k5drm)'

LogWindows - New 09Mar00

Ron WA9PAM wrote about LogWindows: 'Great program and it can be downloaded from their site with the trial version
which allows about 50 entries and it is a full blown version. You can then purchase it and they will give you a number to open it up so that you can continue with it. It supports all of the popular radios, had good reports, has as many different logs as you want, can import data from most all of the other logging programs. I think anyone who purchases it will be quite satisfied with it. I know that I am and I am using it on both my radios.' Ron helped do the Beta testing of the software, so is probably very familiar with it. You can find it at www.logwindows.com . According to the manufacturer, LogWindows provides It combines logging, rig control, antenna rotor control, DX Packet cluster monitoring, QSL manager, and award tracking.

*** End of PC Software Listing ***

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Software for the Macintosh
Jonathan G0DVJ reports that he uses MacDoppler software for controlling his rig, rotors, and doppler, and that it works very well for the intended purpose. He also reports that the author was very responsive in adding a driver for Jonathan's Sartek controller. The software is written by Don Agro of Dog Park Software. The software is available from AMSAT or http://www.dogparksoftware.com/MacDoppler.html . You will need to register it through AMSAT (email martha@amsat.org); AMSAT members get a $10 discount.
*** End of Macintosh Software Listing ***
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Download: http://www.advmathappl.com
ThGLog 1.0.1www.thgsoft.ch

You can see in a cleary arranged diagram, what you have done the whole day, week or month. This allows you easily to show your expenses against your customer or your management. For Registrated user it is possible to export data for additional examination.

Platform: WindowsBusiness- Project Management
License: FreewareSize: 852.0 KBReleased: 24 May, 2012
Download: http://www.thgsoft.ch/ThGLog.zip
Software Ideas Modeler 4.103Dusan Rodina

It supports all 14 types of UML diagrams, Mixed Diagram, Data Flow Diagram, Flowchart Diagram, Robustness Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram, Requirement Diagram, User Interface modeling and CRC Card Diagram.

Platform: WindowsDevelopment- Other
License: FreewareSize: 1.9 MBReleased: 10 February, 2012
Download: http://www.softwareideas.net/Download/140/Software-Ideas-Modeler--v-4-103----ZIP-Package
Software Ideas Modeler Portable 4.102.4299.4274Dusan Rodina

It supports 10 types of UML diagrams (Class Diagram, Use Case Diagram, Communication Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Package Diagram, Object Diagram, Deployment Diagram, State Machine Diagram, Activity Diagram, Profile Diagram), Entity Relationship Diagram, Requirement Diagram and User Interface modeling.
This application supports documentation ...

Platform: WindowsDevelopment- Other
License: FreewareSize: 1.1 MBReleased: 13 June, 2012
Download: http://www.softwareideas.net/Download/119/Software-Ideas-Modeler--v-4-99----Setup
Rose.Net 0.0Todd A. Thompson Software

This is a directional rose diagram plotting program for researchers and students that do not need to plot direction and magnitude data. The goal of this program is to produce publication quality diagrams and reliable vector statistics. It works on Windows 98SE, and Windows XP Professional SP3.

Platform: WindowsBusiness- Databases & Tools
License: FreewareSize: 1.6 MBReleased: 19 April, 2012
Download: http://mypage.iu.edu/~tthomps/programs/bin/RoseNetSetup.msi
PolarPlot 3.2G R Freeth

PolarPlot is a program for plotting a polar diagram of an antenna. If you are running an amateur radio station, you need to know the received and transmitting signal strength. For this you need to connect the audio output of the receiver (or transmitter), to the sound-card on your computer through its line-in socket. Once operated, the application ...

Platform: WindowsBusiness- Math & Scientific Tools
License: FreewareSize: 2.9 MBReleased: 02 February, 2012
Download: http://www.g4hfq.co.uk/download/PolarPlotSetup.exe
ProSim Ternary Diagram 1.0ProSim

As you know it, it is always tiresome to plot a ternary diagram by hand and the existing software ptols making allowing it automatically are generally very expensive or insufficient. For this reason, ProSim decided to develop an easy to use but powerful application enabling you to create these diagrams in a few mouse clicks.

Platform: WindowsBusiness- Other
License: FreewareSize: 2.4 MBReleased: 30 January, 2012
Download: http://www.prosimsupport.com/software/ProSimTernaryDiagramInstall.exe
CLUB Server 1.0SmartQuant Ltd

With the CLUB Server you can run a trading strategy diagram locally in VisualQuant and send any block to a remote co-located server with one mouse click.
- co-locate your strategy or application
- distribute your strategy or application globally to achieve the lowest latency. Fo example you can trade a cross exchange ...

Platform: WindowsBusiness- Other
License: FreewareSize: 6.7 MBReleased: 09 February, 2012
Download: http://www.smartquant.com/visualquant/install/CLUBServer.x86.exe
Triplot 4.1Todd Thompson

TriPlot is a trilinear-diagram plotting program for researchers and students. The goal of this program is to produce publication quality diagrams.
Main Features :
- Unlimited number of points (spreadsheet holds 100,000)
- Customizable point properties on a point by point basis
- Placeable(WMF) and Enhanced(EMF) metafile ...

Platform: WindowsEducation- Other
License: FreewareSize: 2.5 MBReleased: 12 January, 2012
Download: http://mypage.iu.edu/~tthomps/programs/bin/trsetup412.exe
VisSim 8.0Visual Solutions, Inc.

VisSim is a block diagram language for creating complex nonlinear dynamic systems. You can choose to display your response in 2D or 3D plots, gauges, bar charts, meters, digital readouts, and even 3D animated scenes. All are driven in real time using the VisSim engine.
VisSim's visual interface offers a simple method for constructing and ...

Platform: WindowsEducation- Science
License: FreewareSize: 14.6 MBReleased: 18 June, 2012
Download: http://www.vissim.com/sites/default/files/setupVisSimWeb80.exe
GO Write 2.3Lauri Paatero

GOWrite provides professional diagram editing capabilities for publication purposes.
Diagrams can start from any part of the game record and variations, with many options for the numbering. User interface also provides a choice for inserting the diagram before or after the current stone.
Variations are visible and easily managed ...

Platform: WindowsGames & Entertainment- Other
License: FreewareSize: 6.9 MBReleased: 04 May, 2012
Download: http://gowrite.net/download/gowrite2_inst.exe
UML .FRI 1.0Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina

FRI is visual diagram editor. It's aimed towards diagram types commonly used by people involved in IT.
Main Features:
Currently, it's possible to create and edit:
- UML class diagram
- UML object diagram
- UML activity diagram
- UML use case diagram

Platform: WindowsGraphic Apps- Editors
License: FreewareSize: 1.1 MBReleased: 31 March, 2012
Download: http://umlfri.org/dl/1.0-rc4/umlfri-1.0-rc4_src.tar.gz

VALUE CHAIN SOFTWARE, Value chain, software, analysis, management, template, diagram, example, model, business

Platform: Windows, Win98, WinXPBusiness- Other
License: FreewareSize: 9.8 MBReleased: 20 May, 2013
Download: http://www.va1ue-chain.com/VALUE-CHAIN.zip

Free Download 64 Notice: Free Download 64 is not responsible for Diagram software you are downloading nor for details provided about the software listed here about Diagram, as developers can modify program information without notifying us. Even if we try to check the files for viruses, we cannot guarantee that they are safe and clean. For your own protection always virus scan downloaded files for viruses, spyware and malware. We at FreeDownload64.com does not provide any torrent files, links to any file sharing sites including Rapidshare, YouSendIt, SendSpace, DepositFiles, etc. Software piracy is theft. All download links of listed software are direct full download from publishers sites or selected mirrors. Using crack, warez version, warez passwords, patches, serial numbers, registration codes, keymaker, key generator, keygen or pirate license key is illegal and prevent future software developments.


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