Download Free Template For Kompozer Alternatives

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You can make a strong argument for hand-coding HTML, but the appeal of a What You See Is What You Get editor for beginners is undeniable. Here's a look at five of the most popular WYSIWYG HTML editing tools.

Photo by ilco.

Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite WYSIWYG HTML editor; now we're back to showcase the five most popular responses. Many of these editors combine the best of both worlds, allowing you to hand edit your code if you wish and work with the WYSIWYG editor when it's more convenient.



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Note: If a specific feature or file-type support is critical to your selection choice, you may want to check out the detailed charts at Wikipedia outlining features of various HTML editors and then double check it against the editor's web site and documentation


Kompozer (Windows/Mac/Linux, Free)

Kompozer Download For Pc


Kompozer has a lot going for it, foremost of which is the free-as-in-beer price tag. Kompozer sports tabbed editing—WYSIWYG in one tab, raw HTML in the other—on-the-fly editing via the built-in FTP site manager, and a highly customizable interface with easily modified toolbars. Kompozer has a markup cleaner and a W3C call function to validate your HTML against current standards. It's free, available on Windows, Mac, and Linux machines, and it has a strong focus on standards compliance and clean code.

iWeb (Mac, $99 for iLife bundle)


The 'It just works!' design philosophy that permeates Apple offerings is strong with iWeb—the WYSIWYG HTML editor bundled with iLife—and interacting with it is so drag-and-drop and user friendly that even your friends least likely to learn HTML could whip together a functioning web site. Apple provides a number of polished templates and dozens of web site widgets that are all a mouse click away. iWeb's built-in site manager makes it easy to publish to multiple sites or just keep a close eye on your ever-expanding digital manifesto.

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows/Mac, $300)


Dreamweaver is a titan in the WYSIWYG world. Now part of the Adobe portfolio but originally launched by Macromedia, Dreamweaver has offered WYSIWYG editing since 1997 when the web was a maze of tiled backgrounds, electric blue links and blinking GIFs. Dreamweaver offers hybrid editing, you can work completely in WYSIWYG mode without ever seeing a bit of code, you can work directly in the code only switching over to preview your work, or you can work in a dual-pane environment to take advantage of WYSIWYG and hand-coding simultaneously. Dreamweaver is extensible with dozens of free and commercial plugs-ins available for everything from web effects and widgets to shopping carts and image galleries.

Microsoft Expression Web (Windows, $125)


Expression Web is Microsoft's current offering in the WYSIWYG arena (the popular but much maligned FrontPage was retired in 2003). For those of you who associate Microsoft with poor web standards compliance, take comfort knowing that Expression Web has a totally separate engine from Internet Explorer and is compliant with a wide range of current web standards. It shares a lot of features with the other WYSIWYG editors featured here, like highlighting code errors and non-compliant code, a built-in CSS editor, and more, it also stands out for features like search engine optimization—offering you tips and ideas to optimize your sites for better crawling and search engine ranking.

Download Free Template For Kompozer Alternatives For Windows 10

Flux (Mac, $75)


Flux is a Mac-based WYSIWYG editor that has received high praise for being a powerful editor with a reasonable price tag. Flux's interface offers a fine degree of control over editing everything from the margins and padding to over all size of your elements including altering CSS code with simple mouse movements. Flux offers dual-pane editing so you can switch between hand-editing and drag-and-drop editing instantly or just watch the HTML code unfold as you WYSIWYG edit to study what's going on under the hood. Like Dreamweaver, Flux supports third-party plug-ins which are available for download through the Flux application.

Now that you've had a chance to look over the top five contenders for best WYSIWYG editor it's time to cast your vote in the poll below:


Which WYSIWYG HTML Editor Is Best?online surveys

Have a favorite WYSIWYG editor that didn't get a nod here but you think should have? Want to highlight your favorite feature of an editor that did get a nod? Let's hear about it in the comments. If you have an idea for the next Hive Five make sure to shoot us an email at with 'Hive Five' in the subject line so we give your idea the limelight it deserves.


Building Web Pages in Kompozer Templates

It is important to know what a template is before learning about kompozer templates.
What is a template?
We can tell that the templates are same as letter heads. The structures of the templates are same and they also have same graphical form. Generally in a web site, the same template is used. It is said that the blank sheet is the common template.
As we all know that the template has two parts - boilerplate which cannot be changed for any page and the second one can be changed or modified.
Now we know about template, let us discuss about Kompozer templates .
What do you mean by a kompozer template?
Kompozer templates are a step ahead of the normal template. The block part and the flow part are the two parts of the edible portion of the kompozer templates. While the block portion resemble rest of the HTML blocks and contain divisions or blocks just as paragraphs. You can add many items as per the requirements as it is repetitive in nature.
Flow items of the Kompozer templates are contained inside the other blocks, within the line. For instance, changing some words of a paragraph is similar to flow items.
How can you make Kompozer templates ?
The first step in creating a template is opening a blank template. The templates are created along with the transitional HTML by default.
The common contents are added now. Before creating the Kompozer templates in the format of the style sheet, save the template first. You have to include the editable areas now. Add dummy data to finish the page layout. This data can later be edited.
Go to file and click save to and give a template file name and your kompozer template is saved. Finally we the HTML file.
You can check the video tutorial for kompozer at to learn the step by step procedure to learn creating kompozer templates and much more.
Block's editing
Mark the blocks which requires editing. Click the HTML tag for selecting. When you right click the HTML tag, you get the option to make the templates editable
Name the block, by going to 'insert an editable area' and select ok
Editing Flow Items
Highlight the items that you want to edit. Select insert templates, insert editable area Save it by naming the block.
How to use Kompozer templates ?
Save and close a template first to create a page based on template.
It should be noted that HTML is used to create kompozer templates which are used to create pages. Templates are not used to create XHTML documents Save the templates as *.mzt.
Page creation.
Select create new document with template in a file to create a page.
The document will contain the boiler plates, the labels and the sample text.
Delete the sample text and fill the new text. Save the page, you can also edit it by using menu commands.
It is easy to create and modify the kompozer templates. A video tutorial is found which can help you in learning process about these templates in You should be satisfied with the video and then buy the product.
To discover more about Kompozer templates in video tutorial on Kompozer Templates Click Here
Some Other Useful Resources
Desiging Internet Pages in Kompozer Templates
Found in Kompozer Ubuntu
Creating Web Pages in Kompozer Templates
Creating Web Pages in Kompozer Templates
For More on Kompozer Templates Click Here
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