The Yuppie Handbook 1984 Chinese

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Stands for Young Urban Professional. Yuppies are usually the children of doctors and lawyers, hold Master's degrees from Ivy League universities, and are very concerned with their appearance. Many were in fraternities and many live in expensive houses or apartments.
Yuppies can typically be seen in large metropolitan areas such as Portland or New York. Their wardrobe consists of grey, black or khakhi slacks, usually with grey, striped or pastel colored suit jackets and shirts. Yuppies typically take the idea of competing for social status extremely seriously. Their culture revolves around Starbucks coffee, expensive foreign restaurants and romantic comedies starring Julia Roberts or Tom Hanks. Yuppies generally only hold political views that are considered trendy.
Many yuppies go into fields such as politics, big business, public administration, medicine and law. You may have worked for one.

The Yuppie Handbook: The State-of-the-Art Manual for Young Urban Professionals. New York: Pocket Books, 1984. Rauch, Jonathan. The Outnation: A Search for the Soul of Japan. Boston: Harvard. Basic Chinese and Japanese Recipes. San Francisco: City Lights Books, 1958. Richie, Donald. A Taste of Japan: Food. Mar 01, 2013  Nineteen Eighty-four (Chinese Edition) George Orwell on shipping on qualifying offers. 1984 is an outstanding political allegory, also a fiction. It focuses on depicting how peoples ideas get distorted and people become slaves and obedient under huge external stress and fear. It depicts human survival in a totalitarian society which is like a never shading sign of warning.

The most popular movie about yuppie culture is American Psycho.
Yuppies are what happens to hipsters and preps when they grow up.
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Members of an overpricedhousehold in an overpriced area with overpriced posessions, none of which are prepared to clean their own toilet, or put out the trash.
Yuppie 1: 'The skivvy is refusing to clean the en-suite'
Yuppie 2: 'Just get the gardener to use the shovel when hes finished pruning the cumbrellas what ever they are, and make sure he puts out the trash before he goes'.
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Informal for (y)oung (U)rban (P)rofessional, or Yup. turned into yuppie in the 1980's. A term used to describe someone who is young, possibly just out of college, and who has a high-paying job and an affluent lifestyle. Can now be used to describe any rich person who is not modest about their financial status. Yuppiedom (yuppie-dum)is a term used to describe an involvement in being a yuppie.
Yuppie-I'm going to go drive my ferrari to the seafood place for a $500 lobster.
Average person-I'm gonna fuck your wife, take your time with the lobster.
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Self absorbed pompous, selfish, spoiled and morally corrupt individuals between the ages of 25 and 40. Usually have a master’s degree and a hot wife or girlfriend. They love $7.00 cups of coffee, European cars, designer clothing, outrageously expensive homes and watching the stock market 24/7.
They’ll have one or two kids that tend to be little versions of their parents – spoiled, loud and demand attention. Their wives never work and spend most of their time at the mall, at the spa, at Starbucks with other yuppie wives or banging the pool boy because they’re husbands are too busy making more money.
Yuppie - Oh dear, I can't fit the baby seat in the Porsche.
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A word derived from the root YUP standing for 'Young urban professional'. A wealthy person who makes sure that every other person is informed of that fact.
1. A person who is a Yuppie might live in an expensive apartment in a major city and works an important desk job at a large corporation. Probably wears expensive brandnames. Shops at hoity toity stores us commonfolk probably never heard of. Buys coffee at Starbucks even though they own a $500 fancy shmancy coffee maker at home.
2. In a family setting:
-Lives in a development neighborhood in a suburban area with few trees or foliage. All houses look very similar.
-Has a family dog(Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Saint Bernard, ect.)
-Drives a Minivan (I.E. Honda Odyssey)
-Mother of family does not work.
-Father of family holds prominent position at corporation in the city.
-2-4 children with a number of supposed allergies and health problems.
-Has a number of Yuppie friends who come to visit with their Yuppie children.
-Still buys coffee at Starbucks.
Yuppies can be annoying and arrogant. Few are actual decent and honest human beings.
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a very arrogant well put together young urban professional who you more than likely will find wearing gucci and prada with a large bank account which they love to brag about. You can find them drinking Starbucks, living in a one bedroom apartment in a city where they will pay 1000-2000 a month for and spending another 3000 a month on their credit cards. They brag about their designer clothes and love to flaunt them , as well as their wealth. They look down upon anyone who isnt as wealthy or high status as they are. Men are likely to be found wearing designer suits, gucci preferably with slicked back or well cut hair. The women will be wearing prada/gucci and fendi. The most arrogant concieted fucks on the planet.
Look at that yuppie flaunting his wealth.
Most of the characters in American Psycho
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Acronym for Young Urban Professional. Group whose culture blends the hippie/counterculture values of the 60s and the materialistic monetary-based values of the 80s. Usually congregate in Starbuck's, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and a wide variety of vintage clothing boutiques. Includes both moderate Liberals (Majority of yuppies), and moderate Conservatives (smaller group of yuppies), although both the far left and the far right enjoy dissing them.
far left dude: I hate these damn yuppies! They claim to be 'artists' and 'bohemians', yet their materialistic pursuits embody the very antithesis of the counterculture, and price real 'artists' like me out of the neighborhoods they move to!
far right dude: I hate these damn yuppies. I can't stand they flaunt their metrosexuality with their designer labels, lattes, luxury cars, and globally conscious health food stores. It's european-wannabe wimps like them that corrupt America!
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The term 'yuppie' (short for 'young urban professional' or 'young upwardly-mobile professional') [cite book title = Fifty Years Among the New Words: A Dictionary of Neologisms last = Algeo first = John year = 1991 isbn = 0-521-413-77X publisher = Cambridge University Press pages = p. 220] refers to self-reliant, financially secure individualists, particularly from the upper-middle class.Cite journal issn = 0021-8499 volume = 26 issue = 2 pages = 27–35 last = Burnett first = John coauthors = Alan Bush title = Profiling the Yuppies journal = Journal of Advertising Research]


Although the term 'yuppies' had not appeared until the early 1980s, there was discussion about young urban professionals as early as 1968. The term yuppie means young urban professional.

Critics believe that the demand for 'instant executives' has led some young climbers to confuse change with growth. One New York consultant comments, 'Many executives in their 20s and 30s have been so busy job-hopping that they've never developed their skills. They're apt to suffer a sudden loss of career impetus and go into a power stall.'Cite journal issn = 0025-1895 volume = 57 issue = 3 pages = 25 last = Kessler first = Felix title = Executive Promotion Path: Fast Track for Young Managers journal = Management Review]

Joseph Epstein is sometimes credited for coining the term in 1982. [cite book title = Movers And Shakers: A Chronology of Words That Shaped Our Age year = 2006 publisher = Oxford University Press last = Ayto first = John isbn = 0-198-614-527 pages = p. 128] However, an early printed appearance of the word is in a May 1980 'Chicago' magazine article by Dan Rottenberg.cite news title= About that urban renaissance.... there'll be a slight delay author=Dan Rottenberg publisher=Chicago Magazine date=May 1980 page = 154ff] In 1983, the term gained currency in United States when syndicated newspaper columnist Bob Greene published a story about a business networking group founded in 1982 by the former radical leader Jerry Rubin, formerly of the Youth International Party (whose members were called 'yippies'); Greene said he had heard people at the networking group (which met at Studio 54 to soft classical music) joke that Rubin had 'gone from being a yippie to being a yuppie'. The headline of Greene's story was 'From Yippie to Yuppie'. [cite book title = Global Finance and Urban Living: A Study of Metropolitan Change first = Leslie last = Budd coauthors = Whimster, Sam year = 1992 publisher = Routledge isbn = 0-415-070-97X pages = p. 316] [ Hadden-Guest, Anthony 'The Last Party: Studio 54, Disco, and the Culture of the Night' New York:1997--William Morrow Page 116 ] The proliferation of the word was effected by the publication of 'The Yuppie Handbook' in January 1983, followed by Senator Gary Hart's 1984 candidacy as a 'yuppie candidate' for President of the United States. The term was then used to describe a political demographic group of socially liberal but fiscally conservative voters favoring his candidacy. [cite book title = Campaign for President: The Managers Look at '84 first = Jonathan last = Moore publisher = Praeger/Greenwood year = 1986 isbn = 0-865-691-320 pages = 123] 'Newsweek' magazine declared 1984 'The Year of the Yuppie', characterizing the salary range, occupations, and politics of yuppies as 'demographically hazy'.

In a 1985 issue of 'The Wall Street Journal', Theressa Kersten at SRI International described a 'yuppie backlash' by people who fit the demographic profile yet express resentment of the label: 'You're talking about a class of people who put off having families so they can make payments on the BMWs ... To be a Yuppie is to be a loathsome undesirable creature'. Leo Shapiro, a market researcher in Chicago, responded, 'Stereotyping always winds up being derogatory. It doesn't matter whether you are trying to advertise to farmers, Hispanics or Yuppies, no one likes to be neatly lumped into some group'.

Later, the word lost its political connotations and, particularly after the 1987 stock market crash, gained the negative socio-economic connotations it enjoys today. By 1991, TIME proclaimed the death of the yuppie in a mock obituary.cite web title = The Birth and -- Maybe -- Death of Yuppiedom first = Walter last = Shapiro url =,9171,972695-1,00.html year = 1991 accessdate = 2007-04-28]

Notable cultural depictions of yuppies

*'The Bonfire of the Vanities', by Tom Wolfe, a 'satire of yuppie excess' [cite news url=,276085,00.html title=Things that Make You Go Hmmm... author=Will Lee date=28 April 2000 publisher=Entertainment Weekly accessdate = 2007-04-28]
*'Bright Lights, Big City' by Jay McInerneycite news url=,9171,145267,00.html title=Yuppie Lit: Publicize or Perish author=R.Z. Sheppard publisher=TIME magazine date=June 24, 2001 accessdate = 2007-04-28] (McInerney himself has been called 'the archetypal yuppie') [cite news url= title=Jay Watch date=August 1996 author=Mary Ellen Mark publisher=Elle magazine UK accessdate = 2007-04-28]
*'Fight Club', the 1996 Chuck Palahniuk novel and 1999 film adaptation, follows 'a disenchanted yuppie ... numbed by the sterile materialism of modern life.'cite news url= title=Showdown at the Fight Club author=Tom Brook publisher=BBC date=5 November 1999 accessdate = 2007-04-28]
*'Slaves of New York' by Tama Janowitz describes a later (early 1990s) evolution of the Yuppie, in which the upper tier made considerably more than the lower, supporting tier, the 'slaves' of the title, who were trapped by rents and insufficient salaries into a struggle merely to stay afloat and in Manhattan
*'Rain Man', Tom Cruise's character is described in the region 2 DVD commentary and various reviews of the film as being a person embodying the worst stereotypes of 1980s yuppies.
*'American Psycho', the 1991 Bret Easton Ellis novel and 2000 film about yuppie serial killer Patrick Bateman. [ [ American Psycho: a double portrait of serial yuppie Patrick Bateman] ] [ [ American Psycho] ] [ [ Arizona Daily Wildcat: 'American Psycho' ties yuppie greed to serial killing ] ] [ [ George Mason University: Into the Wilds of an American Psycho's Identity: Parallels between Into the Wild & American Psycho] ] [ [ Filmmaker Magazine: 'Die Yuppie Scum!'] ] [Goddard College Pitkin Review: ' [ The Pen is Mightier: Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho] '] [ [,318714,00.html Entertainment Weekly: Book News: 'American Psychodrama'] ]
*'thirtysomething', U.S. TV series, seen as a representation of 'yuppie ' [cite news url= title=thirtysomethingtherapy: the hit TV show may be filled with 'yuppie angst,' but therapists are using it to help people author=Patricia Hersch publisher=Psychology Today date=October 1988 accessdate = 2007-04-28]
*'Wall Street', the 1987 film about stock traders, has been described as 'encapsulation of 80s yuppie greed culture', particularly Charlie Sheen's naive 20-something character. [cite web url= title=Wall Street Review publisher=Channel 4 (UK)]
*'Stuff White People Like', satirical blog, poking fun at generalizations and yuppie culture. cite news url=,0,1952462.column title=White like us first=Gregory last=Rodriguez date=2008-02-25 accessdate=2008-03-20 work=Los Angeles Times]

Related terms

* Reporter David Brooks characterized yuppies as bourgeois bohemians, or 'Bobos', in his book 'Bobos in Paradise', a.k.a. 'Trustifarians'.
* A buppie is a black urban professional.Ayto 2006, p. 225.]
* DINKs ('DINKY' in the UK) is an acronym is for 'Dual Income, No Kids [Yet] '; [cite book title = The American Heritage Abbreviations Dictionary page = p. 89 publisher = Houghton Mifflin Reference Books year = 2002 isbn = 0-618-249-524] [cite book title = Wordsworth Dictionary of Abbreviations & Acronyms last = Dale first = Rodney coauthors = Puttick, Steve pages = p. 44 isbn = 1-853-263-850] at least one authority considers this to be synonymous with 'yuppie'. [cite book title = The Merriam-Webster New Book of Word Histories page = 141 author = Merriam-Webster year = 1991 page = p. 141 isbn = 0-877-796-033]
*'Guppie' is a gay urban professional.
* A scuppie is a Socially Conscious Upwardly-Mobile Person [Tom VanRiper. “ [ Going Green Cuts Profits] ”. The New York Daily News, 2005-4-22. Retrieved on 2008-11-11]
* Yuppification often replaces the word 'gentrification'; it is the act of making something, someone, or someplace appealing and thus marketable to yuppie tastes. [Algeo 1991, p. 228.]
* Yuppie flu was a sometimes derisive, and inaccurate, term applied to chronic fatigue syndrome, before its medical legitimation. [cite book title = Emerging Illnesses and Society: Negotiating the Public Health Agenda last = Packhard first = Randall M. year = 2004 publisher = Johns Hopkins University Press isbn = 0-801-879-426 pages = p. 156]

The Yuppie Handbook Online

ee also

*Fads and trends
* Gold-collar worker
* Hippie
* Hipster
* Model minority
* Paninaro
* Selling out
* Yippie


External links

The Yuppie Handbook 1984 Chinese New Year

* [ Yuppies] entry in the St. James Encyclopedia of Pop Culture