Codex Tyranids 2nd Edition Scribd Sheet

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Mephiston, originally named Calistarius, and also called the 'Lord of Death,' is the Master of the Librarius and the Chief Librarian of the Blood AngelsSpace MarineChapter. He is the only member of the Blood Angels or their Successor Chapters known to have defeated the pull of the Black Rage not once, but twice in his life, regaining his sanity both times. He is a Librarian of potent ability, believed to be one of the mightiest psykers in the entire Imperium of Man.

Yet there are whispers that Mephiston paid a dreadful price for his resurrection, that when he mastered the Black Rage something altogether more terrible took its place. It is to be hoped that such rumours are baseless, mere carrion latching onto greatness, but Mephiston keeps his secrets close, and only time will reveal the truth.


Sin of Damnation

8th Edition 40k and AoS Rumors: Blood Angels, Tyranids, Much More This is a large section of rumors that I don't have a lot of information on, but its being talked about within some circles as I have heard references to it.

As a young Lexicanium originally named Battle-Brother Calistarius, Mephiston first served as a battle-psyker of the Blood Angels Librarium, and as an honourary member of the 1st Company under Captain Raphael during the cleansing of the infamous Space HulkSin of Damnation in 589.M41. The Librarian's powerful mind and supernatural abilities set him apart from his Battle-Brothers, an isolation he seemed to encourage. Calistarius had faced the horrors of the Warp and daily wrestled with damnation and temptation. As a result, Calistarius found it difficult to look upon his fellow Space Marines with any empathy. In truth, he inhabited an entirely different sphere of existence, but his precognitive powers and devastating psychic blasts were a priceless asset to Captain Raphael.


As Brother Calistarius, Mephiston was a Librarian of exceptional valour and strength of character. Yet the Black Rage cares not for the nobility of the soul, nor the deeds of the flesh. Whilst fighting before the walls of Hades Hive, during the Second War for Armageddon, the curse of Sanguinius finally stole upon him. Inducted into the Blood Angels' Death Company, Calistarius took part in the final assault on the Ecclesorium building at Hades Hive, and was amongst those buried when the complex collapsed.

Crushed but not dead, the fallen Librarian lay trapped for many solar days, screaming and raging as he battled the madness brought on by the Flaw. Finally, on the seventh night he emerged victorious, smashing his way out of the rubble as a new and terrible being. Gone was Calistarius. In his place stood Mephiston, one of the most powerful psykers ever to bless the Emperor of Mankind's name, and the only Blood Angel ever to conquer the Black Rage. The change in him was unprecedented, his physical and mental might pushed to extremes by his reawakened gene-seed. Indeed, Mephiston was soon named Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels, and he was viewed by many as a ray of hope in these dark days. After all, if one among the Sons of Sanguinius can conquer the Black Rage, so might others. Yet there are those that whisper that Mephiston may have paid for his resurrection in ways as-yet unguessed.

His resurrection did not go unnoticed, however. As Mephiston heaved aside the massive boulders from his makeshift tomb, the sound of scraping stone drew the attention of a band of Orks still roaming the ruins. Coming upon the stricken Astartes, the Orks thought Mephiston appeared to be easy prey, as he was weaponless and his armour was in ruins. They soon came to rue their decision to attack the 'helpless' Space Marine. Outmatched by Mephiston's speed, five Orks died within seconds as the Astartes rained down powerful blows upon them that pulverised flesh and shattered bone and a dozen more swiftly followed.

Too stupid to realise that they were outmatched, the Orks pressed the attack. But the reborn Blood Angel continued to fight the brutal Orks until Mephiston punched a large hole clear through the chest of the largest Ork and ripped out his heart. His ruined armour slick with the blood of his foes, Mephiston began the long walk to the Imperial lines.

Since that day, Mephiston has risen swiftly through the ranks of the Blood Angels and now holds the office of Chief Librarian. He is a figure of awe and reverence to most of his Battle-Brothers, who perceive him as a saviour in these times of woe. Others are not so accepting, for they have difficulty recognising the Calistarius of old in Mephiston. Calistarius was voluble, yet Mephiston's tongue is silent save at times of great need. Calistarius sought the company of his brothers both on and off the battlefield, yet Mephiston spends silent hours alone in thought, and his face, though noble beyond compare, somehow speaks of a soul still ill at ease. Perhaps these changes were inevitable, given the trial of transformation.

Lord of Death

Shortly after defeating the Black Rage on Armageddon, Mephiston's strength -- psychic, physical and martial -- surpassed those of almost all his Battle-Brothers, and he quickly rose to become the Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels, granted the title 'Lord of Death.' His psychic powers are so great that few can surpass him, and no other member of the Astartes could best him. His skill in combat is comparable to the greatest of heroes that the Imperium of Man has ever known. Some say that a part of the true power of his Primarch runs through him since his defeat of the Black Rage, and he is indeed a true son of Sanguinius.

The Reborn Angel

Upon the world of Cybele, one of the most dire events in the Blood Angels' long history came to pass in the form of Brother Arkio, who possessed the sacred Chapter relic known as the Spear of Telesto, and proclaimed himself to be the reincarnation of Sanguinius. Fealty was given to the so-called 'Reborn Angel' by many within the ranks of the Blood Angels' 6th Company. Unknown to the Blood Angels, an Ordo HereticusInquisitor named Remius Stele, a secret servant of the Ruinous Powers, manipulated the situation to cause a schism within the Chapter. After Gallio and Vode were both killed by Arkio's loyalists, Mephiston decided that he, not Commander Dante, should go and deal with Arkio. He reasoned that since he was a psyker, he could better detect the taint of Chaos upon Arkio and his followers.

Mephiston arrived on the Blood Angels' Shrine World of Sabien to judge Arkio, and turned the powers of his formidable witch-sight upon him. He saw the carefully hidden seed of Chaos that Stele had planted inside Arkio and denounced the 'Reborn Angel' as false and Inquisitor Stele as a Heretic. Mephiston then challenged Arkio to a duel but before it began, Arkio's biological brother SergeantRafen, a fellow Blood Angel, arrived and offered to challenge him instead. Rafen was one of the few Blood Angels of the 6th Company who had doubted the veracity of Arkio's supposed resurrection, keeping faith with the Emperor and their Primarch, and formally denounced his brother as false.

Mephiston looked into Rafen's mind and saw that he had seen a vision of Sanguinius and that he was destined to fight Arkio. The Lord of Death allowed Rafen to take his place, and the two siblings duelled to the death. After Rafen wounded Arkio and fled, the corrupted Inquisitor Stele ordered the Loyalist Blood Angels and the warriors of the Angel Reborn to attack Mephiston and his entourage. Eventually, Rafen emerged triumphant, impaling Arkio through the heart with the Spear of Telesto. Arkio died begging for his brother's forgiveness.

After his sibling's death, the true master behind the nefarious Chaos plot revealed himself -- Malfallax, a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch. Malfallax and Inquisitor Stele had entered into a devil's bargain with Warmaster Garand of the Word BearersTraitor Legion to turn the Blood Angels to Chaos by using Arkio as a false messiah. When Arkio was killed by his sibling Rafen, Stele attempted to summon Malfallax, intending to have the daemon possess his slave Ulan.

Instead, Malfallax betrayed the Inquisitor and possessed Stele's body, fully manifesting on the mortal plane as a Lord of Change. Malfallax then attempted to cause the Blood Angels to succumb to the Black Rage, but was in turn banished by Rafen using the Spear of Telesto. By the time Rafen defeated Malfallax, Mephiston's iron will had snapped, and he fell once more into the Black Rage. Rafen directed the power of the Spear of Telesto at Mephiston, breaking the hold of the curse upon the great Librarian for a second time.

Notable Campaigns

  • Cleansing of the Sin of Damnation (589.M41) - A Space Hulk codenamed Sin of Damnation dropped out of the Warp, dangerously close to the Blood Angels' homeworld of Baal. Strike Force Raphael moved to intercept the Hulk, the young Lexicanium Calistarius deploying alongside squads of 1st Company Terminators via Boarding Torpedoes. A vicious battle erupted throughout kilometres of tangled corridors, chambers and ducts as the Blood Angels battled furiously against the Hulk's Genestealer infestation. Finally, despite heavy casualties and much bloody hardship, the Sin of Damnation was cleansed and its secrets plundered in the Imperium's name.
  • The Hives of Hollonan (992.M41) - Chief Librarian Mephiston leads strike force Sanguinatus to exterminate a Genestealer Cult on the Hive World of Hollonan. Though the infestation is swiftly cleansed, a mighty tendril of Hive Fleet Kraken descended upon the Hive World. Mephiston, recognising that his force is outmatched, sent a distress call into the void before digging in for the inevitable assault. The Tyranid invasion is not long in coming, Hollonan's skies darkening with Mycetic Spores. The days that follow are horrific, long Terran hours dragging by as wave after wave of Tyranid warrior-beasts hurl themselves at the Imperial defences. Only Mephiston's leadership holds the defenders together as they are driven steadily back into Hollonan's sprawling underhive. Finally, during the desperate defence of the Chapel of the Emperor's Repose, Mephiston single-handedly holds off a mighty Tyranid swarm. He slays the Hive Tyrant at the attackers' heart, before being felled by a rampaging Trygon. However, Mephiston's fall only serves to drive the surviving Blood Angels and Planetary Defence Force troops to new heights of fury. So it is that, as fresh companies of Blood Angels and Angels Vermillion plunge through the tainted skies, the last of the defenders still live to be rescued. The Space Marines are not alone, for a force of Aeldari from CraftworldUlthwé fight at their side. However, these enigmatic xenos allies remain just long enough to see the splinter fleet eradicated and Mephiston pulled broken but unbowed from the wreckage, before they vanish once more.
  • The Shield of Baal (998.M41) - News reaches Baal that the Cryptan Shield, intended to hold back the might of Hive Fleet Leviathan, has collapsed. Already Commander Dante has put plans in motion to defend the Blood Angels' homeworld, strike forces fighting hit-and-run battles with Leviathan's smaller splinter fleets throughout the Red Scar. Meanwhile, the defences of Baal and her moons have been bolstered like never before; indomitable fortresses rise above the sweltering sands, and the might of the Blood Angels' Successor Chapters gather from across the galaxy. Yet still it may not be enough, for the Tyranids were seemingly without number, and Hive Fleet Leviathan learned the weaknesses of its prey at an exponential rate. Knowing that the consumption of the Cryptus System would open the floodgates for an unstoppable Tyranid invasion of Baal, Commander Dante takes action. At the head of a mighty strike force that comprised the 1st and 2nd Companies of the Blood Angels, Brother Corbulo, Captain Karlaen, Chief Librarian Mephiston and the bulk of Gabriel Seth's Flesh Tearers, Dante struck out for the Cryptus System. The Blood Angels successfully delayed the Hive Fleet in the Cryptan System at the cost of much of the system's destruction, but this action only postponed the final reckoning between the Blood Angels and the Tyranids of the Leviathan that would come at the Devastation of Baal only solar months later.
  • Blood Angels Civil War (999.M41) - Upon the world of Cybele, one of the most dire events in the Blood Angels' long history came to pass in the form of Brother Arkio, who possessed the sacred relic known as the Spear of Telesto, and proclaimed himself to be the reincarnation of Sanguinius. Fealty was given to the so-called 'Reborn Angel' by many within the ranks of the Blood Angels' 6th Company. Unknown to the Blood Angels, an Ordo HereticusInquisitor named Remius Stele, a secret servant of the Ruinous Powers, manipulated the situation to cause a schism within the Chapter. After Gallio and Vode were both killed by Arkio's loyalists, Mephiston decided that he, not Dante, should deal with Arkio. He reasoned that since he was a psyker, he could better detect the taint of Chaos upon Arkio and his followers. Mephiston arrived on the Blood Angels' Shrine World of Sabien to judge Arkio, and turned the powers of his formidable witch-sight upon him. He saw the carefully hidden seed of Chaos that Stele had planted inside Arkio and denounced the 'Reborn Angel' as false and Inquisitor Stele as a Heretic. Mephiston then challenged Arkio to a duel but before it began, Arkio's biological brother SergeantRafen, a fellow Blood Angel, arrived and offered to challenge him instead. Rafen was one of the few Blood Angels of the 6th Company who had doubted the veracity of Arkio's supposed resurrection, keeping faith with the Emperor and their Primarch, and formally denounced his brother as a false reincarnation. Mephiston looked into Rafen's mind and saw that he had seen a vision of Sanguinius and that he was destined to fight Arkio. The Lord of Death allowed Rafen to take his place, and the two siblings duelled to the death. After Rafen wounded Arkio and he fled, the corrupted Inquisitor Stele ordered the Loyalist Blood Angels and the warriors of the Angel Reborn to attack Mephiston and his entourage. Eventually, Rafen emerged triumphant, impaling Arkio through the heart with the Spear of Telesto. Arkio died begging for his brother's forgiveness. After his sibling's death, the true master behind the nefarious Chaos plot revealed himself -- Malfallax, a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch. Malfallax and Inquisitor Stele had entered into a devil's bargain with Warmaster Garand of the Word BearersTraitor Legion to turn the Blood Angels to Chaos by using Arkio as a false messiah. When Arkio was killed by his sibling Rafen, Stele attempted to summon Malfallax, intending to have the daemon possess his slave Ulan. Instead, Malfallax betrayed the Inquisitor and possessed his body, fully manifesting as a Lord of Change. Malfallax then attempted to cause the Blood Angels to succumb to the Black Rage, but was in turn banished by Rafen using the Spear of Telesto. By the time Rafen had defeated Malfallax, Mephiston's iron will had snapped, and he fell once more into the Black Rage. Rafen directed the power of the Spear of Telesto at Mephiston himself, breaking the hold of the curse upon the great Librarian for a second time. In the aftermath of this great tragedy, Arkio's remains were eventually burned upon a pyre out of respect for the fact that he had been duped into heresy through no fault of his own. The Blood Angels that willingly followed Arkio learned of the perfidy of the agent of Chaos, Inquisitor Stele, and tried to comprehend the awful realisation that they had been duped. For they had been turned into unwitting pawns in a grand scheme unleashed by the Chaos GodTzeentch to steal their very souls. The fallen Battle-Brothers were brought aboard Mephiston's warship, the Europae, stripped of their wargear and shackled in manacles. One of the Blood Angels strike teams loyal to Mephiston located the hardened steel module from the interior of the Bellus that housed the Progenoid capsules containing the genetic material of the traitorous Blood Angels who had followed Arkio. Many of the clerics aboard the Europae were of the opinion that this gene‐seed was now tainted and fit only for the fires of the fusion furnace, but Mephiston thought otherwise. The genetic material was placed in secure holding for the journey back to Baal; it would be Commander Dante alone who would decide the fate of this gene-seed. There were voices from Baal that counseled that Rafen should be executed along with the Loyalist survivors of the 6th Company. They were afraid Rafen might take the same path as his brother Arkio since they shared the same blood. The knowledge that he had been able to wield the sacred Spear of Telesto changed this opinion. Rafen's dedication and honour to the Chapter was unparalleled. Dante gave Rafen a personal audience once the Europae reached Baal. Though offered a promotion to the rank of Captain and the command of his own company, Rafen refused, choosing to earn the position on his own merits when the time was right. Rafen then made only made one request of the Lord of Death -- clemency and compassion for his Battle-Brothers of the 6th Company who had strayed and followed his sibling into heresy unwittingly. Blinded by their belief in Sanguinius, their faith had been turned against them and misused. Mephiston counseled Rafen that the rites of cleansing and purification that might be employed were quite arduous. Many of his Battle-Brothers would not survive the process. But Rafen informed Mephiston that they would endure and their faith would be twice as strong for it.


  • Vitarus, the Sanguine Sword - In battle, Mephiston's Force SwordVitarus bursts into crimson flame, kindled with the heat of his inner rage.


  • Codex Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels (8th Edition), pp. 33, 80
  • Codex Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels (7th Edition) (Digital Edition), pp. 16, 38, 66-67, 104-105
  • Codex: Blood Angels (5th Edition), pp. 47, 66, 68, 82
  • Codex: Blood Angels (4th Edition), pp. 7, 15
  • Codex: Blood Angels (3rd Edition), pg. 20
  • Codex: Angels of Death (2nd Edition), pp. 59, 94
  • Codex: Tyranids (5th Edition), pg. 28
  • Index Astartes I, 'Psykana Librarius - Space Marine Librarians', pg. 60
  • Index Astartes II, 'Angels of Death - The Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter'
  • Shield of Baal - Exterminatus (Campaign Supplement), pp. 10, 21, 27-28, 32, 42, 45-47, 49-50, 279-280, 317, 334-335
  • Space Hulk: Mission Book (3rd Edition), pg. 45
  • Deus Encarmine (Novel) by James Swallow
  • Deus Sanguinius (Novel) by James Swallow
  • Red Fury (Novel) by James Swallow
  • Bloodquest I (Graphic Novel) by Gordon Rennie and illustrated by Colin MacNeil
  • Bloodquest III: The Daemon's Mark (Graphic Novel) by Gordon Rennie and illustrated by Colin MacNeil
  • Eclipse of Hope (Novella) by David Annadale
  • Mephiston: Lord of Death (Novella) by David Annandale


Brother Calistarius' personal heraldry when he served as a young Lexicanium
Chief Librarian Mephiston's personal Back Banner, presented to him following his heroic exploits on the Hive World of Hollonan
Mephiston in battle
Mephiston stands ready to fight the enemies of Mankind
Mephiston rises from the ashes of war
Mephiston, Lord of Death

On this page Nids are updated to be an army worth playing with. (tg can we get this shit done? no stats for monstrous, colossal, or gargantuan bio cannons.)

**SSSS Hive-Mind approved as nomnomnom worthy SSSSSS**

  • 1Army wide rules
  • 4Psychic powers
  • 5Tyranid Biomorphs
  • 7Units
    • 7.1HQ
    • 7.2Troops
    • 7.3Elites
    • 7.4Fast attack
    • 7.5Heavy support
    • 7.6Dedicated Transport
  • 8Lords of War
    • 8.4Units
  • 9Fortifications
  • 10Formations
  • 11Reference tables

Army wide rules[edit]

Know No Honor:Tyranids do not have a concept of honour or subordinates to impress. Character models with this rule may not issue or accept challenges, but suffer no penalties for refusing a challenge.

Instinctive Fire: Each weapon on this model automatically fires at the nearest enemy unit within range and line of sight as if it were attached like a vehicle. The shots are resolved at the end of the Shooting phase, before Morale checks are taken. Each weapon can fire at a different target unit, but they cannot be fired in any other way or at any other time.

Shadow in the Warp: Models with the Shadow in the Warp special rule have a Shadow in the Warp range identical to their Synapse range (below). All enemy units and models with the Psyker, Psychic Pilot, Daemon, Brotherhood of Sorcerers, or Brotherhood of Psykers special rules suffer a -2 penalty to their Leadership whilst they are within shadow in the warp range. Additionally, any enemy psykers in range attempting to harvest Warp Charges receive a -1 to each die roll.

Synapse:Models with the Synapse Creature special rule have a synapse range of 12'. Friendly Codex: Tyranids models within this synapse range, including the Synapse Creatures themselves, have the Fearless special rule. If a unit from Codex: Tyranids is falling back and at least one of the unit’s models is within a friendly Synapse Creature’s synapse range before the unit moves, the unit automatically Regroups. In addition any units with instinctive behavior get the Synaptic Bonus based on their instinctive behavior.

Instinctive Behaviour[edit]

Individual Tyranid creatures function as tendrils of the gestalt Hive Mind; however, outside of its influence they revert to highly evolved animal instincts befitting apex predators. At the beginning of the Tyranid turn, roll a Leadership test for each unengaged Tyranid unit outside of Synapse range; each will act as normal if they pass. If not, they assume natural survival or attack patterns based on their rules matching the descriptors below:

  • Lurk:
    • The brood immediately seeks the nearest cover, be it ruins, buildings, or other terrain. It may shoot only if it has reached said cover; otherwise, it must continue to the nearest cover by using a Run move. It may not charge in the Assault phase. The unit gains the Stealth special rule.
    • Synaptic Bonus - Sensory Synchronization: The unit gains the Stealth special rule.
  • Hunt:
    • The brood must shoot at the nearest enemy unit to which they have line of sight and may not charge in the Assault phase. The unit gains the Preferred Enemy special rule.
    • Synaptic Bonus - Collective Guidance: The unit gains +1 BS.
  • Feed:
    • The unit may not Run or Shoot, but must charge the nearest viable enemy unit in the Assault phase. It also gains the Rage special rule.
    • Synaptic Bonus - Neurokinetic Acceleration: The unit gains +1 A.

Warlord traits[edit]

  • 1 - Nature's bane: At the beginning of each of your Movement phases, you may select one terrain piece within 12' of your Warlord. That terrain piece becomes infested with Tyranid plant spores. If this piece of terrain is a Forest, Jungle, Bush or any other organic terrain, it immediately becomes a Jungle and changes its type to Dangerous terrain, and remains so for the remainder of the game. If it is not organic (such as a building complex), nothing happens on the turn it is infested. At the start of your movement phase roll a D6 for each previously infested piece of terrain - on a roll of 6 it immediately becomes a Jungle and changes its type to Dangerous Terrain, and remains so for the remainder of the game. This infested Jungle, however, is treated by Codex:Tyranid creatures (both friends and foes) as an open ground for the purpose of movement and charging.
  • 2 - Heightened senses: The Warlord, and all friendly models from Codex: Tyranids within his Synapse range have the Night Vision, Interceptor and Counter-attack special rules.
  • 3 - Synaptic lynch-pin: The Warlord’s synapse range is increased by 6'.
  • 4 - Mind eater: Your army gains 2 Victory Points for each enemy model with the Independent Character special rule slain by your Warlord. Killing an Independent Character as the result of a sweeping advance does not award these Victory Points.
  • 5 - Digestive denial: After deployment, but before Scout redeployment and Infiltrate deployments, nominate one piece of terrain in the enemy deployment zone (this may not be one your opponent has purchased as part of their army). The terrain becomes mysterious forest, and you may re-roll or force your opponent to re-roll Mysterious Terrain roll for this piece of terrain. Note that a piece of terrain can only be affected by this ability once.
  • 6 - Adaptive biology: The first time Warlord suffers one or more unsaved Wounds, it gains the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule at the end of that phase it suffered that Wound. This Feel No Pain special rule then remains in effect for the rest of the game. If it already has the Feel No Pain special rule, it improves it by 1 (eg: a 5+ becomes a 4+)

Hive Fleet Strains[edit]

A player may choose one of the following Hive Fleet Strains to gain its effects for their army. Unless otherwise listed, all Hive Fleet Strains ally as Battle Brothers.

  • Behemoth:Forward Surveyors: Choose one type of enemy unit (eg: Ork Boys, Dark Angels tactical squad, etc); all friendly Behemoth units within the Warlord's synapse range (including himself) gain Preferred Enemy against all units with the chosen name. In addition, Behemoth units may organize into a 'Spearhead Swarm' detachment described below.
    • Spearhead Swarm detachment: This is a primary detachment consisting of the following:
      • 2 HQ (1 mandatory)
      • 4 Elites
      • 4 Fast Attack (2 mandatory)
      • 2 Heavy Support
      • 4 Troops
      • 1 Lord of War
      • 1 Fortification
Сommand Benefits: Forward Swarm: Units of this detachment may re-roll Reserve rolls (including successful ones), Deep Strike scatter and Outflank results. Additionally, Fast Attack units have Objective Secured, and count friendly Behemoth synaptic creatures as having +6' to synaptic range.
  • Kraken:Gene-cult Network: For every one Genestealer Brood taken may bestow the Infiltrate special rule to one other Kraken unit. In addition, Kraken units may organize into an 'Encirclement Swarm' detachment described below.
    • Encirclement Swarm detachment: This is a primary detachment consisting of the following:
      • 2 HQ (1 mandatory)
      • 3 Elites
      • 3 Fast Attack
      • 3 Heavy Support
      • 6 Troops (2 mandatory)
      • 1 Lords of War
      • 1 Fortification
Сommand Benefits: Encirclement: Units of this detachment with Outflank special rule may enter the field from any table edge (including opponent's one). For each Kraken unit you have in Reserves, you may force your opponent to re-roll one of his Reserve rolls.
  • Leviathan:Without Numbers: Hormagaunts, termagants, simurghs, rippers, cortex leeches, sky-slashers, gargoyles and Tervigons may purchase Toxin Sacks and Adrenal Glands Biomorphs for half points cost. In addition, Leviathan units may organize into a 'Without Numbers' detachment described below. For every brood of Hormagaunts, Termagants, Simurghs, Gargoyles, Cortex Leeches, Rippers, Tervigons, and Sky-Slashers taken, you may take an additional brood without taking an additional FOC slot; though you must pay for the extra brood as normal. You may take up to double the maximum number of the aforementioned broods in any formation that permits them to be taken as well as the living tide detachment.
    • Without Numbers detachment: This is a primary detachment consisting of the following:
      • 3 HQ (1 mandatory)
      • 4 Elites
      • 4 Fast Attack
      • 4 Heavy Support
      • 8 Troops (3 mandatory)
      • 1 Lord of War
      • 1 Fortification
Сommand Benefits: Unending Tide: Each time a Hormagaunt, Termagant, Simurgh, Ripper, Cortex Leech, Sky-Slasher, or Gargoyle model is removed as a casualty you gain one Second Wave token, or three from a Ripper or Sky-slasher base's removal. Whenever you have 16 Second Wave tokens, remove them all and place a 10-model Termagant, Hormagaunt, Simurgh, or Gargoyle brood or a three base ripper, cortex leech, or sky-slasher brood with no upgrades into ongoing Reserves. You may choose to place a larger brood by delaying the introduction of the new brood until you have a larger multiple of sixteen second wave tokens. Allowing you to place a new 20 model Termagant/Hormagaunt/Simurgh/Gargoyle brood with thirty two tokens, thirty for forty eight tokens, forty for sixty four tokens, or fifty for eighty tokens. You may also increase the size of a new ripper, cortex leech, or sky-slasher brood accordingly. Broods introduced into the game in this manner also produce second wave tokens when removed; as do broods spawned by spawning pools and tervigons, or are respawned by formations such as the skyblight swarm.
  • Jourmungandr:Tremor: Raveners are Troops by default. Rippers may get deep strike for free. Trygons and Mawlocs may re-roll deep strike scatter.
  • Gorgon:Adaptive Evolution: Mutation prices are halved (round up). During deployment phase each model in a Gorgon army may replace one of it's mutations with another of the same points cost. If Gorgon is your primary detachment, you must roll a D6 each time one of your units with Synapse Creature rule is removed as a casualty. On a 1 or 2 you lose one Victory Point (to a minimum of 0).
  • Hydra:The Awakening: Tervigons are Troops by default. All Monstrous Creatures gain Feel no Pain (6+) on the first turn or on the turn they arrive from reserves.
  • Naga:Psychic Monstrosity: All Naga psykers may re-roll psychic dice rolls of 1 when attempting to manifest a psychic power, and gain +3' to their Synapse range.
  • Moloch:City Eaters: All non-monstrous creatures gain Move Through Cover (Ruins) and Stealth (Ruins). Any model with the access to Basic Bio-cannons can replace its scything talons with twinlinked flamespurt cannons for free.
  • Nidhoggr:Hellspawn: If a Flame weapon, or a weapon with the Soul Blaze or Melta rules is used against a Nidhoggr unit, it treats its Strength and AP as one lower than usual (eg: a normal flamer of S 4 and AP 5 becomes S 3 and AP 6). Any model with access to Basic Bio-cannons can replace its scything talons with Stranglewebs for 5 pts. Nidhoggr psykers gain access to Pyromancy and Geomancy disciplines. Nidhoggr armies ally as Come the Apocalypse with other Hive Fleets, but are Allies of Convenience with Chaos Daemons. In addition, Nidhoggr units may organize into a 'Giants' March' detachment described below.
    • Giants' March detachment: This is a primary detachment consisting of the following:
      • 3 HQ (1 mandatory)
      • 3 Elites
      • 3 Fast Attack
      • 6 Heavy Support (2 mandatory)
      • 3 Troops
      • 1 Lord of War
      • 1 Fortification
Сommand Benefits: Flaming Horror: All Nidhoggr creatures gain the Fear special rule. Those who already had it bestow -2 penalty to Leadership for Fear tests against them. Models with 3 or more base Wounds gain Objective Secured while within synapse range.
  • Chimera:Adaptable Tactics: Enemy models suffer -1 to their reserve rolls for each synapse creature remaining on the table, to a maximum of a 6+. If Deathleaper is your Warlord, your army gains Stealth for the rest of the game. If Old One Eye is your Warlord, your army gains Furious Charge and Fleet for the rest of the game. If the Swarmlord is your warlord, your army gains Preferred Enemy and Hatred for the rest of the game. In addition, Chimera units may organize into a 'Divergent Swarm' detachment described below.
    • Divergent Swarm Detachment: This is a primary detachment consisting of the following:
      • 5 HQ (2 mandatory)
      • 5 Elites
      • 5 Fast Attack
      • 4 Heavy Support
      • 7 Troops (3 mandatory)
      • 2 Lords of War
Command Benefits: Adaptive Roles: Malanthropes may be taken as either a HQ or Elite choice. A Malanthrope must be your warlord, and has the following Warlord Trait:
Digest and Assess: If an enemy model dies within 6' of this model, the Warlord and all models in it's synapse gain ONE of the enemy model's special rules. In addition, all Codex: Tyranids models in this detachment gain the Preferred Enemy: Tyranids special rule.
If the only HQs in your primary detachment are Malanthropes, Deathleaper is instead moved to an Elite slot, Old One Eye to a Heavy Support Slot, and the Swarmlord to the LoW slot.

Psychic powers[edit]

Unless specified otherwise, all Tyranid psykers may generate their powers from the Biomancy, Telepathy, and Telekinesis disciplines, as well as any of the below Hivemind disciplines, though they must generate at least one of their psychic powers from at least one of the Hivemind disciplines. If the Psyker generates all of his powers only from the Hivemind disciplines, it still get the Primaris power from one of these disciplines of his choice as Psychic Focus.

Tyranid Psykers gain a +1 bonus to Perils of the Warp rolls (to the maximum of 6), if they suffer Perils by manifesting powers from any of the Hivemind disciplines. However, they suffer a -2 penalty to Perils of the Warp rolls (to the minimum of 1), if they suffer Perils by manifesting powers from Biomancy, Telepathy, or Telekinesis disciplines.

Hivemind's Control:[edit]

  • Primaris: Dominion
Warp Charge 1
Through this power, Tyranid organisms are able to extend the range at which they can influence other Tyranid organisms. Dominion is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst this power is in effect the Psyker adds 6' to its synapse range.
  • 1: Catalyst
Warp Charge 1
Many tyranid psykers are known for their ability to make themselves and other Tyranids seemingly uncognizant of even the most grievous of injuries, allowing them to fight on. Catalyst is a blessing that targets the Psyker’s unit and up to one other friendly unit from Codex: Tyranids that is within 12'. Whilst this power is in effect, the targets gain the Feel No Pain special rule. If either Psyker or the target already has Feel No Pain special rule, it is improved by 1 whilst the power is in effect (eg: Feel No Pain (5+) becomes Feel No Pain (4+)).
  • 2: Onslaught
Warp Charge 1
The hive mind is capable of giving additional energy to the creatures that comprise its vast 'body', allowing them to attack even while sprinting. Onslaught is a blessing that targets a single friendly unit from Codex: Tyranids within 24'. Whilst this power is in effect, the target unit can either both Run and Shoot in its Shooting phase (in any order) or Run and then Charge in the following Assault Phase.
  • 3: Unstoppable
Warp Charge 1
A more severe form of the energies put into an organism by Onslaught, this power fills a Tyranid creature with so much psychic power as to become a juggernaut, though the influx of energy is prone to killing the organism afterwards. Unstoppable is a blessing that targets a single friendly unit from Codex: Tyranids within 24'. Whilst this power is in effect, the target unit gains the Rage, Furious Charge, Fleet, Eternal Warrior, Feel No Pain (2+) and It Will not Die special rules, and may re-roll failed to-hit rolls in both shooting and close combat. At the start of your next Psychic phase target must immediately pass a Leadership test or be removed as casualty. If it passes the test, it may not take any actions during any phase, make cover saves, and is hit automatically in close combat until the start of the next Psychic phase.
  • 4: Fury
Warp Charge 1
The emotion of anger is like all emotions, a product of chemicals, chemicals that Tyranid psykers can stimulate into being with a thought to grant the benefits that animalistic rage can provide in battle. Fury is a blessing that targets the Psyker’s unit and up to one other friendly unit from Codex: Tyranids that is within 12'. Whilst this power is in effect, the targets gain the Furious Charge and Rage special rules. If either Psyker or the target already have any of these special rules, it also gains the Hatred special rule whilst the power is in effect.
  • 5: Empathic Backlash
Warp Charge 2
Through the power of the hive mind all things are possible, even making others feel the pain and injury that they would seek to inflict on the Tyranids' component organisms, establishing a quick neural link with those who would strike the creatures of the hive mind and making them feel a rush of pain for every blow they inflict, pain that can tear apart the body. Empathic Backlash is a blessing that targets a single friendly unit from Codex: Tyranids that is within 12'. Whilst this power is in effect, each time this unit suffers an unsaved wound from shooting or psychic power, deal one automatic hit with Strength equal to this unit's majority Toughness, AP2 and Ignores Cover special rule to the unit that dealt that wound, resolved as a shooting attack. Against vehicles, these hits are resolved at Strength 9 against rear armour. (Vehicles can't feel empathy, why does this hurt vehicles?)
  • 6: One Mind
Warp Charge 2
Through this power, the Hive Mind is capable of turning even the most rudimentary of combat organisms into a formidable beast of battle as they receive the combat skills assimilated by the hive mind over the course of billions of years. One Mind is a blessing that targets the Psyker’s unit and up to one other friendly unit from Codex: Tyranids that is within 12'. Whilst this power is in effect, the targets gain +3 their Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill.

Hivemind's Malice:[edit]

  • Primaris: The Horror
Warp Charge 1
The Horror is a malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24”. The target must immediately take a Pinning test with a -2 modifier to their Leadership.
  • 1: Paroxysm
Warp Charge 1
Paroxysm is a malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24'. Whilst this power is in effect, the target unit’s Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill are both reduced by D3 (roll once and apply the result to both characteristics).
  • 2: Unsteady hands
Warp Charge 3
Unsteady Hands is a malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24' that fills a target with a sudden jittering throughout their body as their nerves or electronics are afflicted with psychic energy, making it impossible to shoot or move effectively. Whilst this power is in effect the target may not make shots of any kind, including overwatch. In addition, all melee attacks gain the Unwieldy special rule and are made at -1 Initiative step.
  • 3: Mutagenesis
Warp Charge 1
Mutagenesis is a malediction with a range of 24'. The target unit must pass a toughness test or suffer a -1 penalty to toughness, strength, and initiative as painful mutations wrack their body.
  • 4: The Shadow Notices
Warp Charge 2
The shadow notices is a malediction power with a range of 24' that reduces the leadership of the target unit by d3 for a turn as the shadow in the warp coils around the target; crushing their spirits into the dirt. Against units with the psyker, daemon, brotherhood of psykers, or brotherhood of sorcerers special rules, this power has additional effects; Psykers so targeted suffer a -1 penalty when attempting to harness Warp Charges and when rolling Perils of the Warp. Daemons have their invulnerability save worsened by one, and, if they have the instability special rule, must immediately roll against it on a 3D6, discarding the lowest roll.
  • 5: Optical Overload
Warp Charge 2
Optical Overload is a malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24' with psychic energy that overloads electronic optics and optic nerves alike, rendering the target blind, whilist this power is in effect the target is blinded.

  • 6: Stand and Die
Warp Charge 2
Stand and die is a malediction power with a range of 24', filling with the Hive Mind's command to step out of cover and accept their deaths. Enemy units targeted cannot take cover saves for the remainder of the turn and units friendly to the caster may assault the afflicted unit through cover at initiative

Hivemind's Wrath:[edit]

  • Primaris: Mind Breath (Mind breath?! What kind of troubled mind in need of the Emperors mercy came up with that name?! How about keeping it simple with something like Cacophony?)
Warp Charge 1
Cacophony is a witchfire power with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
Template 8* 2 Assault 1

* A psychic cacophony is directed in a cone before the Tyranid; flaying the minds of those caught in its path; against targets with Toughness value, Cacophony wounds against their Leadership rather than toughness. Glancing and Penetrating hits from this power do not cause vehicles to lose Hull Points, and penetrating hits only roll D3 for vehicle damage (adding modifiers for AP values and Open Topped as normal). Against buildings, this power does nothing.
  • 1: Psychic Scream
Warp Charge 1
A devastating telepathic scream that annihilates the minds and frays the souls of those caught in its path, the Psychic scream is a devastating ability. Psychic Scream is a nova power with a range of 6'. For each target unit, roll 2D6+2 and subtract their Leadership. That unit suffers a number of Wounds equal to the result. Armour and cover saves cannot be taken against Wounds caused by Psychic Scream.
  • 2: Alien Voice
Warp Charge 1
Alien Voice is a focused witchfire power with a range of 18'. Both target and the Psyker must roll D6 and add the result to their Leadership - if the Psyker gets a higher result, the target takes the difference in unsaveable wounds as their minds and souls are burnt out from being forcibly put in contact with the hive mind, while the result of a draw causes nothing to happen as the mental energies cancel each other out, but if the target get a bigger result they manage to avoid forming a connection to the hive mind and the feedback instead afflicts the offending tyranid; the psyker's Synapse range is immediately reduced by 6' until the start of his next Psychic phase. Models without Leadership value cannot be affected by this psychic power.
  • 3: Despair
Warp Charge 1
Despair is a witchfire power with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
18 9* 2 Assault D3+1

* Through this power, the Hive Mind crushes the very will of its enemies to live, consigning most to simply lie down and die. Against targets with no Toughness value, Despair wounds against their Leadership rather than toughness. Glancing and Penetrating hits from this power do not cause vehicles to lose Hull Points and penetrating hits only roll D3 for vehicle damage (adding modifiers for AP values and Open Topped as normal). Against buildings, this power does nothing.
  • 4: Hunger
Warp Charge 1
Through this power, the hive mind can force other living beings to experience a portion of the terrible hunger that the gestalt consciousness of the Tyranid race feels every day, a hunger far beyond the ability of lesser organisms to control; forcing them to try and eat their comrades to satiate this horrific desire to satiate an unfathomable hunger. Hunger is a witchfire that targets a single non-vehicle enemy unit within 24'. Roll an opposed Leadership test against the highest LD value in the targeted unit, if the target fails, the unit immediately suffers a number of hits equal to the number of models in that unit. These hits are resolved using the unit’s majority Strength (if drawn, use the highest) and AP-. Wounds are allocated by the owning player and armour saves or invulnerable saves if better, (but not cover saves) may be taken; as well as Reanimation Protocol rolls and Feel No Pain rolls.
  • 5: Warp Blast
Warp Charge 2
A blast of pure psychic energy either fired as a beam that can pierce the strongest armor, an orb that can rip apart terminators, or as a pulsating blast that can turn even the Astartes inside out, this is a signature ability of Zoanthropes. Warp Blast is a witchfire power. Warp Blast can be used as a Blast, an Orb, or a Lance. Each time this power is manifested, the controlling player must choose which profile is being used, before the target is chosen:
Range S AP Type
Blast 24 6 3 Assault 1, Large Blast
Orb 24 8 2 Assault 1, Blast
Lance 24 10 1 Assault 1, Lance

  • 6: Implosive Vortex
Warp Charge 3
An overwhelmingly powerful display of the psychic might of the tyranid species, this dreaded power simply causes reality to collapse upon itself in a localized area, creating a ravenously hungry vacuum that desperately seeks to be filled, sucking in men and machine alike into oblivion. Implosive vortex is a vortex power that creates a blast template at the target (unlimited range) after scatter dice results, models within the blast must take an initiative test or be removed as casualties, while vehicles must take a test on a d6. On a 5+, nothing happens. Walkers, skimmers, and fast vehicles pass on a 3+ instead. Otherwise, the vehicle suffers an automatic penetrating hit with a +3 modifier to the vehicle damage table in addition to any other modifiers on the vehicle damage table. Roll as normal afterwards for vortex powers. An additional warp charge can be spent to increase the template to a large blast, two can be spent to increase it to a 7 inch blast, and three more (for six in total) to increase it to a ten inch blast, or four more (for seven) to increase it to a fifteen inch apocalyptic megablast; which will increase the size of the Vortex correspondingly.
For larger blasts add the following modifiers to the effect roll; for a large blast the initiative test is treated as if their initiative was one worse than normal, and normal vehicles suffer an automatic penetrating hit on a five or worse, while skimmers, walkers, and fast vehicles may only evade the effects of the vortex on a 4+. For a seven inch blast, the test is made as if their initiative were two worse, and vehicular or building targets now take two automatic penetrating hits on a failed roll; with skimmers, walkers, and fast vehicles only evading the vortex on a 5+ and fliers now being affectable if they roll worse than a 3 (flying monstrous creatures instead roll on initiative as normal). For a ten inch blast, the initiative test is now resolved as if it were three worse, and vehicular or building targets now take three automatic penetrating hits, and skimmers, walkers, and fast vehicles are only safe on rolls of a six or better, with fliers being affected on a roll of a 4 or worse and flying monstrous creatures test on initiative at one worse than normal. For a fifteen inch apocalyptic megablast, the initiative test is resolved as if it were four worse than normal, and vehicular and building targets now take four automatic penetrating hits while fliers now only escape the effects of the blast on a roll of a six, while flying monstrous creatures make their initiative test as if it were three steps worse.

Tyranid Biomorphs[edit]

Melee Biomorphs[edit]

(re)Designer’s Note:Tyranid Melee weapons come in pairs. For game purposes, each pair is treated as a single Melee weapon. This means that Tyranid models must fight with two pairs of any Tyranid Melee weapons to gain a bonus Attack in close combat for fighting with two weapons. For example, a Hormagaunt armed with a single pair of scything talons does not gain a bonus Attack, but a Ravener with two pairs of scything talons, or a Genestealer with a pair of rending claws and a pair of scything talons, does.

  • Crushing Claws and Wrecking Ball
Range S AP Type
Crushing Claws - +3 2 Melee, Armourbane, Crusher, Sunder
Crushing Claw and Wrecking Ball - +1 2 Melee, Armourbane, Wrecker, Sweep

Crusher: A model equipped with two pairs of Crushing Claws gains +D3 additional attacks in close combat.
Wrecker: A model equipped with a Crushing Claw and Wrecking Ball gains a +1 bonus when penetrating building armour and rolling for building damage.
Sweep: A model equipped with a Crushing Claw and Wrecking Ball may forgo all of its attacks in close combat to deal a single automatic hit with S: User and AP: 3 for each enemy model in a base contact with it.
Sunder Weapons with this special rule may re-roll all failed Armour Penetration rolls.
  • Boneswords and Lash Whips
Range S AP Type
Boneswords - User 3 Melee, Life Drain, Parry
Lash Whips - User - Melee, Constrict
Bonesword and Lash Whip - User 3 Melee, Life Drain, Parry, Constrict

Life Drain: A model equipped with a single Bonesword inflicts Instant Death on a roll of 6+ in close combat. If it has two or three Boneswords, it inflicts Instant Death on a 5+ instead. If it has four Boneswords, it inflicts Instant Death on a 4+ instead.
Parry: A model equipped with a single Bonesword has a 6+ invulnerable save in close combat. If it has two or three Boneswords, the save is improved to 5+. If it has four Boneswords, the save is improved to 4+.
Constrict: All enemy models in base contact with a model with a single Lash Whip have their initiative reduced to 1. If the model has two or three Lash Whips, all enemy models within 3' have their initiative reduced to 1. If the model has four Lash Whips, all enemy models within 3' have their initiative reduced to 1, and decrease their Weapon Skill by 1.
  • Rending Claws
Range S AP Type
- User 5 Melee, Diamantine Tips

Diamantine Tips: The close combat attacks of a model with one pair of Rending Claws have the Rending special rule. If the model has two pairs of Rending Claws, then the Rending special rule applies on a to-wound and to penetrate rolls of 5+ (with 5s being counted as sixes for the purposes of determining whether the attack has penetrated the armor).
  • Patriarch's Claws
Range S AP Type
- User 3 Melee, Diamantine Tips

  • Scything Talons
Range S AP Type
- User 5 Melee, Slashing Attacks

Slashing Attacks: A model equipped with a single pair of Scything Talons re-rolls to-hit rolls of 1 in close combat. If it has two pairs of Scything Talons, it re-rolls all failed to-hit rolls in close combat instead.
  • Sickle Claws
Range S AP Type
- User 2 Melee, Sickle Strike

Sickle Strike: A model equipped with Sickle Claws inflicts Instant Death on a to-wound roll of 4+ in close combat.
  • Grasping Talons
Range S AP Type
- +1 2 Melee, Spine-Maw Strike

Spine-Maw Strike: A model equipped with Grasping Talons may make an additional Spine-Maw attack (see below), resolved at Initiative 1, provided that it scores at least one 6 when rolling to hit.
  • Thorax Spine-Maw
Range S AP Type
- +4 1 Melee, Instant Death, Digestion Spine

Digestion Spine: When a Spine-Maw attack removes a model as a casualty, the Model gains a number of Plasm Tokens equal to the number of Wounds on the profile of the model removed (regardless of the number it possessed when it was removed). At the end of its following turns, the Model's controlling player removes one of these Plasm Tokens. Whilst the Model has at least one Plasm Token, it gains the Feel No Pain (4+) Special Rule

Ranged Biomorphs[edit]

  • Acid Spray
Range S AP Type
Template 6 3 Assault 1, Torrent, Dissolve

Dissolve: Enemy models suffer a -1 penalty to their armour save throws against wounds caused by weapons with this special rule (for example, models with 2+ armour save only save on a 3+, though AP3 still wouldn't penetrate their armour). For each vehicle hit by a weapon with this special rule, roll a D6 before rolling for armour penetration. On a 3+ the vehicle loses one point of armour from all facings for the rest of the game.
  • Bio-electric Pulse Weapons
Range S AP Type
Bio-Electric Pulse 18' 5 5 Assault 6, Overload
Bio-Electric Pulse (with Containment Spines) 18' 5 5 Assault 12, Overload

Overload: Each attack made by this weapon that rolls a 6 to-hit gains the Haywire special rule if the target is a vehicle.
  • Bio-Plasma
Range S AP Type
Bio-plasmic glob 18' 7 2 Assault 1, Blast, Maw Cannon
Bio-plasmic spit 18' 7 2 Assault 2, Maw Cannon

Maw Cannon: Weapons with this special rule do not count towards the maximum number of weapons fired per shooting phase. In close combat, weapons with this special rule grant one additional attack at the weapons normal Strength and AP, resolved at Initiative step 1.
  • Bio-Plasmic Cannon
Range S AP Type
Single Shot 36' 7 2 Assault 1, Large Blast
Barrage 36' 7 2 Assault 3, Blast
Fusillade 36' 7 2 Assault 6

  • Choking Cloud
Range S AP Type
12' 3 - Assault 1, Ignores Cover, Large Blast, Poisoned (2+), Predatory Sentience

Predatory Sentience: Successful hits from this weapon against open-topped vehicles and vehicles that have lost any number of Hull Points gain the Armourbane special rule.
  • Cluster Spines
Range S AP Type
18' 5 - Assault 1, Large Blast

  • Deathspitter Weapons
Range S AP Type
Deathspitter 18' 5 5 Assault 3
Deathspitter (with Deathscreamer Grubs) 18' 7 4 Assault 6

  • Devourer Weapons
Range S AP Type
Devourer 18' 4 - Assault 3, Neural Agony
Devourer (with Brainleech Worms) 18' 6 - Assault 6, Neural Agony

Neural Agony: A unit that receives an unsaved wound from one or more weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 Leadership penalty until the end of the phase.
  • Drool Cannon
Range S AP Type
Torrent Template 5 3 Assault 1, Torrent
Spit 18' 6 3 Assault 2, Sticky Ooze

Sticky Ooze: Hits made on the front or side armour of Flyers by a weapon with this special rule gain AP 1 and the Armourbane special rule. Against Flying Monstrous Creatures, weapons with this special rule also inflict a -1 penalty to Grounding tests.
  • Thorax Biomorphs
Range S AP Type
Desiccator larvae Template 1 - Assault 1, Thorax, Fleshbane
Electroshock grubs Template 5 5 Assault 1, Thorax, Haywire
Shreddershard Beetles Template 3 - Assault 1, Thorax, Rending, Shred, Sunder
Bloodseeker Flies Template 1 - Assault 1, Thorax, Blind
Mindflayer Worms Template 4 - Assault 1, Thorax, Neural Agony

Thorax: Weapons with this special rule do not count towards the maximum number of weapons fired per shooting phase.
  • Flamespurt Cannon
Range S AP Type
Template 5 4 Assault 1, Spurt

Spurt: A model equipped with a weapon with this special rule may exchange its normal attacks to inflict D3 automatic hits at the weapon's Strength and AP, resolved at double the model's Initiative. These hits are counted as being made by a Flame weapon.
  • Fleshborer Weapons
Range S AP Type
Fleshborer 12' 4 5 Assault 1
Fleshborer Hive 18' 4 4 Assault 20, Rending, Shred, Sunder

  • Grasping Tongue
Range S AP Type
12' 6 2 Assault 3, Ignores Cover, Precision Shots

  • Impaler Cannon
Range S AP Type
24' 8 3 Assault 2, Homing, Ignores Cover

Homing: Weapons with this special rule can be fired at targets out of the unit's line of sight.
  • Rupture Cannon
Range S AP Type
48' 10 2 Assault 2, Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction: If both to-hit rolls are successful when firing a Rupture Cannon, both hits are treated as having AP 1 and gain the Armourbane special rule.
  • Shock Cannon
Range S AP Type
24' 5 5 Assault 1, Blast, Homing, Haywire

  • Spike Rifle
Range S AP Type
24' 3 5 Assault 1

  • Spinefist Weapon
Range S AP Type
Spinefist 12' 3 5 Assault X, Punch Gun, Twin-Linked
Heavy Spinefist 12' 5 5 Assault X, Punch Gun, Twin-Linked

Punch Gun: Weapons with this special rule get one shot for every Attack on the unmodified characteristic profile of the creature firing them. For example, a Termagant (1 Attack) fires 1 shot while a Ravener (4 Attacks) fires 4 shots.
  • Stinger Salvo
Range S AP Type
18' 5 4 Assault 4

  • Strangler Weapons
Range S AP Type
Strangleweb Template 3 6 Assault 1, Pinning, Shred, Sunder
Greater Strangler Template 4 5 Assault 1, Pinning, Shred, Sunder
Barbed Strangler 36' 4 5 Assault 1, Shred, Sunder, Blast, Pinning
Stranglethorn Cannon 36' 6 4 Assault 1, Shred, Sunder, Large Blast, Pinning

  • Tentaclids
Range S AP Type
36' 5 5 Assault 1, Haywire, Pinning, Seeking, Independent Missiles, One Use Only

Seeking: Models equipped with a weapon with this special rule re-roll failed to-hit rolls made against swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures and zooming Flyers.
Independent Missiles: Weapons with this special rule do not count towards the maximum number of weapons fired per one shooting phase, and any number of them may be fired in addition to other weapons.
  • Venom Cannon Weapons
Range S AP Type
Venom Cannon (single shot) 36' 7 4 Assault 1, Blast
Venom Cannon (salvo) 36' 7 4 Assault 2
Heavy Venom Cannon (single shot) 36' 9 3 Assault 1, Blast
Heavy Venom Cannon (salvo) 36' 9 3 Assault 2

  • Spore Mine Weapons
Range S AP Type
Spore Mine Cyst - X* X* Assault 1, Barrage, Spore Burst, Spore Bomb
Spore Mine Launcher 48' X* X* Assault 1, Barrage, Spore Burst
Bio-Plasmic Spore Launcher 24-240' 9 2 Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast

Spore Bomb: Unlike other weapons, Spore Mine Cysts are used during the Movement phase. A Harpy can fire its Spore Mine cysts once in each of its Movement phases. If it does so, it counts as having fired one weapon in its following Shooting phase; however, any other weapons it fires that turn can choose a different target to the Spore Mine cysts. To fire the Spore Mine cysts, the Harpy must be Swooping. After the Harpy has finished moving, center the large blast marker on any one model the Harpy has passed over that turn and roll for scatter (it scatters D6'). Units take a hit for each model that is even partially under the blast marker’s final position, resolved using the appropriate profile below.
Spore Burst: If, when the final position of the first blast marker in the barrage is determined, there are no models (friend or foe) under it, place D3 Spore Mine models of appropriate type anywhere within 3' of the blast template central hole so that they are in unit coherency and not within impassable terrain or 1' of an enemy model (any that cannot be placed are lost). These act as a Spore Mine Cluster for the rest of the game.
* Spore Mine weapons can use a wide variety of different mines, which define weapon's Strength, AP and additional rules.
S AP Additional rules
Frag Mine 4 4 Large Blast, Frag Bombardment
Toxin Mine 1 3 Assault 1, Blast, Poisoned (3+)
Acid Mine 6 3 Assault 1, Blast, Armourbane, Direct Hit
Char Mine 7 3 Assault 1, Large Blast, Aerial Minefield, Melta*

Frag Bombardment: If a unit charges a unit hit at least once by a weapon with this special rule during the previous Shooting phase, they do not suffer an initiative penalty for charging through Difficult terrain.
Direct Hit: Acid Mines hit only the model directly under the blast template's central hole. If the blast hits enemy models but the central hole does not, it counts as a miss; place an Acid Spore Cluster as described per the Spore Burst rule.
Aerial Minefield Char Mines blast only hit Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures and Zooming Flyers, despite them being usually immune to blast weapons, and do not affect any other models.
* Char Mines only roll extra dice for Armour Penetration per Melta special rule if the target appears to be directly under the blast template central hole.

Upgrade Biomorphs[edit]

  • Acid Blood: If a model with this Biomorph suffers one or more unsaved wound(s) in close combat, the unit that scored the wound(s) must make an initiative test at the end of the current initiative step. If the test is failed, the unit immediately takes a S 5, AP 2 hit with the Ignores Cover special rule per Wound lost.
  • Acid Maw: In close combat, a model with this Biomorph can make a single additional acid maw attack, resolved at Initiative step 1, with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- 5 2 Melee

  • Adamantine Tusks: A model with this Biomorph gain Hammer of Wrath special rule. If it already has Hammer of Wrath special rule, its Hammer of Wrath attacks gain a +1 Strength bonus.
  • Adrenal Glands: A model with this Biomorph has the Fleet and Furious Charge special rules.
  • Amphibious Adaptations: A model with this Biomorph counts water type terrain as open ground for the purpose of moving or charging, and has the Stealth (Water) special rule.
  • Antidote Glands: A unit that has at least half of its models (round up) equipped with this Biomorph that suffers hits from Poisoned weapons counts the Poisoned special rule of those weapons as two steps worse than stated, to a minimum of 6+ eg: a Poisoned (3+) weapon becomes Poisoned (5+), but Poisoned (6+) is unaffected. Do note, that this does not affect other rules and weapons that wound on flat dice roll, like Fleshbane or Sniper.
  • Burrowing Limbs: Units composed entirely with models with this upgrade may Deep Strike within 12' from a friendly Trygon, Trygon Prime, or Mawloc tunnel or within 6' from a Ravener brood. If it scatters over friendly model, reduce the scatter distance until it could be placed normally.
  • Blinding Venom: In close combat, a model with this Biomorph can exchange all of its normal Attacks to make a single blinding venom attack, which uses the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- 3 - Melee, Poisoned 6+, Blind

  • Carbonized Claws: A model with this Biomorph counts its close combat attacks as having the Sunder special rule.
  • Dopamine Injectors: A model with this Biomorph has the Feel No Pain (5+) special rule.
  • Enhanced Leg Muscles: A model with this Biomorph has the Crusader special rule.
  • Feeder Tendrils: A model with this Biomorph gains the Preferred Enemy rule against model type they have defeated in close combat. For example, if a model with this Biomorph win a combat against Chaos Bike squad, they gain the Preferred Enemy (Bikes) special rule.
  • Flesh Hooks: Models equipped with this Biomorph have the Move Through Cover special rule, don't suffer a penalty to their Initiative for charging enemies through Difficult terrain, automatically pass Impact tests, and can move through solid walls or climb on ruins or basements without ladders. In addition, it can be fired as a ranged weapon with profile below:
Range S AP Type
6' User - Assault 2

  • Feeding Frenzy Trigger: A model with this Biomorph has the Rampage special rule.
  • Hive Mind Direct Link: A model with this Biomorph has the Eternal Warrior special rule.
  • Implant Attack: A model with this Biomorph counts its close combat attacks as having the Instant Death special rule on a to-wound roll of 6.
  • Implanted Mechanism Disruption Instincts: A model with this Biomorph has the Tank Hunters special rule.
  • Implanted Organism Killing Instincts: A model with this Biomorph has the Monster Hunters special rule.
  • Increased Muscle Density: When a model with this Biomorph performs a Smash attack, it halves the number of its attacks, instead of reducing them to one.
  • Insula Glands: A model with Insula glands gains the Hatred special rule.
  • Nonepinephrine Infusion: A model with this Biomorph gains the Rage special rule.
  • Pressure Detection Sensors: A model with this Biomorph has the Interceptor special rule.
  • Psychic Deflection Bio-Crystals: A model with this Biomorph has the Adamantium Will special Rule.
  • Regeneration: At the end of each friendly turn, roll a D6 for each model with this Biomorph that has less than its starting number of Wounds, but has not been removed as a casualty. On a 4+, that model regains a single Wound lost earlier in the battle.
  • Reflexive Optimization: A model with this Biomorph gains the counter-attack special rule.
  • Serrated Blades: A model with this Biomorph counts its close combat attacks as having the Shred special rule.
  • Snake Body: A model with this upgrade changes its type to Beast and has the Deep Strike special rule.
  • Spine Banks: A model with this Biomorph counts as having assault grenades as described in Warhammer 40 000 rulebook, with the addition of each model in a unit being able to fire them in their shooting phase.
  • Spring Coil Musculature: A model with this Biomorph has the Hit And Run special rule.
  • Stonecrusher Ramshield: A model with this Biomorph deals one extra Hammer of Wrath attack, its Hammer of Wrath attacks are AP 3, and all shooting attacks against it suffer -1 penalty to Strength.
  • Three-Dimensional Thought Patterns: At the beginning of each Shooting phase, a model with this Biomorph may choose to have all its ranged attacks gain the Skyfire special rule for the duration of that Shooting phase.
  • Toxic Miasma: Once per game, in any Assault phase, a unit with this Biomorph can unleash its toxic miasma. If it does so, at the Initiative 1 step, all enemy units engaged in the combat suffer a number of hits equal to the number of models from their unit in base contact with any model from the Tyranid unit unleashing the toxic miasma. These hits are resolved at Strength 3 AP- and have the Poisoned and Ignores Cover special rules.
  • Toxin Sacs: If a model has this Biomorph, its close combat attacks have the Poisoned special rule.
  • Warp Shield Projector: A model with this Biomorph has a 5+ invulnerable save while within Synapse range, if it already has an invulnerable save, then that save is improved by one step.
  • Wide-Spectrum Retinas: A model with this Biomorph has the Night Vision and Acute Senses special rules.
  • Wings: If a Monstrous Creature has this Biomorph, its unit type is Flying Monstrous Creature. If a non-Monstrous Creature has this biomorph, it adds Jump to its unit type.
  • Tail Biomorphs: A Tail Biomorph is a Melee weapon that allows its wielder to make a single additional Attack. Note that this Attack is resolved separately from a model’s other close combat attacks and uses the appropriate profile below. Also note that a tail Attack is not affected by other Melee weapons, Biomorphs, upgrades or special rules belonging to the owning model, or vice versa. For example, a Hive Tyrant with a Heavy Venom Cannon, a Lash whip and Bonesword, a Prehensile Pincer and Toxin Sacs does not gain an additional Attack for fighting with two close combat weapons, nor does its Prehensile Pincer tail attack have either the Smash or Poisoned special rules.
Range S AP Type
Bone Mace - 8 - Melee, Unwieldy
Prehensile Pincer - 6 5 Melee
Thresher Scythe - 4 4 Melee, Rending
Toxin Spike - 1 6 Melee, Poisoned (2+)


In a unit's profile there is a section called 'Mutations', followed by a set of model characteristics. For example: a Termagant is (WS:1/BS:1/S:1/T:1/W:-/I:-/A:-/Ld:1/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-). Each characteristic has an associated cost, indicated by the number after the characteristic. This indicates the cost per model to increase that characteristic. Each characteristic can only be improved once, and characteristics with no associated costs (a dash) cannot be improved.

  • (WS) - Adaptive Motion Analysis: +1 Weapons Skill
  • (BS) - Hyper-Reactive Pupils: +1 Ballistics Skill
  • (S) - Muscle Fiber Density: +1 Strength
  • (T) - Subdermal Chitin Sheathing: +1 Toughness
  • (W) - Redundant Organ Systems: +1 Wounds
  • (I) - Decentralized Nervous System: +1 Initiative
  • (A) - Explosive Muscle Action: +1 Attack
  • (Ld) - Fear Suppression Glands: +1 Leadership
  • (Sv) - Impact-Deflective Carapace: +1 Armor Save
  • (Psy) - Enhanced Neural Architecture: Improves Mastery Level by 1.
  • (Syn) - Reinforced Synaptic Links: Improves synapse range by 6'

Apex Biomorphs[edit]

  • The Maw-Claws of Thyrax
Range S AP Type
- User 3 Melee, Assimilate, Hardened Diamantine Tips

Assimilate: If a model equipped with The Maw Claws of Thyrax removes an enemy model as a casualty in close combat, it immediately gains the Preferred Enemy special rule against all models from the assimilated model's codex.
Hardened Diamantine Tips: The close combat attacks of a model equipped with the Maw-Claws of Thyrax have the Rending special rule, which triggers on 5+ rather than on 6 with 5s being considered 6s for the purpose of armor penetration and the d3 extra penetration die always being counted as rolling a three 3. If the model has Rending Claws as well, then the Rending effect applies on a 4+ instead with 4s also being considered 6s for the purpose of armor penetration. If the model has Patriarch's claws, then the rending effect applies on a 3+ and the model may count itself as having an additional point of strength for the purposes of armor penetration.
  • The Norn Crown
A model with the Norn Crown adds 6' to its synapse range. Additionally, it gains Psyker (Mastery Level 1) special rule. If it already has the Psyker special rule, its Mastery Level is increased by 1. In addition, the model's invulnerable save is improved by one - if the model does not have an invulnerable save, it gains a 6+ invulnerable save.
  • The Hungering Carapace
A model with the hungering carapace improves its armor save by one step, or if their armor save is already a 2+ (factor this in after mutations), they gain a 6+ FNP save, or improve their existing FNP save by one. The hungering carapace grants the It Will not Die special rule to the model it is given to and the unit it is attached to as the slavering symbiont exudes a healing aura, but its most fearsome ability is its power to consume other living beings. For every six rolled by the model using the Hungering carapace in assault either to hit or wound, place a token on the model, for each token, the model gains an instant death attack resolved at the user's strength score + 2 and at AP2 at initiative 1, for every model slain in this manner, roll a d6, on a 4+ the model regains a wound; if the model already has its full wound count, then its it will not die roll is improved by one step for each model slain in this manner for the remainder of the turn.
  • The Miasma Cannon
Range S AP Type
Miasmic Split 36' 1 4 Assault 1, Large Blast, Poisoned (2+)
Miasmic Spray Template 1 4 Assault 1, Torrent, Poisoned (2+)

  • The Ymgarl Factor
At the start of it's movement phase, a model with the Ymgarl Factor must alter their form into one of the three listed below. The bonus gained lasts until the start of it's next movement phase. The same form cannot be chosen in two consecutive turns.
  • Slashing Claws: The model has +D3 Strength.
  • Tentacled Limbs: The model has +D3 Attack.
  • Muscled Carapace: The model has +D3 Toughness.
  • The Reaper of Obliterax
Range S AP Type
- +2 2 Melee, Life Drain*, Parry*, Constrict*

* The Reaper of Obliterax counts as a pair of Boneswords and a pair of two Lash Whips for the purpose of these special rules.
  • The Psyleech Venom Cannon
Range S AP Type
Single Shot 36' 9 2 Assault 1, Large Blast, Aetherbane
Double shot 36' 9 2 Assault 2, Blast, Aetherbane
Salvo 36' 9 2 Assault 3, Aetherbane

Aetherbane: The Psyleech Venom Cannon gains a +1 modifier to Strength against units which contain at least one model with the Daemon, Psyker, Chaos Boons, Psychic Pilot, Brotherhood of Psykers or Brotherhood of Sorcerers special rule or at least one model with equipment listed as a mark of chaos, an icon of chaos, an artifact of chaos, or a chaos reward. Successful invulnerable saves against wounds or penetrating/glancing hits caused by the Psyleech Venom Cannon must be re-rolled. In case of rules clash generated by allowing rerollable saves, such as through the daemon of tzeentch special rule allowing the rerolls of one; the Psyleech venom cannon takes precedence, and still forces successful saves to be rerolled; in case of all failed saves being rerollable, such as through fortune, the two cancel out and the invulnerable save is resolved normally with no rerolls. Invulnerable saves generated by the daemon special rule, psychic powers, chaos boons, a mark of chaos, an icon of chaos, an artifact of chaos, or a chaos reward are reduced by one, with 6++ invulnerable saves being removed.

The Genetic Pool[edit]

Basic Bio-weapons

A model may replace its devourer with one of the following:
- Scything talons ·············································· free
- Spinefists ··················································· free
- Deathspitter·················································· 5 pts.
- Greater Strangler············································· 5 pts.

Basic Bio-cannons

A model may replace its devourer with one of the following:
- Barbed strangler ············································· 10 pts.
- Venom cannon ················································· 10 pts.

Monstrous Bio-cannons

A model may replace any pair of scything talons with one of the following:
- Twin-linked deathspitter ····································· 5 pts.
- Twin-linked devourer with brainleech ························· 15 pts.
- Heavy spinefist* ············································· 15 pts.
- Stranglethorn cannon** ······································· 15 pts.
- Deathspitter with deathscreamer grubs ························ 20 pts.
- Heavy venom cannon** ········································· 25 pts.
*Does not replace the model’s scything talons and so can be taken in addition to any other weapon/upgrade.
**One per model. A model cannot have both a stranglethorn cannon and a heavy venom cannon.

Melee Bio-weapons

A model may replace any pair of scything talons with one of the following:
- Rending claws ··············································· 5 pts.
- Lash Whips ·················································· 5 pts.
- Boneswords ·················································· 15 pts.
- Lash whip and bonesword ····································· 20 pts.
- Crushing claws ·············································· 20 pts.


A model may take up to one of each of the following:
Where the biomorph has two points costs listed, the second is for a monstrous creatures, and the first is for other types of models.
- Feeder tendrils ·········································· 1/3 pts.
- Amphibious adaptations ····························· 1/3 pts.
- Wide-spectrum retinas ······························· 1/3 pts.
- Implanted organism killing instincts ············· 1/3 pts.
- Burrowing limbs ········································· 2/5 pts.
- Reflexive Optimization ········································· 2/5 pts.
- Enhanced leg muscles ····························· 2/5 pts.
- Psychic deflection bio-crystals ··················· 2/5 pts.
- Serrated blades ········································· 2/5 pts.
- Carbonized claws ········································· 2/5 pts.
- Adamantine tusks ········································ 5 pts.
- Insula Glands ········································ 5 pts.
- Antidote glands ·········································· -/5 pts.
- Increased muscle density ···························· -/5 pts.
- Implanted mechanism disruption instincts ···· 3/6 pts.
- Pressure detection sensors ························ 4/8 pts.
- Spring coil musculature ···························· 3/10 pts.
- Toxin sacs ·············································· 3/10 pts.
- Feeding frenzy trigger ······························· 3/15 pts.
- Acid blood ··············································· 5/15 pts.
- Nonepinephine Infusion ········································ 5/15 pts.
- Adrenal glands ········································· 5/15 pts.
- Warp shield projector ································ 6/18 pts.
- Regeneration ·········································· 10/30 pts.
- Dopamine injector ··································· 10/30 pts.
- Three-dimensional thought patterns ·········· 12/30 pts.

Thorax Biomorphs

A model may take up to one of the following:
- Electroshock grubs ····································· 10 pts.
- Desiccator larvae ········································ 10 pts.
- Shreddershard beetles ································· 10 pts.
- Bloodseeker Flies ······································· 10 pts.
- Mindflayer Worms ······································· 10 pts.

Apex Biomorphs

A model may replace any pair of scything talons with one of the following. Only one of each Apex Biomorph may be taken per army.:
- The Maw-claws of Thyrax ······························ 15 pts.
- The Miasma Cannon ····································· 25 pts.
- The Psyleech Venom Cannon ·························· 35 pts.
- The Norn Crown* ··········································· 40 pts.
- The Ymgarl Factor* ······································· 40 pts.
- The Reaper of Obliterax ································· 45 pts.
- The Hungering Carapace* ································· 55 pts.
*Does not replace the model’s scything talons and so can be taken in addition to any other weapon/upgrade.



Hive Tyrant[edit]

165 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Hive Tyrant 8 4 6 6 4 5 4 10 3+ Monstrous Creature (C) 1 Hive Tyrant


  • Two pairs of scything talons

Special Rules:

  • Psyker (Mastery Level 2)
  • Know No Honor
  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Synapse Creature


  • Hive Commander: For each Hive Tyrant in your army with this upgrade, choose a single troops selection from the same detachment. All models in the selected unit gain the Outflank special rule.
  • Indescribable Horror: Units taking a Fear test caused by this model must roll an extra dice when taking the test and use the highest two results. In most circumstances, this will mean the unit rolls 3D6 and discards the lowest dice roll.
  • Old Adversary: This Hive Tyrant re-rolls all failed To Hit and To Wound rolls of 1 when fighting in close combat.
  • Lord of the Skies: If your army includes Hive Tyrant with Wings upgrade, Gargoyles, Simurghs, Shrikes, and Sky-Slashers can be taken as Troops choices.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20*/W:20/I:15/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:30*/Psy:30/Syn:30)
*cannot be taken on a model with wings biomorph.
  • May take items from the Monstrous Bio-cannons, Melee Bio-weapons, Biomorphs, Thorax Biomorphs and Apex Biomorphs lists.
  • May take any of the following upgrades:
- Indescribable Horror ··································· 10 pts.
- Old Adversary ············································ 15 pts.
- Hive Commander ········································ 20 pts.
  • May take any of the following:
- Prehensile pincer ······································· 10 pts.
- Flesh hooks ··············································· 15 pts.
- Bio-Plasma ················································ 15 pts.
- Hive mind direct link ···································· 30 pts.
- Wings and Lord of the Skies special rule ······ 35 pts.
  • Hive Tyrant, and its unit of Tyrant Guard (to a maximum of three Tyrant Guard) may take a Tyrannocyte or a Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport, if they don't purchase Wings biomorph.

Tyrant Guard Brood[edit]

You may include one Tyrant Guard Brood for each Hive Tyrant (including the Swarmlord) in your army. These broods do not use up a Force Organisation slot.
45 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Tyrant Guard 5 3 5 6 2 4 2 7 3+ Infantry 1 Tyrant Guard


  • Rending claws
  • Scything talons

Special Rules:

  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Very Bulky
  • Blind Fighting: If there is Hive Tyrant (or the Swarmlord) attached to Tyrant Guard Brood, they use the Hive Tyrant's Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill rather than their own.
  • Blind Rampage: If a Hive Tyrant (or the Swarmlord) is killed whilst part of a unit of Tyrant Guard (see the Shieldwall special rule, below), the surviving Tyrant Guard gain the Furious Charge, Rage and Hatred special rules at the end of that turn, and keep them for the remainder of the battle.
  • Shieldwall: A single Hive Tyrant (or the Swarmlord) may join a unit of Tyrant Guard exactly as if it were an Independent Character. A Hive Tyrant (or the Swarmlord) in a unit that contains at least one model with this special rule automatically passes Look Out, Sir rolls.


  • Wings: Tyrant Guard brood with a Wings change their type to Jump Pack Infantry but they may Swoop and Glide like Flying Monstrous Creature, and are affected by Hard to Hit, Dive and Grounding tests rules while Swooping. Note that a tyrant guard that chooses wings are may not take armoured shell mutation


  • Mutations: (WS:5/BS:-/S:5/T:10/W:20/I:5/A:10/Ld:5/Sv:25*/Psy:-/Syn:-)
*cannot be taken on a model with wings biomorph.
  • May include up to 4 additional Tyrant Guard - 45 pts./model
  • Any model may take items from the Melee Bio-weapons and Biomorphs list.
  • Entire brood may take one of the following:
- Wings ············································· 15 pts./model

Alpha Warrior Brood[edit]

You may include one Alpha Warrior Brood for each Hive Tyrant (including the Swarmlord) in your army. These broods do not use up a Force Organisation slot. Before the battle, immediately after determining Warlord Traits, any Alpha Warrior in the brood may be split from this unit and assigned to lead any Codex:Tyranid unit that does not include Monstrous Creatures. They cannot leave this unit. Any Alpha Warrior attached in this way add (Character) to its type. Only one Alpha Warrior can join unit in this manner. Any models that do not do this remain part of the brood.
40 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Alpha Warrior 6 4 4 4 3 5 4 10 4+ Infantry 1 Alpha Warrior


  • Devourer
  • Scything talons

Special Rules:

  • Know No Honor
  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Synapse Creature
  • Very Bulky
  • Psyker (Mastery Level 1)


  • Mutations: (WS:3/BS:6/S:5/T:10/W:10/I:5/A:4/Ld:-/Sv:15/Psy:25/Syn:15)
  • May include up to 6 additional Alpha Warriors - 40 pts./model
  • Any model may take items from the Basic Bio-weapons, Melee Bio-weapons, Basic Bio-Cannons, and Biomorphs lists.
  • Any model in a brood may take one of the following:
- 3+ armor save ··························· free
- Wings ······················································· free
- Snake body ··············································· free
  • Any model in a brood may take Flesh hooks ················································ 5 pts

Trygon Prime[edit]

200 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Trygon Prime 6 4 6 6 6 5 5 10 3+ Monstrous Creature (C) 1 Trygon Prime


  • Bio-electric pulse with containment spines
  • Two pairs of scything talons.

Special rules:

  • Deep Strike
  • Fleet
  • Know No Honor
  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Synapse Creature
  • Serpent Lord: If your primary detachment includes at least one Trygon Prime, Raveners can be taken as Troops choices.
  • Subterranean Assault: If, when a Trygon (or Trygon Prime) deploys via Deep Strike, it scatters on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe), reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required to avoid the obstacle.
After the Trygon (or Trygon Prime) has emerged, mark the position under the creature’s base with a suitable marker – this represents the tunnel left by its emergence. Any friendly Tyranid Infantry unit that arrives from reserve in subsequent turns may emerge from the Trygon’s tunnel instead of arriving from reserve as normal. Only one unit may emerge from each tunnel marker each turn.
If any unit chooses to do so, place the entire unit so that all of its models are wholly within 6' of the centre of the marker and in unit coherency. These models cannot be placed within 1' of enemy models or within impassable terrain; if any models cannot be placed, these excess models are removed as casualties. A unit may not move or charge on the same turn it arrives from a Trygon’s tunnel, but may shoot or Run.
  • 'Burrow': A Trygon Prime can, at any point during its Movement phases from the second game turn onwards, elect to burrow. If it does so, remove it from the table and place it into Ongoing Reserves. The Trygon Prime cannot Deep Strike and Burrow in the same turn.


  • Lurker: Trygon Prime with this upgrade automatically enters from Reserve on the first turn.
  • Prepared Tunnel Network: Up to two units per turn may emerge from the tunnel, left by the Trygon Prime with this upgrade.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20/W:15/I:15/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:35/Psy:25/Syn:-)
  • May take items from the Biomorphs, Thorax Biomorphs and Apex Biomorphs lists.
  • May replace one set of scything talons with crushing claws - 30 pts
  • May take any of the following upgrades:
- Prepared Tunnel Network ···························· 10 pts
- Lurker ······················································· 15 pts
- Psyker (Mastery Level 1) ................... 40 pts
  • May take one of the following:
- Heavy spinefist ··········································· 10 pts.
- Spine banks ··············································· 10 pts.
  • May take one of the following tail biomorphs:
- Prehensile pincer ········································ 10 pts.
- Toxinspike ·················································· 10 pts.


For each Termagant brood that includes at least 30 models in your army you may take one Tervigon as a Troops choice. An army cannot include more than three Tervigons. If Spawn Hormagaunts, Spawn Gargoyles, Spawn Rippers or Spawn Sky-Slashers upgrades are taken, replace the Termagant brood requirement with Hormagaunt, Gargoyle, Rippers, Simurgh, or Spawn Sky-Slashers brood respectively.
195 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Tervigon 3 3 5 6 6 2 3 10 3+ Monstrous Creature (C) 1 Tervigon


  • Stinger salvo
  • Scything talons

Special Rules:

  • Psyker (Mastery Level 1)
  • Know No Honor
  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Synapse Creature
  • Brood Progenitor: All Termagant Broods spawned by the Tervigon within Tervigon's synapse range have the Counter-attack special rule, and count as having the same upgrade biomorphs as the Tervigon itself (except Acid Blood and Adamantine Tusks).
  • Spawner: At the end of your Movement phase, a Tervigon can spawn Termagants, even if it is locked in close combat. If it does so, roll 3D6 – this is the number of models spawned. Place the new unit of Termagants on the table so that it is wholly within 6' of the Tervigon. Models in this new unit cannot be placed in impassable terrain or within 1' of enemy models. If you cannot place some of the models due to the restrictions above or because you have run out of Termagant models, the excess is discarded.
The spawned unit can move during the Movement phase in which it is spawned, it can charge this turn, and it is free to shoot or Run as normal. A unit spawned by a Tervigon is identical in every way to a Termagant unit chosen from the Troops section of the army list, and is treated as such for all mission special rules. Models in a spawned unit are armed with fleshborers and may not purchase options.
If any double is rolled when determining the size of a spawned unit, the Tervigon has temporarily exhausted its supply of larvae – the Termagant unit is created as normal, but the Tervigon cannot spawn any further units for the rest of the game.
  • Synaptic Backlash: If a Tervigon is slain, roll 3D6 before removing the model as a casualty. Each friendly unit of Termagants within 12' of the Tervigon immediately suffers a number of Strength 3 AP- hits equal to the result. Cover saves may not be taken against these hits and Wounds are allocated as per shooting, with the Tervigon as the firer. After all Termagant casualties have been resolved (if any), remove the Tervigon from play.


  • Spawn Hormagaunts: Replace Termagants with Hormagaunts in Spawner, Brood Progenitor and Synaptic Backslash rules.
  • Spawn Gargoyles: Replace Termagants with Gargoyles in Spawner, Brood Progenitor and Synaptic Backslash rules.
  • Spawn Simurghs: Replace Termagants with Simurghs in Spawner, Brood Progenitor and Synaptic Backslash rules.
  • Spawn Rippers: Replace Termagants with Rippers in Spawner, Brood Progenitor and Synaptic Backslash rules. When rolling for the number of bases spawned, roll 3D6 and discard the lowest result, though Tervigon still count as exhausted for any double rolled, even if a double was formed with discarded dice.
  • Spawn Sky-Slashers: Replace Termagants with Sky-Slashers in Spawner, Brood Progenitor and Synaptic Backslash rules. When rolling for the number of bases spawned, roll 3D6 and discard the lowest result, though Tervigon still count as exhausted for any double rolled, even if a double was formed with discarded dice.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20/W:20/I:10/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:45/Psy:25/Syn:35)
  • May take items from the Biomorphs*, Thorax Biomorphs and Apex Biomorphs lists.
* Tervigon take all biomorph upgrades at double points cost (except Acid Blood and Adamantine Tusks).
  • May take one of the following upgrades:
- Spawn Hormagaunts ··································· Free
- Spawn Gargoyles ······································· 40 pts.
- Spawn Simurghs ······································· 40 pts.
- Spawn Rippers ··········································· 40 pts.
- Spawn Sky-Slashers ··································· 60 pts.
  • May replace stinger salvo with cluster spines ········· 5 pts.
  • May replace scything talons with crushing claws ·· 15 pts.
  • May take wings if it has taken the spawn Gargoyles, Simurghs, or Sky-Slasher upgrade . 20 points, however it may only glide; it may never swoop.
  • May take a Tyrannocyte as a Dedicated Transport.

Tyranid Prime[edit]

55 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Tyranid Prime 6 4 5 5 3 5 4 10 4+ Infantry (C) 1 Tyranid Prime
Tyranid Prime Apex Strain 7 4 5 5 4 6 5 10 3+ Infantry (C)


  • Devourer
  • Scything talons

Special Rules:

  • Independent Character
  • Know No Honor
  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Synapse Creature
  • Very Bulky
  • Psyker (Mastery Level 1)
  • Psyker (Mastery Level 2) (Apex Strain only)


  • Brood Leader: A Tyranid Prime may join a unit of Monstrous Creatures or even a single Monstrous Creature. During the Psychic phase a Tyranid Prime may spend one Warp Charge from the pool to bestow its Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill to all models in its unit until the start of his next Psychic phase or until it get removed as a casualty, unless their own would be higher for any reason. It doesn't need to spend a Warp Charge to grant this effect to Tyranid Warriors or Shrikes.


  • Mutations: (WS:20/BS:25/S:5/T:15/W:15/I:5/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:20/Psy:25/Syn:20)
  • May take items from the Basic Bio-weapons, Basic Bio-cannons, Melee Bio-weapons and Biomorphs list.
  • May take the Brood Leader upgrade ··················· 20 pts.
  • May be upgraded to Tyranid Prime Apex Strain ··· 30 pts.
  • May take four per HQ slot.
  • Must take one of the following:
- +1 to armor save ··························· free
- Wings ······················································· free
- Snake body ··············································· free
  • May take Flesh hooks ················································ 5 pts.

Genestealer Patriarch[edit]

105 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Genestealer Patriarch 8 2 6 5 3 8 5 10 4+ Infantry (C) 1 Genestealer Patriarch

Biomorphs: Patriarch's Claws

Special Rules:

  • Independent Character
  • Bulky
  • Psyker (Mastery Level 1)
  • Know No Honor
  • Fleet
  • Infiltrate
  • Move Through Cover
  • Fear
  • Fearless
  • Hyper-Reflexes Genestealers have a 5++ invulnerable save
  • Brood Master Friendly Genestealer units within 12' of a Genestealer Patriarch have the Fearless special rule.


  • Death From the Shadows: The Genestealer brood or Patriarch with this upgrade may assault the same turn it Outflanks or Infiltrates, if it's not accompanied by an Independent Character or a Warrior Alpha.


- Mutations: (WS:5/BS:5/S:10/T:20/W:10/I:5/A:5/Ld:-/Sv:20/Psy:25/Syn:-)
  • A patriarch may take the Death from the Shadows Upgrade - 15 pts
  • May take two per HQ slot
  • May take one of the following:
- Scything talons ··········································· 2 pts.
- Rending claws ············································· 5 pts.
  • A Patriarch may take items from the Biomorphs and Apex Biomorphs lists.
  • A Patriarch may take any of the following:
- Flesh hooks ················································ 5 pts
- Implant attack ············································ 10 pts

Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch[edit]

140 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch 8 2 6 5 3 8 5 10 3+ Infantry (C) 1 Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch

Biomorphs: Patriarch's Claws

Special Rules:

  • Independent Character:
  • Bulky
  • Psyker (Mastery Level 2)
  • Know No Honor
  • Fleet
  • Infiltrate
  • Move Through Cover
  • Stealth
  • Hyper-Reflexes Ymgarl Genestealers have a 5++ invulnerable save
  • Brood Master Friendly Genestealer units within 12' of a Genestealer Patriarch have the Fearless special rule.
  • Alter Form: At the start of it's movement phase, a Ymgarl Patriarch must alter their form into one of the three listed below. The bonus gained lasts until the start of it's next movement phase. The same form cannot be chosen in two consecutive turns.
  • Slashing Claws: The Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch has +1 Strength.
  • Tentacled Limbs: The Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch has +1 Attack.
  • Muscle Carapace: The Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch has +1 Toughness.
  • Highly Compatible: If given the Ymgarl Factor Apex Biomorph, a Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch may choose the result of the d3 die roll for its alter form.
  • Leftover: Destroying Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarchs does not grant any Victory Points, and does not count as First Blood. The Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch may only join Ymgarl Genestealer broods or models with the Ymgarl factor apex biomorph. The Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch may only be your warlord if no other kind of Tyranid HQ model is present in the detachment.
  • Master of Mutation: In detachments with a Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch Ymgarl Genestealers may be selected as a troop choice.


- Mutations: (WS:5/BS:5/S:10/T:20/W:10/I:5/A:5/Ld:-/Sv:20/Psy:25/Syn:-)
  • May take two per HQ slot
  • May take one of the following:
- Scything talons ··········································· 2 pts.
- Rending claws ············································· 5 pts.
  • A Ymgarl Patriarch may take items from the Biomorphs and Apex Biomorphs lists.
  • A Ymgarl Patriarch may take any of the following:
- Flesh hooks ················································ 5 pts
- Implant attack ············································ 10 pts

The Parasite of Mortrex[edit]

80 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
The Parasite of Mortex 5 3 6 4 3 6 4 10 3+ Jump Infantry (C) 1 (Unique)


  • Two sets of rending claws
  • Implant attack

Special Rules:

  • Hit and Run
  • Independent Character
  • Know No Honor
  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Synapse Creature
  • Host Organism: Rippers count The Parasite of Mortex as having 24' synapse range.
  • Implant Parasite: Each model, removed as a casualty because of wounds inflicted in melee by the Parasite of Mortex must roll a Toughness test before being removed. For each test failed, roll a D6. At the end of the Assault phase place a Ripper Swarm Brood or add the Ripper bases to the Ripper Swarm Brood The Parasite is attached to with a number of models equal to the combined result of these D6. All models must be within 6” of the unit with this rule. Ripper Swarms placed this way never count as kill points. Any bases that cannot be place because of impassable terrain, enemy within 1” or because you have run out of models are lost.
  • The Sarge is Acting Strangely: Any enemy Infantry, Cavalry, Beasts or Bike unit, with or without Jet or Jump type, that arrives via Outflanking may harbor a squad member infested with Ripper parasites. At the end of their movement phase, one model in each of these units (owning players choice) must take a toughness test. If the test is failed that model is instantly removed as a casualty and the Tyranid player may place a Ripper swarm unit of D6 bases anywhere within 6' of the victim. If the victim was inside a transport then it is assumed they staggered out before dying; place the Ripper bases within 6' of one of the access points. Any bases that cannot be placed because of enemies within 1', impassable terrain or running out of models are lost. Rippers created in this way do not count as a Kill Point.


  • Implant Sky-Slashers: Replace Rippers with Sky-Slashers in the Implant Parasite, Host Organism and The Sarge is Acting Strangely special rules.


  • Mutations: (WS:5/BS:-/S:10/T:15/W:15/I:5/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:20/Psy:-/Syn:20)
  • May take items from the Biomorphs lists.
  • May take flesh hooks ········································ 15 pts.
  • May take the Implant Sky-Slashers upgrade ········ 35 pts.

Old One Eye[edit]

Old One Eye cannot fill the compulsory HQ slot, and cannot be your Warlord. If there is at least one Carnifex brood in the same detachment as the Old one Eye, he does not use up a Force Organisation slot.
160 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Old One Eye 4 4 10 6 4 2 4 10 3+ Monstrous Creature 1 (Unique)

Apex Biomorphs:

  • Metal crushing Carapace: Old One Eye increases the result needed for an attack to wound it by one step, with any weapon brought above 6+ being unable to harm it (e.g a weapon that would usually wound on a 2+ needs a 3+, a weapon that would wound on a 3+, a 4+ and so on). Weapons that have the Instant Death special rule lose that rule when attacking and instead cause D3 wounds. If Old One Eye has the Tusks biomorphs, those instead increase the number of Hammer of Wrath hits it inflicts to D3+1 hits.


  • Crushing Claws
  • Scything Talons
  • Spine banks
  • Thresher scythe

Special rules:

  • It Will not Die
  • Rage
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Living Battering Ram: see the Carnifex entry.
  • Alpha Leader: Friendly Tyranid models within 12' of Old One Eye may use its Leadership value in place of their own for all purposes, unless their own Leadership is better. Additionally, Old One Eye may join a Carnifex Brood of less than three Carnifexes exactly as if it were an Independent Character, which uses it's Leadership, Weapon Skill, and Ballistic Skill unless theirs is better for any reason.
  • Is It Dead?: When Old One Eye is removed as a casualty, leave the model on the table (it counts as battlefield debris, and provides 5+ cover), and continue to roll for Regeneration and it will not die as if were still alive. If a wound is recovered, Old One Eye returns to play.
  • That Only Angered It!: Each time the Old One Eye loses a wound, it gains +1 to its Attack value (to the maximum of 10), these attacks are not lost if it recovers wounds through IWND or Regeneration.


  • Mutations: (WS:25/BS:25/S:-/T:20/W:20/I:10/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:25/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May take items from the Biomorphs lists.
  • May take Bio-plasma ········································ 15 pts.
  • May replace a pair of scythe talons with stonecrusher ramshield - 35 pts.
  • May replace a pair of crushing claws with crushing claw and wrecking ball - 15 pts.
  • May take a Tyrannocyte or Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport.


175 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Deathleaper 9 5 6 4 3 8 5 10 5+ Infantry (C) 1 (Unique)


  • Flesh hooks
  • Implant attack

Apex Biomorphs:

  • Sinister Talons:
Deathleaper has two pairs of Sinister Talons. Each pair counts as a Melee weapon with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- User 3 Melee, Diamantine Tips*, Slashing Attacks*, Shred, Sunder

* Each set of Sinister Talons count as both a pair of patriarch's claws and a pair of scything talons for the purpose of these rules, allowing the Deathleaper to reroll all failed to hit rolls in assault and allowing rending to trigger on a 5+ to wound or a 5+ to penetrate.

Special Rules:

  • Deep Strike
  • Fear
  • Fleet
  • Hit & Run
  • Know No Honor
  • Infiltrate
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Lurk)
  • Move Through Cover
  • Shrouded
  • Stealth
  • Very Bulky
  • Precision Strikes All attacks; whether shooting or melee; made by the Deathleaper are considered precision strikes.
  • Chameleonic Skin: See Lictor entry.
  • Pheromone Trail: See Lictor entry.
  • Ambush!: Deathleaper counts as having Ambush! upgrade. See Lictors entry for details.
  • 'Deathleap': Deathleaper do not roll for Charge range - instead its Charge range is always 12' unless improved. The deathleaper similarly does not roll for running, it always runs 6 inches and may shoot and charge after running. If onlsaught is cast upon it and/or if subject to the Swarmlord's speed synapse, the Deathleaper may run twice. If it is subject to both, it may also make an additional normal move action.
  • 'It’s after me!': Nominate an enemy character at the beginning of the game and roll a D3. Whilst Deathleaper is alive, that model’s Leadership is reduced by the result.
  • 'It's too fast!': The Deathleaper has a 3++ invulnerable save in melee and a 4++ invulnerable save against shooting.
  • 'It's got my weapon!': When attacking an enemy, the Deathleaper may force an opposed weapon skill test on each model wounded by the Deathleaper in either shooting or assault. Upon announcing a disarm check and designating the weapon to be disarmed, both players will roll 1d6 and add it to their weapon skill rating, if Deathleaper loses, nothing happens. If Deathleaper wins then the designated item is disarmed and cannot be used for the remainder of the turn.
  • 'There is no escape': Challenges made by the Deathleaper may never be refused as it singles out a target and isolates them from the rest of their unit. Glorious interventions are not allowed either.
  • 'Where is it?': Enemy models can only fire Snap Shots when targeting Deathleaper. In assault, rolls made to hit the deathleaper are worsened by one, or by two against enemies the deathleaper has preferred enemy against. When the Deathleaper has preferred enemy against an enemy model, its to hit roll improves by one (3+ to hit becomes 2+). Models may not fire overwatch against the deathleaper.
  • 'Where are my guards?': Look Out Sir! rolls may not be made against attacks from Deathleaper.

Warlord Trait: Mind Eater


  • Mutations: (WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:15/W:15/I:5/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:15/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May take items from the Biomorphs list.
  • May be upgraded into a synapse creature for 15 points.


Tyranid Warrior Brood[edit]

66 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Tyranid Warrior 5 3 4 4 3 4 3 10 4+ Infantry 3 Tyranid Warriors


  • Devourer
  • Scything talons

Special Rules:

  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Synapse Creature
  • Very Bulky
  • Psyker: A Warrior Brood upgraded to Brotherhood of Psykers may generate its powers from the Hive Mind's Control discipline.


  • Mutations: (WS:3/BS:5/S:4/T:7/W:8/I:4/A:4/Ld:-/Sv:6/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to six additional Tyranid Warriors - 22 pts./model
  • Any model may take items from the Basic Bio-weapons, Melee Bio-weapons and Biomorphs lists.
  • For very three Tyranid Warriors in the brood, one may take items from the Basic Bio-cannons list.
  • All models in the brood may take Flesh hooks ····································· 3 pts/model
  • The unit may take the Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery level 1) special rule for 35 pts.
  • The unit may take a Tyrannocyte or a Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport if it numbers six or fewer models.

Genestealer Brood[edit]

70 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Genestealer 6 2 4 4 1 6 3 10 5+ Infantry 5 Genestealers
Broodlord 7 2 5 5 2 7 4 10 4+ Infantry (C)


  • Rending Claws

Special Rules:

  • Bulky (Broodlord only)
  • Psyker (Mastery Level 1) (Broodlord only)
  • Know No Honor (Broodlord only)
  • Fleet
  • Infiltrate
  • Move Through Cover
  • Stealth
  • Hyper-Reflexes Genestealers have a 5++ invulnerable save


  • Death From the Shadows: The Genestealer brood with this upgrade may assault the same turn it Outflanks or Infiltrates, if it's not accompanied by an Independent Character or a Warrior Alpha.

Psyker: A Broodlord always knows The Horror psychic power.


  • Mutations: (WS:1/BS:-/S:3/T:4/W:-/I:1/A:2/Ld:-/Sv:5/Psy:-/Syn:-)
- Mutations (Broodlord): (WS:5/BS:-/S:10/T:20/W:10/I:5/A:5/Ld:-/Sv:20/Psy:25/Syn:-)
  • May include up to fifteen additional Genestealers - 14 pts/model
  • Entire unit may take Death from the Shadows upgrade - 5 pts./model
  • Any model in a brood may take one of the following:
- Scything talons ··········································· 2 pts.
- Rending claws ············································· 5 pts.
  • All Genestealers in the brood may take any of the following biomorphs:
- Serrated blades ································ 1 pts./model
- Carbonized claws ································ 1 pts./model
- Flesh hooks ················································ 1 pts./model
- Adrenal glands ································· 2 pts./model
- Toxin sacs ······································· 3 pts./model
  • May add a Broodlord - 50 pts
  • A Broodlord may take items from the Biomorphs list.
  • A Broodlord may take any of the following:
- Flesh hooks ················································ 5 pts
- Implant attack ············································ 10 pts

Termagant Brood[edit]

40 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Termagant 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 6 6+ Infantry 10 Termagants
Termagant Alpha 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 6 Infantry


  • Fleshborer

Special Rules:

  • Instinctive Behaviour (Lurk)
  • Move Through Cover


  • Mutations: (WS:-/BS:1/S:1/T:1/W:-/I:-/A:1/Ld:1/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to forty additional Termagants - 4 pts/model
  • For every ten Termagants, one may replace its fleshborer with a strangleweb - 5 pts./model
  • Any model may replace its fleshborer with one of the following:
- Spinefists ······················································ free
- Spike rifle ······················································ free
- Devourer ··········································· 4 pts./model
  • All Termagants in the brood may take any of the following biomorphs:
- Pressure detection sensors ················ 1 pt./model
- Adrenal glands ································· 2 pts./model
- Toxin sacs ······································· 2 pts./model
  • One in every ten Termagants in the Brood may be upgraded to a Termagant Alpha for six points, the brood uses the Termagant Alpha's leadership in place of its own as long as it is alive and can reroll instinctive behavior checks until all termagant alphas in the brood are slain.
  • The unit may take a Tyrannocyte as a Dedicated Transport if it numbers twenty or fewer models or a Malefactor if it has thirty or fewer models.

Hormagaunt Brood[edit]

40 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Hormagaunt 3 3 3 3 1 5 2 6 6+ Infantry 10 Hormagaunts
Hormagaunt Alpha 4 4 3 3 1 6 3 8 6+ Infantry


  • Scything talons

Special Rules:

  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Move Through Cover
  • Bounding Leap: Units entirely composed of models with this special rule Run an additional 3' (this will normally be D6+3').


  • Mutations: (WS:1/BS:-/S:1/T:2/W:-/I:1/A:1/Ld:1/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to forty additional Hormagaunts - 4 pts/model
  • All Hormagaunts in the brood may take any of the following biomorphs:
- Serrated blades ································· 1 pt./model
- Carbonized claws ································· 1 pt./model
- Adrenal glands ································· 2 pts./model
- Toxin sacs ······································· 2 pts./model
  • One in every ten Hormagaunts in the Brood may be upgraded to a Hormagaunt Alpha for six points, the brood uses the Hormagaunt Alpha's leadership in place of its own as long as it is alive and can reroll instinctive behavior checks until all Hormagaunt alphas in the brood are slain.
  • The unit may take a Tyrannocyte as a Dedicated Transport if it numbers twenty or fewer models or a Malefactor if it has 30 or fewer models.

Ripper Swarm Brood[edit]

39 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Ripper Swarm 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 5 6+ Infantry 3 Ripper Swarms

Special Rules:

  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Fearless
  • Swarms
  • Consume: During the Shooting phase a unit with at least three bases with this rule may opt to devour an organic terrain piece (forests, bushes, swamps, etc) it touches. If it chooses to do so, you may move models in the unit to any point wholly within that piece of terrain before removing it from the field. This counts as Run move for all intents and purposes.
  • Surge: In close combat, every model with this special rule can exchange all of its normal Attacks to make a single surge attack, which uses the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- 1 - Melee, Haywire, Jammed!

Jammed!: When performing a surge attack, models with this rule must roll to hit in close combat even if they hit automatically. For each to-hit result of 1 or 2, the unit, which performed surge attack, suffers a randomly allocated wound with no saves of any kind allowed. This wound cannot be allocated on the model without the Surge special rule.


  • Mutations: (WS:2/BS:4/S:4/T:4/W:-/I:2/A:3/Ld:2/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to six additional Ripper Swarms - 13 pts/base
  • The unit may take spinefists ···················· 3 pts/base
  • All Ripper Swarms in the brood may take any of the following biomorphs:
- Serrated blades ································· 3 pts./base
- Carbonized claws ································· 3 pts./base
- Toxin sacs ········································ 4 pts./base
- Adrenal glands ·································· 6 pts./base
  • The unit may take Deep Strike .......... 2 points/base

Mucolid Spore Cluster[edit]

15 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Mucolid Spore Mine - - 1 3 3 3 - 3 - Infantry 1 Mucolid Spore Mine

Special Rules:

  • Deep Strike
  • Fearless
  • Shrouded
  • Massive Floating Bomb: Each Mucolid Spore uses the Floating Death and Living Bomb rules that apply to Spore Mines. All references to Spore Mines and Spore Mine Clusters in these special rules apply to Mucolid Spores also, except that the hits inflicted when a Mucolid Spore explodes are Strength 8 AP3 rather than Strength 4 AP4.
  • Skyblast: Mucolid Spore Clusters are allowed to assault Zooming Flyers or Swooping Monstrous Flying Creatures. If they do so successfully then they will explode as described in the Floating Death special rule, hitting the target automatically, with Strength and AP as described above. Hits on Zooming Flyers are always resolved against the target model’s side armour.


  • May include up to two additional Mucolid Spore Mines - 15 pts./model
  • Mutations: (WS:-/BS:-/S:-/T:5/W:5/I:-/A:-/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)



85 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Malanthrope 3 3 5 5 4 5 3 10 3+ Infantry 1 Malanthrope


  • Toxic Miasma
  • Grasping Tail: At the beginning of the fight subphase, before any blows are struck, the Malanthrope may issue a challenge even though it does not have the character type. Roll a D6. On a result of 4+ the enemy model nominated to fight the Malanthrope is enveloped in the beasts grasping tail and has its attacks reduced by half (rounded down), initiative reduced to one for the duration of the challenge and may not refuse the challenge. If the result is 3 or less then it counts as if a challenge wasn't issued at all. In an enemy character declares a Glorious Intervention to replace the model fighting the Malanthrope then all effects of this rule are negated and the intervening character suffers no penalties.
  • Regeneration

Special Rules:

  • Fleet
  • Move Through Cover
  • Poisoned (2+)
  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Shrouded
  • Spore Cloud
  • Synapse Creature
  • Very Bulky
  • Prey Adaption: If a Malanthrope brood is involved in any close combat that results in an enemy unit or units being destroyed in combat, it may not perform a sweeping advance but instead remains to feed on the dead. From the end of that phase onwards all friendly Tyranid units within gain the Preferred Enemy (all units from the same codex as the enemy unit) special rule while they remain within Synapse range of the Malanthrope brood - note that this includes the Malanthrope brood too.


  • May include up to nine additional Malanthropes - 85 pts./model
  • Mutations: (WS:5/BS:-/S:5/T:10/W:15/I:5/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:25/Psy:-/Syn:35)

Hive Guard Brood[edit]

55 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Hive Guard 3 4 5 6 2 2 2 7 4+ Infantry 1 Hive Guard


  • Impaler Cannon

Special Rules:

  • Instinctive Behaviour (Hunt)
  • Very Bulky
  • Synaptic Targeting Network: If the Hive Guard Brood is within Synapse range, and any other friendly Codex:Tyranid model that is within Synapse range can draw a line of sight to their target, Hive Guard ranged weapon count as twin-linked.


  • Mutations: (WS:-/BS:5/S:5/T:15/W:15/I:3/A:5/Ld:5/Sv:20/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to nine additional Hive Guard - 55 pts./model
  • Any model may take items from the Biomorphs list.
  • Any model may replace its impaler cannon with a shockcannon - free
  • The unit may take a Tyrannocyte or a Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport.

Zoanthrope Brood[edit]

50 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Zoanthrope 3 4 4 4 2 3 1 10 5+ Infantry 1 Zoanthrope
Neurothrope 3 4 4 4 2 3 1 10 5+ Infantry

Special Rules:

  • Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery level 2)
  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Synapse Creature
  • Very Bulky
  • Psychic Brood: If a brood of Zoanthropes uses a power, it may be used as many times as there are Zoanthropes and Neurothropes in the brood.
  • Warp Field: Zoanthropes have a 3+ invulnerable save.

Psyker: A Zoanthrope Brood always knows the Warp Blast psychic power. The unit can generate one additional power from the Hive Mind's Wrath discipline. If it is upgraded to Mastery level 3, it must generate one additional power from the Hive Mind's Wrath discipline.


  • Mutations: (WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:15/W:15/I:5/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:35*/Syn:-)
*The price is for entire brood, instead of per model as usual.
  • May include up to nine additional Zoanthropes - 50 pts./model
    • A brood of three or more may upgrade one model into a Neurothrope for 25 pts, the Neurothope gains the additional power of Spirit Leech (this does not take up one of the known powers), a Warp Charge 1 Witchfire with a range of 24' that targets one unit and forces it to roll a leadership test on a 3d6, inflicting one unsaveable wound for each increment they fail by. For each wound inflicted by spirit leech, the neurothrope adds an additional warp charge dice to the controlling player's pool that can only be rolled to either deny or to cast warp blast.
  • The unit may take a Tyrannocyte or a Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport.

Venomthrope Brood[edit]

40 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Venomthrope 3 3 4 4 2 3 1 6 5+ Infantry 1 Venomthrope


  • Two sets of lash whips
  • Toxic miasma

Special Rules:

  • Instinctive Behaviour (Lurk)
  • Poisoned (2+)
  • Shrouded
  • Very Bulky
  • Spore Cloud: All friendly units from Codex: Tyranids that are within 6' of at least one Venomthrope have the Shrouded special rule.


  • Support Organism: If the Venomthrope is within synapse range or in reserves, it may join and leave Codex: Tyranid units like it is an Independent Character. The moment it leaves Synapse range it detaches from the unit it joined. Venomthrope cannot benefit from its synaptic bonus if it joins a unit, and instead benefit his unit's one if it has one.


  • Mutations: (WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:15/W:15/I:5/A:10/Ld:5/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to nine additional Venomthropes - 40 pts./model
  • A brood of one Venomthrope may take Support Organism upgrade - 45 pts.

Lictor Brood[edit]

50 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Lictor 6 3 6 4 3 6 3 10 5+ Infantry 1 Lictor
Lictor Alpha 7 4 6 4 3 7 4 10 5+ Infantry (C)


  • Rending claws
  • Scything talons
  • Flesh hooks
  • Feeder tendrils

Special Rules:

  • Deep Strike
  • Fear
  • Fleet
  • Hit & Run
  • Infiltrate
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Lurk)
  • Move Through Cover
  • Stealth
  • Very Bulky
  • Precision Shots (on 5+s for Lictor Alphas)
  • Precision strikes (on 5+s for Lictor Alphas)
  • Know no Honor (Lictor Alpha Only)
  • Synapse (Lictor Alpha Only)
  • Chameleonic Skin: A Lictor does not scatter when arriving from Deep Strike Reserve.
  • 'It's got my weapon!': When attacking an enemy, a Lictor may force an opposed weapon skill test on each model wounded by a Lictor in either shooting or assault. Upon announcing a disarm check and designating the weapon to be disarmed, both players will roll 1d6 and add it to their weapon skill rating, if the Lictor loses, it will miss with all attacks in that phase. If the Lictor wins then the designated item is disarmed and cannot be used for the remainder of the turn.
  • Pheromone Trail: If a friendly unit from Codex: Tyranids arrives on the battlefield via Deep Strike, it will not scatter so long as the first model in the unit is placed within 6' of a model with this special rule. Note that the model with the Pheromone Trail special rule must already be on the table at the start of the turn for this ability to be used.
  • Hyper-Reflexes: Lictors have a 5++ invulnerable save
  • 'There is no Escape': (Lictor Alpha Only) Challenges made by a Lictor Alpha may never be refused as it singles out a target and isolates them from the rest of their unit. Glorious interventions are not allowed either.
  • 'Where are my Guards': Look Out Sir! rolls may not be made against attacks from Lictors


  • Ambush! - The Lictor Brood with this upgrade may assault the same turn it Deep Strikes, Outflanks or Infiltrates, if it's not accompanied by an Independent Character or a Warrior Alpha, and did not shoot at their previous Shooting phase.


  • Mutations: (WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:15/W:15/I:5/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • Mutations (Lictor Alpha): (WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:15/W:15/I:5/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:15)
  • May include up to nine additional Lictors - 50 pts./model
  • Any model may take items from the Biomorphs list.
  • Entire unit may take Ambush! upgrade ····· 20 pts./model
  • Entire unit may replace Stealth special rule with Shrouded special rule - 15 pts./model
  • One Model in the Brood may be upgraded into a Lictor Alpha for 25 points.

Pyrovore Brood[edit]

40 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Pyrovore 3 3 4 4 3 2 2 6 4+ Beasts 1 Pyrovore


  • Flamespurt cannon
  • Acid blood
  • Acid maw

Special Rules:

  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Very Bulky
  • Fireproof: Strength of all flame weapons and weapons with the Melta or Soul Blaze special rules fired at Pyrovore Brood is halved (round down).
  • Volatile: If a Pyrovore is slain by a wound that inflicted Instant Death, every unit within D6' of the slain Pyrovore (excluding Pyrovore Brood itself) suffers a Strength 4 AP- hit for each its model within that range (resolve damage as a shooting attack from the Pyrovore, before removing it as a casualty). I the Pyrovore Brood is within Synapse range, at the end of any Close Combat phase you may choose to detonate any number of models within it - resolve it exactly as they were slain with a wound that inflicted Instant Death.


  • Mutations: (WS:-/BS:-/S:-/T:15/W:15/I:5/A:5/Ld:5/Sv:15/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to nine additional Pyrovores - 40 pts./model
  • Any model may take items from the Biomorphs list.
  • The unit may take a Tyrannocyte or a Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport.

Ymgarl Genestealer Brood[edit]

90 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Ymgarl Genestealer 6 2 4 4 1 6 3 10 4+ Infantry 5 Ymgarl Genestealers
Ymgarl Broodlord 7 2 5 5 2 7 4 10 3+ Infantry (C)


  • Rending Claws
  • Feeder tendrils

Special Rules:

  • Bulky (Broodlord only)
  • Psyker (Mastery Level 1) (Ymgarl Broodlord only)
  • Know No Honor (Ymgarl Broodlord only)
  • Fleet
  • Move Through Cover
  • Infiltrate

Death from the Shadows

  • Alter Form: At the start of it's movement phase, a Ymgarl Genestealer Brood must alter their form into one of the three listed below. The bonus gained lasts until the start of it's next movement phase. The same form cannot be chosen in two consecutive turns.
  • Slashing Claws: every model in the brood has +1 Strength.
  • Tentacled Limbs: every model in the brood has +1 Attack.
  • Muscle Carapace: every model in the brood has +1 Toughness.
  • Leftover: Destroying Ymgarl Genestealer Brood do not grant any Victory Points, and do not count as First Blood. Independent Characters and Alpha Warriors cannot join Ymgarl Genestealer Brood.
  • Stealth:
  • Hyper-Reflexes: Ymgarl Genestealers have a 5++ invulnerable save

Psyker: A Ymgarl Broodlord always knows The Horror psychic power.


  • Mutations: (WS:1/BS:-/S:3/T:4/W:-/I:1/A:2/Ld:-/Sv:7/Psy:-/Syn:-)
    • Mutations (Broodlord): (WS:5/BS:-/S:10/T:20/W:10/I:5/A:5/Ld:-/Sv:20/Psy:25/Syn:-)
  • May include up to ten additional Ymgarl Genestealers - 18 pts/model
  • Any model in a brood may take one of the following:
- Scything talons ··········································· 2 pts.
- Rending claws ············································· 5 pts.
  • All Ymgarl Genestealers in the brood may take any of the following biomorphs:
- Serrated blades ································ 1 pts./model
- Carbonized claws ································ 1 pts./model
- Flesh hooks ················································ 1 pts./model
- Adrenal glands ································· 2 pts./model
- Toxin sacs ······································· 3 pts./model
  • May add a Ymgarl Broodlord - 45 pts
  • A Ymgarl Broodlord may take items from the Biomorphs list.
  • A Ymgarl Broodlord may take any of the following:
- Flesh hooks ················································ 5 pts
- Implant attack ············································ 10 pts

Maleceptor Brood[edit]

155 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Maleceptor 3 3 6 6 6 3 3 10 3+ Monstrous Creature 1 Maleceptor


  • Scything talons
  • Warp shield projector: The Maleceptor's warp shield provides a 4++ invulnerable save.

Special rules:

  • Psyker (Mastery Level 2)
  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Synapse Creature

Psyker: A Maleceptor has the Psychic Overload and Psychic Void psychic powers and may choose a primaris from any of the disciplines allowed to the Tyranids. If it is upgraded to Mastery level 3, it must generate one additional power from any discipline allowed to Tyranids.

  • Psychic Overload
Warp Charge 1
Psychic Overload is a witchfire power with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
Burst 24 1 2 Assault 1, Ignores Cover, Large Blast, Brain Damage

  • Brain Damage: Do not roll to wound or to penetrate against units hit by Psychic Overload blast - instead, this unit must roll a Leadership test on 3D6, adding +1 for each model hit by the blast past the first one, and additional +2 if any model in the unit is under the template central hole. Vehicles count as having Leadership 10 for the purpose of this power. If the test is failed, unit suffers D3+1 Wounds, or one Penetrating hit which automatically causes Crew Stunned result, which cannot be negated or replaced with another vehicle damage result by any means (extra Armour, Living Metal, Spirit Stones, Daemonic Resilience, etc.). Friendly Tyranid units hit by Psychic Overload blast do not suffer any damage.
A Maleceptor may manifest Psychic Overload power up to three times per turn, but each Maleceptor may only target a given unit once per Psychic phase.
  • Psychic Void
Warp Charge 1
Psychic Void is a blessing that targets the Maleceptor itself. Whilst this power is in effect, all Deny the Witch rolls made to deny any opposing psychic powers that target the Maleceptor, or any models within the Maleceptor's Synapse Range, gain a +3 bonus on their tests. At the start of your opponent's Psychic phase any other friendly Synapse Creature within Maleceptor's synapse range may choose to expend one Warp Charge to spread Psychic Void's effect on its own synapse range.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:30/S:10/T:20/W:20/I:10/A:10/Ld:10/Sv:30/Psy:25/Syn:20)
  • May include up to 2 additional Maleceptors - 180 pts./model
  • May take items from the Biomorphs lists.
  • The unit may take a Tyrannocyte or a Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport if it numbers only one model.

Haruspex Brood[edit]

145 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Haruspex 3 3 6 6 5 3 3 7 3+ Monstrous Creature 1 Haruspex


  • Grasping tongue
  • Crushing claws
  • Acid blood

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Feeder-beast: If a Haruspex inflicts at least one unsaved Wound in the Assault phase or Shooting Phase, then at the end of that phase it recovers a single Wound lost earlier in the battle.
  • Fuel for Rampage: For each model removed as a casualty due to Haruspex attacks (both ranged and melee), it gain one Food token at the and of the phase, to the maximum of six - you may track them by simply putting the D6 with appropriate number near the Haruspex model. At the start of the Movement phase a Haruspex may spend up to three Food tokens to gain +2' bonus to it's maximum movement distance for each token spent. At the start of the Fight subphase of Assault phase Haruspex may spend any number of Food tokens to gain +1 bonus Attack for each token spent. At the start of the movement phase, a Haruspex may spend any number of Food tokens to recover one wound per food token spent.
  • Savage: In close combat Haruspex can exchange all of its normal Attacks to make a Savage attack, resolved at it's normal initiative. When doing so, place a Blast template for each 3 Attacks Haruspex has (including any bonus Attacks) in a base contact with Haruspex base, placed in a way that they don't cover any friendly models. For each enemy model covered by any of these templates, enemy unit suffer an automatic hit with Strength 6, AP3 and Ignores Cover special rule. Do note that models covered by multiple Savage blasts do not suffer multiple hits.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20/W:20/I:10/A:15/Ld:10/Sv:30/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to 2 additional Haruspex - 160 pts./model
  • May take items from the Biomorphs list.
  • May take a thresher scythe - 10 pts.
  • May take a Tyrannocyte or a Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport.

Crinis Brood[edit]


A horrid monstrosity tailor made to assassinate, disrupt enemy formations, and destroy the precious equipment of it's foes, the Crinis is named for the number of tendrils it possesses. Four long lash whip tendril arms, a maw ringed by yet more tentacles, and four flesh hooks that can burst from it's chest, the Crinis is by all accounts an excessively horrid creature with remarkable regenerative abilities, bolstered by the fact that it is virtually a walking corrosives factory, producing acid in copious amounts to destroy equipment.

The creature is remarkably quick, built more like a Hive Tyrant than a Carnifex, and may be an offshoot of that genus. It's strategy seems to be to engage targets already occupied by other Tyranids to strike at the targets it wishes to or drop in unannounced to sow havoc before inevitably perishing. It is theorized that the creature's regenerative powers are born out of a need to regenerate appendages quickly if they are cut off while it grapples, which translated into a body wide healing factor. Some seem to further this regenerative power with special biomorphs that make it even harder to force an injury to remain.

These creatures are understandably loathed by artificers and crafters the galaxy over for their wanton destruction of priceless artifacts, something which the Hive Mind seems to be keenly aware of, especially as many of these artifacts are very difficult to replace. These creatures even seem to enter a chemical high when they destroy what it is programmed to recognize as especially priceless relics such as Terminator or Artificer armor or master crafted weapons, meaning that even outside of synapse range they continue to hunt out items to destroy before messily devouring them.

Modeling notes

A crinis should be represented with a Hive Tyrant base body with at least four tentacles to represent the lash whips, where you get these tentacles is up to you, but they should be decently long (See Toxicrene for inspiration). The head should come from a Lictor or similarly cthulhoid head, and it should have something to represent the Flesh hooks. If the result looks like a Hentai monster you should be hiding your Sisters of Battle, Fire Warrioresses, Guardswomen, Slaaneshi Daemons, and Eldar (Dark or Craftworld) from, you've succeeded.

170 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Crinis 4 3 6 6 4 5 5 7 3+ Monstrous Creature 1 Crinis


  • Two sets of lash whips
  • Flesh hooks
  • Feeder tendrils
  • Acid blood
  • Toxin sacs
  • Toxic miasma
  • Toxin spike

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Fleet
  • Bounding Leap
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • It Will Not Die
  • Precision Strikes
  • Blinding Vapour: All enemy units in base contact with Crinis take one hit from a strength 3 close combat weapon with Blind special rule at Initiative step 10.
  • Ruinous Touch: Non-vehicle models that had been hit by at least one Crinis close combat attacks suffer -1 penalty to their armour save at the end of Crinis Initiative step. Vehicles that have been hit by at least one Crinis close combat attack suffers -1 penalty to their armour value all around at the end of Crinis Initiative step. Both penalties affect the model till the end of the game, and are cumulative.
If any model rolls at least one natural 1 (after all re-rolls) in close combat, while trying to hit a Crinis, at the end of its Initiative phase that model must pass a Weapon Skill test. If the test is passed, nothing happens, but if it's failed, the close combat weapon with which this model attacked is destroyed and cannot be used till the end of the game. For attacks, rolled for a group of models with the same weapons and Weapon Skill, treat each result of 1 as being rolled by a separate model.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:10/S:10/T:20/W:20/I:10/A:15/Ld:10/Sv:30/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to four additional Crinis - 170 pts./model
  • Any model may take items from the Thorax Biomorphs and Biomorphs lists.
  • Any model may take one of the following:
- Cluster spines ············································ 15 pts.
- Stinger salvo ·············································· 15 pts.
  • The unit may take a Tyrannocyte or a Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport if is not taken in a brood of more than one.

Cortex Leech Swarm Brood[edit]

69 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Cortex Leech Swarm 4 3 3 3 3 2 4 10 6+ Infantry 3 Cortex Leech Swarms

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Synapse
  • Swarms
  • Consume: During the Shooting phase a unit with at least three bases with this rule may opt to devour an organic terrain piece (forests, bushes, swamps, etc) it touches. If it chooses to do so, you may move models in the unit to any point wholly within that piece of terrain before removing it from the field. This counts as Run move for all intents and purposes.
  • Surge: In close combat, every model with this special rule can exchange all of its normal Attacks to make a single surge attack, which uses the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- 1 - Melee, Haywire, Jammed!

Jammed!: When performing a surge attack, models with this rule must roll to hit in close combat even if they hit automatically. For each to-hit result of 1 or 2, the unit, which performed surge attack, suffers a randomly allocated wound with no saves of any kind allowed. This wound cannot be allocated on the model without the Surge special rule.
  • Cortex Command: When in assault, a cortex leech swarm base may choose to forego its normal attacks to instead make a Cortex Command check. This is a single attack that if it hits, both players must roll an opposed leadership check with both players rolling a d6 and adding it to their respective models' leadership values. If the Cortex Leech's player succeeds, that model must make either either a shooting or a melee attack against a target chosen by the Cortex Leech's player at its full value (I.E a model so controlled that assaults another unit must do so as if it had charged them). If an enemy unit in assault is wiped out by the cortex leech's unit, roll a d6; on a 3 or less nothing happens, but on a four or more the entire unit must charge or shoot a target of the Cortex Leech player's choosing, though after the turn the models are removed from play.


  • Mutations: (WS:2/BS:4/S:4/T:4/W:-/I:2/A:3/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:5)
  • May include up to six additional Cortex Leech Swarms - 23 pts/base
  • The unit may take spinefists ···················· 3 pts/base
  • All Cortex Leech Swarms in the brood may take any of the following biomorphs:
- Serrated blades ································· 3 pts./base
- Carbonized claws ································· 3 pts./base
- Toxin sacs ········································ 4 pts./base
- Adrenal glands ·································· 6 pts./base
  • The unit may take Deep Strike .......... 2 points/base

Synaptic Booster Spores[edit]

15 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Synaptic Booster Spores - - 1 1 1 1 - 1 - Infantry 3 Synaptic Booster Spores

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Living Bomb: Synaptic Booster Spores are non-scoring, non-denial units. They do not award Victory Points when destroyed, and Wounds suffered by Spore Mines in close combat are not counted when determining assault results.
  • Synapse Booster: If there is a model with the 'Synapse Creature' rule within 96' of a Synaptic Booster Spores unit, models in the unit gain the 'Synapse Creature' special rule.


  • May include up to six additional Synaptic Booster Spores - 5 pts./model
  • Mutations: (WS:-/BS:-/S:-/T:1/W:-/I:-/A:-/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:5)

Fast attack[edit]

Dimachaeron Brood[edit]

170 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Dimachaeron 8 3 6 6 6 6 5 10 3+ Monstrous Creature (Leaper) 1 Dimachaeron


  • Sickle Claws
  • Grasping talons
  • Thorax Spine-Maw

Special Rules:

  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Monstrous Creature (Leaper) Leaper is sub type, and as such does not appear as a catagory on its own, but only when paired with another unit type. Models with the Leaper sub-type may choose to use their Leaping ability in either the Shooting phase or the Assault phase (they may not use both in the same turn). When not using this ability, the model moves normally for a model of its base type. When using Leaper (whether moving or charging) the model can move over all other models and terrain freely. If the model begins or ends its move in difficult terrain it must take a Dangerous Terrain test. Leaping models cannot end their move on top of other models or in impassable terrain.
    • Shooting Phase - If a Leaping Model Leaps during the Shooting phase, it can move up to 6' this move, and only this move, is measured from the front of the base to the back of the base were it finishes the unit may not run after leaping but may shoot and assault as normal.
    • Assault Phase - If a Leaping Model leaps during the assault phase, it gains the Hammer of Wrath special rule, if it did not already possess it, and all Hammer of Wrath attacks are resolved at +1 Strength and gain the Strikedown special rule.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:-/S:10/T:20/W:15/I:15/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:35/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to 2 additional Dimacheron - 200 pts./model
  • The Model may take a Mycetic Spore or Tyrannocyte as a Dedicated Transport.

Tyranid Shrike Brood[edit]

66 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Tyranid Shrike 5 3 4 4 3 4 3 10 5+ Jump Infantry 3 Tyranid Shrike


  • Devourer
  • Scything talons

Special Rules:

  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Synapse Creature
  • Very Bulky
  • Psyker: A Shrike Brood upgraded to Brotherhood of Psykers may generate its powers from the Hive Mind's Control discipline.


  • Mutations: (WS:3/BS:5/S:4/T:7/W:8/I:4/A:4/Ld:-/Sv:6/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to six additional Tyranid Shrikes - 22 pts./model
  • Any model may take items from the Basic Bio-weapons, Melee Bio-weapons and Biomorphs lists.
  • For every three Tyranid Shrikes in the brood, one may take items from the Basic Bio-cannons list.
  • All models in the brood may take Flesh hooks ····································· 3 pts/model
  • The unit may take the Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery level 1) special rule for 35 pts.

Ravener Brood[edit]

66 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Ravener 5 3 4 4 3 5 4 6 5+ Beasts 3 Raveners
Ravener Alpha 6 4 4 4 3 6 5 10 5+ Beast (C)
The Red Terror 6 4 5 5 3 6 6 8 4+ Beast (C)


  • Two pairs of Scything talons
  • Prehensile pincer (Red Terror only)

Special Rules:

  • Deep Strike
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Very Bulky
  • Synapse Ravener Alpha and Red Terror Only
  • Precise Tunneling: If, when a Ravener Brood deploys via Deep Strike, it scatters on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe), reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required to avoid the obstacle. This does not apply to buildings with transport capacity, despite them usually count as Impassible terrain - Ravener Brood may deliberately Deep Strike on top of the building, and if at least one model in the brood end it's scatter over the building, count them as occupying this building's lowest floor. If that floor is already occupied by the enemy unit, both units become immediately locked in close combat. This does not count as Charge, so no one get bonus attacks for charging, Rage and Counter-Charge special rules.
  • Know No Honor (Ravener Alpha and Red Terror only)
  • Swallow Whole: (Red Terror only) If the Red Terror hits with at least four of its close combat attacks in a single phase (excluding its prehensile pincer attack), you may nominate a single enemy Infantry, Jump Infantry or Jet Pack Infantry model in base contact with the Red Terror and attempt to swallow it whole.
If you choose to do so, no To Wound rolls are made for any of the Red Terror's Attacks (excluding its prehensile pincer attack). Instead, the nominated model must pass a single invulnerable save (if it has one) or be removed from play as a casualty. There is no need to decide beforehand if you will attempt to swallow a model whole; declare after rolling To Hit. Enemy models with either the Very Bulky or Extremely Bulky special rule cannot be nominated as targets to be Swallowed Whole. If no models in the target unit can be nominated, the Red Terror cannot choose to Swallow Whole and must roll To Wound normally.
  • Burrow: An unengaged Ravener unit can, at any point during its Movement phases from the second game turn onwards, elect to burrow. If it does so, remove it from the table and place it into Ongoing Reserves. The unit cannot Deep Strike and Burrow in the same turn.
  • 'They're all around us!' ': If a Ravener Brood includes The Red Terror, it can Deep Strike onto an enemy unit. After rolling for scatter as normal, (if the Raveners scattered onto the unit, then follow this rule as well) if just one of the unit is still within 1' of the target unit, then place the Raveners all around the target unit. All subsequent attacks have the instant death special rule, and the target unit cannot Move, Run, Charge or Fall Back. In addition, the Raveners all gain Stealth and Shrouded for the next two turns.


  • Mutations: (WS:3/BS:5/S:4/T:7/W:8/I:4/A:4/Ld:-/Sv:6/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • Mutations (Ravener Alpha): (WS:5/BS:5/S:5/T:10/W:10/I:5/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:6/Psy:-/Syn:15)
  • Mutations (The Red Terror): (WS:20/BS:25/S:5/T:15/W:15/I:5/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:15)
  • May include up to six additional Raveners - 22 pts./model
  • Any model may take items from the Biomorphs list.
  • Any Ravener may exchange one pair of scything talons for rending claws - 3 pts./model
  • Any Ravener may take one of the following:
- Spinefist ·········································· 2 pts./model
- Devourer ·········································· 4 pts./model
- Deathspitter ··································· 10 pts./model
  • One Ravener in the brood may be upgraded to a Ravener alpha for 15 points
  • One Ravener Brood in the army may add the Red Terror - 85 pts

Gargoyle Brood[edit]

60 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Gargoyle 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 6 6+ Jump Infantry 10 Gargoyles
Gargoyle Alpha 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 6+ Jump Infantry


  • Fleshborer
  • Blinding venom

Special Rules:

  • Instinctive Behaviour (Hunt)


  • Mutations: (WS:-/BS:1/S:1/T:1/W:-/I:-/A:1/Ld:1/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to forty additional Gargoyles - 6 pts/model
  • For every ten Gargoyles, one may replace its Fleshborer with a Strangleweb - 5 pts./model
  • All Gargoyles in the brood may take any of the following biomorphs:
- Wide-spectrum retinas ··· 0.5 pts./model (round up)
- Adrenal glands ································· 2 pts./model
- Toxin sacs ······································· 2 pts./mode
  • One in every ten Gargoyles in the Brood may be upgraded to a Gargoyle Alpha for six points, the brood uses the Gargoyle Alpha's leadership in place of its own as long as it is alive and can reroll instinctive behavior checks until all Gargoyle Alphas in the brood are slain.

Simurgh Brood[edit]


A melee focused counterpart to the Tyranid Gargoyle, the Simurgh is quite simply a hormagaunt given wings. Even faster than the already incredibly swift Hormagaunts, Simurghs rush into battle with the intent of tearing apart their enemies to feed their incredibly high metabolisms; their omnivorous digestive tracts able to consume plant and animal matter alike to predate on just about any species of xenos; even being able to eat of the flesh of xenos with wildly divergent biologies such as the Silicoid Dimanches of the federation of Xornthra or the Ammonia catalyzing Drunal of the Republic of Ikram. Foul tempered and ferociously hungry, Simurghs are expended by the Hive Fleets in great numbers to achieve their objectives

Modeling notes

Take a gargoyle and give it hormagaunt scything claws, alternatively take a hormagaunt and give it gargoyle wings.

60 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Simurgh 3 3 3 3 1 5 2 6 6+ Jump Infantry 10 Simurghs
Simurgh Alpha 4 4 3 3 1 6 3 8 6+ Jump Infantry


  • Scything Talons
  • Blinding venom

Special Rules:

  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Move Through Cover
  • Bounding Leap Units entirely composed of models with this special rule Run an additional 3' (this will normally be D6+3'), this represents the special biological microjets on Simurghs meant to drive them to greater speed.


  • Mutations: (WS:1/BS:-/S:1/T:1/W:-/I:-/A:1/Ld:1/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to forty additional Simurghs - 6 pts/model
  • All Simurghs in the brood may take any of the following biomorphs:
- Serrated Blades ································· 1 pts./model
- Carbonized Claws ································· 1 pts./model
- Adrenal glands ································· 2 pts./model
- Toxin sacs ······································· 2 pts./mode
  • One in every ten Simurghs in the Brood may be upgraded to a Simurgh Alpha for six points, the brood uses the Simurgh Alpha's leadership in place of its own as long as it is alive and can reroll instinctive behavior checks until all Simurgh Alphas in the brood are slain.

Sky-Slasher Swarm Brood[edit]

54 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Sky-Slasher Swarm 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 5 6+ Jump Infantry 3 Sky-Slasher Swarms

Special Rules:

  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Fearless
  • Swarms
  • Consume: During Shooting phase unit with at least three bases with this rule may opt to devour an organic terrain piece (forests, booshes, swamps, etc) it touches. If it choses so, you may move models in a unit to any point wholly within that piece of terrain before removing it from the field. This counts as Run move for all intents and purposes.
  • Surge: In close combat, every model with this special rule can exchange all of its normal Attacks to make a single surge attack, which uses the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- 1 - Melee, Haywire, Jammed!

Jammed!: When performing surge attack, models with this rule must roll to hit in close combat even if they hit automatically. For each to-hit result of 1 or 2, the unit, which performed surge attack, suffers a wound with no saves of any kind allowed. This wound cannot be allocated on the model without Surge special rule.


  • Mutations: (WS:2/BS:4/S:4/T:4/W:-/I:2/A:3/Ld:2/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to six additional Sky-Slasher Swarms - 18 pts/base
  • The unit may take spinefists ···················· 3 pts/base
  • All Sky-Slasher Swarms in the brood may take any of the following biomorphs:
- Serrated blades ································· 2 pts./base
- Carbonized claws ································· 2 pts./base
- Toxin sacs ········································ 4 pts./base
- Adrenal glands ·································· 5 pts./base

Laius Horror[edit]

180 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Laius Horror 3 3 6 6 4 4 4 6 3+ Monstrous Creature 1 (Unique)


  • Two sets of scything talons

Special Rules:

  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Fearless
  • Fleet:
  • From The Inside: Laius Horror always starts the game in reserves. If your army includes the Laius Horror, secretly write one enemy non-vehicle and non-Character model with one wound as a Host. If there is no such model, pick a model with 2 wounds and no Character type. When the Host loses its last Wound or when the Laius Horror enters from reserve, reveal the note to your opponent, replace the Host with a Laius Horror, and then remove Host as casualty. If there is no space to place Laius Horror directly on top of where its host been, move other models in the Host's unit until it could be placed - from this moment Laius Horror count as being locked in close combat with his Host's unit. This does not count as Charge, so no one get bonus attacks for charging, Rage and Counter-Charge special rules.
Tyranid codex 8th


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:-/S:10/T:20/W:20/I:10/A:15/Ld:10/Sv:30/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May take items from the Thorax Biomorphs and Biomorphs lists

Harpy Brood[edit]

135 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Harpy 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 10 4+ Flying Monstrous Creature 1 Harpy


  • Twin-linked stranglethorn cannon
  • Scything talons
  • Spore mine cysts with frag mines and toxic mines

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Hunt)
  • Sonic Screech: When Harpy Brood charges into combat, enemy models cannot perform Overwatch on it, and all enemy models in the combat suffer -5 to their Initiative (to a minimum of 1) until the end of that Assault phase.
  • Skyfall: Harpy Brood may declare Charge in the same turn it switched from Swooping to Gliding mode. If they does so, they do not suffer Initiative penalty for charging through Difficult terrain, and deal D3 Hammer of Wrath attacks each, instead of one (roll once for entire brood).


  • Lone Hunter: This model is not affected by Instinctive Behaviour.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20/W:15/I:10/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:30/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to 2 additional Harpies - 130 pts./model
  • Any model may take items from the Biomorphs list.
  • Any model may replace twin-linked stranglethorn cannon with twin-linked heavy venom cannon - 5 pts.
  • Any model may upgrade it's spore mine cysts to launch acid mines - 5 pts.
  • Any model may take one of the following:
- Stinger salvo ·············································· 10 pts.
- Cluster spines ············································ 15 pts.
  • May take the Lone Hunter upgrade -25 pts.

Hive Crone Brood[edit]

155 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Hive Crone 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 10 4+ Flying Monstrous Creature 1 Hive Crone


  • Drool cannon
  • Four tentaclids
  • Scything talons

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Vector Dancer
  • Raking Strike: A Hive Crone’s Vector Strike is resolved at Strength 8.


  • Lone Hunter: This model is not affected by Instinctive Behaviour.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20/W:15/I:10/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:30/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to 2 additional Hive Crone - 155 pts./model
  • Any model may take items from the Biomorphs list.
  • Any model may take up to four additional Tentacilids - 4 pts./each
  • Any model may take one of the following:
- Stinger salvo ·············································· 10 pts.
- Cluster spines ············································ 15 pts.
  • May take the Lone Hunter upgrade - 25 pts.

Spore Mine Cluster[edit]

15 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Frag Mine - - 1 1 1 1 - 1 - Infantry 3 Frag Mines
Toxin Mine - - 1 1 1 1 - 1 - Infantry
Acid Mine - - 1 1 1 1 - 1 - Infantry
Char Mine - - 1 1 1 1 - 1 - Infantry

Special Rules:

  • Deep Strike
  • Fearless
  • Drifting: Spore Mines move 3' in the Movement phase and, when they Run or charge, move half the distance rolled. Spore Mines are never slowed by difficult terrain, but must take Dangerous Terrain tests as normal.
  • Floating Death: (Frag Mines, Toxin Mines, Acid Mines) Spore Mines do not attack in close combat. Instead, at the Initiative 10 step, the entire cluster detonates! Each type of mines detonates specifically:
  • Frag Mines: Place a large blast markers centered on each Frag Mine, every other unit (friend or foe) under the blast templates suffers a number of hits with Strength 4, AP4 and Ignores Cover special rule equal to the number of its models under the blast templates (calculate for each template separately, so a model, covered bu multiple templates would generate multiple hits).
  • Toxin Mines: Place a blast markers centered on each Toxin Mine, every other unit (friend or foe) under the blast templates suffers a number of hits with Strength 1, AP3, Poisoned (3+) and Ignores Cover special rules equal to the number of its models under the blast templates (calculate for each template separately, so a model, covered by multiple templates would generate multiple hits).
  • Acid Mines: Each unit in close combat with Acid Mines suffers a number of hits with Strength 6, AP3 and Armourbane and Ignores Cover special rules equal to the number of models in base-to-base contact with Acid Mine models.
Once all hits have been resolved, remove all models in the Spore Mine Cluster from play as casualties.
  • Sky Bomb: (Char Mines only) Char Mines benefit from Hard to Hit special rule, and count as Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures for the purpose of targeting. They can charge Zooming Flyers and Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures, and cannot charge any other type of units. Unlike other Spore Mines, Char Mines' charge range is not halved per Drifting special rule, though each mine must roll for charge distance separately. For each Char Mine, that successfully charged enemy unit, it immediately suffers automatic hit with Strength 7, AP3 and Armourbane and Ignores Cover special rule. Regardless of the number of successful charges (if any), remove Spore Mine Cluster from play as casualties after they attempt to charge their target.
  • Living Bomb: Spore Mine Clusters are non-scoring, non-denial units. They do not award Victory Points when destroyed, and Wounds suffered by Spore Mines in close combat (including those caused by a Floating Death detonation) are not counted when determining assault results.


  • Mutations: (WS:-/BS:-/S:-/T:1/W:-/I:-/A:-/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to six additional Frag Mines - 5 pts./model
  • May replace all Frag Mines in the cluster with:
- Toxin mines ················································· free
- Acid mines ····································· 1 pts./model
- Char mines ····································· 3 pts./model

Meiotic Spore Brood[edit]

45 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Meiotic Spore - - 1 3 1 1 - 1 - Infantry 3 Meiotic Spores

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Shrouded
  • Outriders of the Swarm: Meiotic Spore Mines must be deployed at the start of the game, just before the first turn but after deployment, using the Deep Strike special rule. They may only be held in reserve in missions that force all other friendly units to begin the game in reserves.
  • Floating Brood Bomb: The Meiotic Spore Brood moves 3+D6' in each of its controlling player's movement phases. When they run, they move only half of the distance rolled. Meiotic Spores are never slowed by difficult terrain but must take Difficult Terrain tests as normal. Meiotic Spores may not declare charges and if charged by any enemy unit, they detonate and are removed from play before any blows are struck or other effects are triggered, causing D6 Str7 AP4 hits on the charging unit per Meiotic Spore in the unit when it is removed from play. If any Meiotic Spore is removed as a casualty due to shooting attacks, then its controlling player may place a new unit of D3+1 Spore Mines anywhere within 6' of the destroyed models. These spore mines form a separate unit that may act normally on the turn following their placement. In addition, whenever the Meiotic Spore brood moves within 6' of an enemy unit, or during any friendly shooting phase, the Meiotic Spore Brood may make one attack using the profile below. Each attack may target a different enemy unit. After these attacks are resolved, all models in the Meiotic Spore Brood are removed as casualties.
    • Bomb
Range S AP Type
6' 7 4 Assault 1, Large Blast, Strikedown, Ignores Cover, Brood Bombs

Brood Bombs: If any template from a Meiotic Spore Bomb scatters so that it misses all enemy units, then the controlling player may immediately place a unit of D3+1 Spore Mines anywhere under the template that is at least 1' away from any other models or impassable terrain. If there is not enough space to place any or all of these spore mines, then those models which cannot be placed are removed from play.
  • Living Bomb: Meiotic Spore Mine Clusters are non-scoring, non-denial units. They do not award Victory Points when destroyed, and Wounds suffered by Spore Mines in close combat (including those caused by a Floating Death detonation) are not counted when determining assault results.


  • Mutations: (WS:-/BS:-/S:-/T:5/W:-/I:-/A:-/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to six additional Meiotic Spores - 15 pts./model

Heavy support[edit]

Carnifex Brood[edit]

110 pts.

Tyranid Codex 8th

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Carnifex 3 3 9 6 4 1 3 10 3+ Monstrous Creature 1 Carnifex


  • Two sets of scything talons

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Living Battering Ram: When this model charges, it inflicts D3 Hammer of Wrath Attacks, rather than just 1.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:15/S:5/T:20/W:15/I:10/A:20/Ld:-/Sv:25/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to four additional Carnifexes - 85 pts/model
  • Any model may replace any pair of scything talons with any of the following:
- Crushing claws ································ 15 pts./model
- Stonecrusher ramshield* ··················· 25 pts./model
- Crushing claw and wrecking ball* ······· 30 pts./model
* Only one of each allowed per model.
  • Any model may take items from the Monstrous Bio-cannons and Biomorphs lists.
  • Any model may take any of the following:
- Spine banks ······································ 5 pts./model
- Bio-plasma ······································ 20 pts./model
  • Any model may take one of the following tail biomorphs:
- Thresher scythe ································ 10 pts/model
- Bone mace ······································· 15 pts/model
  • The unit may take a Tyrannocyte as a Dedicated Transport if it has two or less models, or a Malefactor no matter its model count.

Biovore Brood[edit]

40 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Biovore 3 3 4 4 3 2 2 6 4+ Infantry 1 Biovore


  • Spore Mine launcher with frag and toxin mines

Special Rules:

  • Instinctive Behaviour (Hunt)
  • Very Bulky


  • Mutations: (WS:-/BS:10/S:-/T:15/W:15/I:-/A:-/Ld:5/Sv:15/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to nine additional Biovores - 40 pts/model
  • Any model may upgrade it's spore mine launcher to launch acid mines - 5 pts.
  • Any model may upgrade it's spore mine launcher to launch char mines - 15 pts.
  • The unit may take a Tyrannocyte if it has four or fewer models or a Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport.

Trygon Brood[edit]

175 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Trygon 5 3 6 6 6 4 5 8 3+ Monstrous Creature 1 Trygon


  • Bio-electric pulse
  • Two pairs of scything talons.

Special rules:

  • Deep Strike
  • Fearless
  • Fleet
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Subterranean Assault: If, when a Trygon (or Trygon Prime) deploys via Deep Strike, it scatters on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe), reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required to avoid the obstacle.
After the Trygon (or Trygon Prime) has emerged, mark the position under the creature’s base with a suitable marker – this represents the tunnel left by its emergence. Any friendly Tyranid Infantry unit that arrives from reserve in subsequent turns may emerge from the Trygon’s tunnel instead of arriving from reserve as normal. Only one unit may emerge from each tunnel marker each turn.
If any unit chooses to do so, place the entire unit so that all of its models are wholly within 6' of the centre of the marker and in unit coherency. These models cannot be placed within 1' of enemy models or within impassable terrain; if any models cannot be placed, these excess models are removed as casualties. A unit may not move or charge on the same turn it arrives from a Trygon’s tunnel, but may shoot or Run.
  • Burrow An unengaged Trygon can, at any point during its Movement phases from the second game turn onwards, elect to burrow. If it does so, remove it from the table and place it into Ongoing Reserves. A Trygon cannot Deep Strike and Burrow in the same turn.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:15/S:10/T:20/W:15/I:15/A:15/Ld:10/Sv:35/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to 2 additional Trygons - 175 pts./model
  • May take items from the Biomorphs and Thorax Biomorphs lists.
  • May replace one set of scything talons with crushing claws - 25 pts.
  • May take one of the following:
- Heavy spinefist ··········································· 10 pts.
- Spine banks ··············································· 10 pts.
  • May take one of the following tail biomorphs:
- Prehensile pincer ········································ 10 pts.
- Toxinspike ·················································· 10 pts.

Mawloc Brood[edit]

150 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Mawloc 3 0 6 6 6 4 3 8 3+ Monstrous Creature 1 Mawloc

Special rules:

  • Deep Strike
  • Fearless
  • Fleet
  • Crusader
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Burrow: An unengaged Mawloc can, at any point during its Movement phases from the second game turn onwards, elect to burrow. If it does so, remove it from the table and place it into Ongoing Reserves. A Mawloc cannot Deep Strike and Burrow in the same turn.
  • Terror from the Deep: When arriving from Deep Strike Reserve, a Mawloc can choose to Deep Strike onto a point occupied by another model (friend or foe) – roll for scatter as normal. If a Mawloc Deep Strikes onto a point occupied by another model, do not roll on the Deep Strike Mishap table. Instead, place the large blast marker directly over the spot the Mawloc is deep striking onto. All units except Flyers and Flying Monstrous Creatures beneath the blast marker suffer a number of Strength 6 AP2 hits with the Ignores Cover special rule equal to twice the number of models that unit has underneath the blast marker. If the blast marker is on a multi-level ruin, only models on the lowest level of the ruin count as being under the blast marker. For Wound allocation purposes, assume the attack is coming from the centre of the blast marker. Hits against vehicles are resolved against their side armour.
If, after removing casualties, it is now possible to place the Mawloc on the table on the spot where the blast marker landed, then do so, even if this is within 1' of another model (but not if it would be in base contact with, or occupying the same space as, another model). If it is not possible to place the Mawloc, replace the large blast marker on the spot and resolve another round of damage as detailed above. If, after removing casualties for a second time, it is still not possible to place the Mawloc, then move enemy models that prevent it to be placed away from the Mawloc, until it could be placed normally, unless at least one of these models is a Gargantuan Creature, or a Super heavy Vehicle, in which case it suffers 'Delayed' result from the Deep Strike Mishap table.
  • Swallow Whole: Once a game, when the Mawloc attacks a unit in close combat, it can choose to trade all its attacks for a single 'swallow whole' attack. If this is made on a unit without the Vehicle designation, the unit suffers a number of hits equal to the number of models in that unit. These attacks hit on a 2+ and have the Instant Death special rule. On vehicles, they suffer D3 S10 AP1 hits on their rear armour. Fliers must either make a Jink save or suffer 3 penetrating hits to their rear armour.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:-/S:10/T:20/W:15/I:10/A:15/Ld:10/Sv:35/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May take items from the Biomorphs list.
  • May include up to 2 additional Mawlocs - 150 pts./model
  • May take crushing claws ···································· 20 pts.
  • May take one of the following tail biomorphs:
- Prehensile pincer ········································ 10 pts.
- Toxinspike ·················································· 10 pts.

Exocrine Brood[edit]

170 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Exocrine 3 3 6 6 5 3 3 7 3+ Monstrous Creature 1 Exocrine


  • Scything talons
  • Bio-plasmic cannon

Special rules:

  • Fearless
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Hunt)
  • Symbiotic Targeting: If an Exocrine does not move in its Movement phase, it's ranged weapon count as twin-linked. An Exocrine cannot declare a charge during the same turn that it uses this special rule.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:20/S:10/T:20/W:20/I:10/A:10/Ld:10/Sv:35/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May take items from the Biomorphs list.
  • May include up to 2 additional Excorcines - 170 pts./model
  • May take the thresher scythe tail biomorph - 10 pts.
  • The unit may take a Tyrannocyte or a Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport if it have only one model.

Tyrannofex Brood[edit]

160 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Tyrannofex 3 3 6 6 6 2 3 8 2+ Monstrous Creature 1 Tyrannofex


  • Acid spray
  • Stinger salvo

Special rules:

  • Fearless
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Hunt)


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:20/S:10/T:20/W:20/I:10/A:10/Ld:10/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to 2 additional Tyranofexs - 175 pts./model
  • May take items from the Thorax Biomorphs and Biomorphs lists.
  • May replace acid spray with one of the following:
- Fleshborer hive ············································· 5 pts.
- Rupture cannon ·········································· 20 pts.
  • The unit may take a Tyrannocyte or a Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport if it have only one model.

Toxicrene Brood[edit]

145 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Toxicrene 3 3 5 6 5 3 6 8 4+ Monstrous Creature 1 Toxicrene


  • Acid blood
  • Choking cloud
  • Two sets of lash whips
  • Toxic miasma

Special rules:

  • Fearless
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Poisoned(2+)
  • Shrouded
  • Hypertoxic: Any hit, inflicted by Toxicrene, that have Poisoned special rule deal Instant Death on to-wound roll of 6.
  • Entangle: During Shooting phase Toxicrene may choose to Entangle one enemy model within 12' - this counts as a shooting attack that hits automatically (and does counts towards maximum shooting attack number per turn). Entangled models cannot move in any way until the Toxicrene's next shooting phase, and suffer -1 penalty to Ballistic Skill.
  • Overwork: During Movement phase Toxicrene may choose to lose one Wound, to double it's Move range and increase Run and Charge range by D6'.


  • Mutations: (WS:30/BS:10/S:5/T:20/W:20/I:10/A:20/Ld:10/Sv:30/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to 2 additional Toxicrenes - 160 pts./model
  • May take items from the Biomorphs lists.
  • The unit may take a Tyrannocyte or a Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport.

Dactylis Brood[edit]


Hivemind's standard approach towards siege operations usually include subterranean or aerial distraction strike, followed by the massed frontal assault, lead by heavily armored Carnifexes, meant to soak enemy firepower and ram through the gates or even walls. Though against the most havilyy fortified points of the Imperium and Orks these attacks have proven to be too costly, mainly due to the absurd amount of heavy ordnance they deploy. To counter this, hive mind breed it's own heavy ordnance, in a form of Dactylis.
Based on the simple and easy to to produce Carnifex genus, Dactylis is nothing like its progenitor. Slow and sluggish, it prefers to keep as long distance from its foes as possible, and usually tries to hide and flee if left on its own. Its weapon limbs get transformed into massive plates of ablative armour, almost useless in close combat, but invaluable at protecting it from enemy firepower. Armed with a massive spore launcher biomorph on it's back, Dactyis uses its oversized chem glands to fill both the spores and the weapon's barrel with compressed bio-plasma, and then detonate it to launch the spore with a force, rivaled only by the heavy artillery of humans. Though neither the launching process, nor the chem glands of the Dactylis proven to be stable, the usefulness of this siege beast and the ease with producing it totally compensate these weaknesses.

Modeling notes

A Dactylis should be represented with a Carnifex base body with massive bio-cannon on its back, skin sacs, meant to represent bio-plasmic chem glands, sticking off it's sides or back, and its weapon limbs replaced by the armour plates, covering the front of the model. Final result should look like this

170 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Dactylis 2 3 6 6 4 1 1 7 3+ Monstrous Creature 1 Dactylis


  • Bio-plasmic spore launcer
  • Stinger salvo

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Lurk)
  • Slow and Purposeful
  • Heavy Launcher: Dactylis can only fire its bio-plasmic spore launcher if it does not move in its Movement phase. It cannot declare a charge during the same turn that it fires its bio-plasmic spore launcher.
  • Siege Plating: Dactylis base should have a clear marker, representing the creature's front facing - all ranged attack, comming at the Dactylis Brood from the front 180° ark of the majority of the models in the Brood lose one point of Strengths and AP (for example, S9 AP2 Lascannon hits as S8 AP3).
  • Bio-Plasmic Leak: When Dactylis loses a wound from the hit, not affected by the Siege Plating rule, roll D6 - on the result of 1 or 2 Dactylis deal Strength 3 AP 2 automatic hit to each model in base contact with it (friend or foe), and loses one extra Wound with no saves of any kind allowed. This extra wounds lost do not trigger this rule.
  • Synaptic Spotters: If the Dactylis Brood is within Synapse range, and any other friendly Codex: Tyranids model that is within Synapse range can draw a line of sight to their target, the Dactylis Brood's bio-plasmic spore launcher's blast template only scatters D6' rather than 2D6, and counts the target as being within Dactylis line of sight, even if it's not.

Codex Tyranids 8th Edition Pdf


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:20/S:10/T:20/W:20/I:10/A:10/Ld:20/Sv:30/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to 2 additional Dactylis - 170 pts./model
  • Any model may take items from the Biomorphs list.

Erinyes Brood[edit]


These terrifying beasts are tailor made to deliver fast and lethal attacks against the enemies of the hive fleet as well as to confound the machinery of the enemies of the Tyranids with constant generation of electromagnetic energy that can foul even the hardiest and most sophisticated of machinery. With most of its enemies heavily dependent on technology, the Erinyes finds itself a feared opponent for enemy mechanized divisions and especially those foes who would entrust their defense to machinery. They are especially feared by the Mechanicus, the Iron Warriors, the Tau, and hated by Ork mekboyz for their ability to render the creations that they rely so much nearly inoperable. Even non-mechanical foes however, must beware as the Erinyes is a highly specialized and capable killer in close combat and can dive from the skies to immediately engage an opponent in vicious melee that few enemies are likely to survive.

Modeling notes

If you're feeling lazy you could simply put a flying MUTO (from the 2014 godzilla movie) toy on a base, if you're feeling a bit more up for hardcore converting, the model is meant to have a rather pronounced shield head (like said MUTOs) and the wings are more angular like the Harridan's than the more traditionally bat like wings of the Harpy/Crone and Flyrant. It should be about in between the size of a Harridan and a Harpy. The tail is scythed so don't forget that. This is less of a shooty flying monstrous creature and more of a choppy one, so the melee biomorphs should be rather pronounced and it should have legs that look like they can function on land

200 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Erinyes 5 3 6 6 6 5 6 10 3+ Flying Monstrous Creature 1 Erinyes


  • Scything talons (x2)
  • Thorax Biomorph (Electroshock grubs)
  • Bio-plasma
  • Heavy Spinefist
  • Flesh Hooks

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Vector Dancer
  • Raking Strike: A Hive Crone’s Vector Strike is resolved at Strength 8.
  • Electromagnetic Beast: At the start of the controlling player's shooting phase, the Erinyes may release a special pulse of electromagnetic energy that functions like a Nova power with a range of six. All enemy models within this range take an S4 AP5 hit with the Haywire special rule. If swooping, the nova only affects fliers. All attacks and vector strikes made by the Erinyes in assault have the haywire special rule.
  • Skyfall: An Erinyes brood may declare a Charge in the same turn it switched from Swooping to Gliding mode. If they does so, they do not suffer Initiative penalty for charging through Difficult terrain, and deals D3 Hammer of Wrath attacks each, instead of one (roll once for entire brood).
  • Wing Tearer: When an Erinyes elects to make a vector strike against a flier or flying monstrous creature, it may make as many vector strike hits as its profile has attacks, plus any bonus attacks from having multiple melee weapons, benedictions, special rules, or charging.


  • Lone Hunter: This model is not affected by Instinctive Behaviour.


  • Mutations: (WS:10/BS:5/S:20/T:20/W:15/I:10/A:15/Ld:-/Sv:30/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May include up to 2 additional Erinyesses - 200 pts./model
  • Any model may take items from the Biomorphs list.
  • Any model may replace any set of Scything Talons with any option from the Melee Bio-weapons list.
  • Any model may take one of the following:
- Stinger salvo ·············································· 10 pts.
- Cluster spines ············································ 15 pts.
  • May take the Lone Hunter upgrade - 25 pts.

Dedicated Transport[edit]


75 pts

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Tyrannocyte 2 2 5 5 6 3 3 8 4+ Monstrous Creature 1 Tyrannocyte


  • 5 Deathspitters

Special Rules:

  • Deep Strike
  • Fearless
  • Instinctive Fire
  • Drifting Death: The Tyrannocyte cannot Run or charge. They can consolidate but may not make a Sweeping Advance.
  • Transport Spore: A Tyrannocyte can carry a single unit of up to 20 models or 1 Monstrous Creature as if it is a Transport. A Tyrannocyte always enters play using the Deep Strike rules. If, when a Tyrannocyte Deep Strikes, it scatters on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe), reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required to avoid the obstacle. Once a Tyrannocyte Deep Strikes, a unit carried by it must disembark. Place the unit such that every model is wholly within 6' of the Tyrannocyte and none are within 1' of an enemy or within impassable terrain. Any model that cannot be placed is removed as a casualty. A unit cannot move or charge in the same turn it disembarks, but can shoot or Run. No unit can embark inside a Tyrannocyte for the rest of the game.


  • Mutations: (WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:20/W:10/I:5/A:5/Ld:5/Sv:15/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May replace all five deathspitters with:
- Five barbed stranglers ····································· 25 pts.
- Five venom cannons ········································ 25 pts.


150 points


A distinctive ground based transport organism for the Tyranid swarm, the malefactor is incredibly durable and is also well noted for its displeasing aesthetics. While not particularly dangerous in combat, it is capable of absorbing obscene damage.

Modeling notes

The malefactor isn't particularly hard to make, though if you have the old Armorcast minis; good for you! Be warned, some people will probably sooner gouge out their eyes than gaze upon of the malefactor for too long. A beauty so otherwordly that even the forces of Nurgle, Slaanesh, and the Haemonculi are driven to mass vomiting and find their eyes bursting into flames when they gaze upon the Malefactor's glory.
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Malefactor 2 2 5 7 6 3 3 8 2+ Monstrous Creature 1 Malefactor

By Nurgle that is hideous. Blech.
- Pestiliar the Great Unclean One.


  • Frag-spine bombardment (may launch a pair of cluster spines as a single attack and give all disembarking models as well as itself the benefit of assault grenades)
  • Electroshock-grubs
  • Scything Talons
  • Enhanced Leg Muscles
  • Adrenal Glands
  • Amphibious Adaptations

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Instinctive Behaviour (Feed)
  • Transport Beast: The Malefactor may transport models, and counts as an assault transport vehicle with no fireports with transport capacity of 20 models, though Monstrous Creatures count as 20 models. Any unit that can take a Tyrannocyte as a dedicated transport may take a Malefactor. Malefactors may not transport other Malefactors nor may Tyrannocytes transport Malefactors. A malefactor may disembark units while it is being assaulted, disembarked units may not gain the benefits of charging, but may assault immediately. It may not disembark on a turn that it has chosen to run. If it is transporting a Synape creature, then the synapse field continues to project from within the Malefactor, measuring the synapse field from the malefactor's base instead of the original model's.


  • Mutations: (WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:20/W:20/I:5/A:5/Ld:5/Sv:-/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May take upgrade biomorphs
  • May replace Electro-shock grubs with any other Thorax biomorph

Lords of War[edit]

Special Rules[edit]

Agile: In the Shooting phase models with this rule may choose to:

  • Fire all of its weapons.
  • Fire only one of its weapons and then Run.
  • Fire no weapons and Run twice
  • Fire no weapons, Run once and Charge in the following Assault phase

Weapon Biomorphs[edit]

  • Bio-acid Spray
Range S AP Type
Hellstorm 6 3 Assault 1, Blind

  • Bio-Cannon(X)
Range S AP Type
Stream 48' 10 1 Assault 6,
Pulse 48' 10 1 Assault 4, Blast
Blast 48' 10 1 Assault 2, Large Blast

  • Colossal Bio-Cannon(X)
Range S AP Type
Stream 96' D 1 Assault 10,
Bio-pulse 96' D 1 Assault 8, Blast
Bio-blast 96' D 1 Assault 6, Large Blast
Bio-bombs 96' 10 1 Assault 4, Massive Blast
Bio-obliterators 96' 10 1 Assault 2, Apocalyptic Blast

  • Bio-Lightning Pulse
Range S AP Type
36' 7 3 Assault 24, Overload
Bio-Lightning Pulse (with Containment Spines) 36' 7 3 Assault 48, Overload

  • Bio-Plasma Torrent
Range S AP Type
Hellstorm 7 2 Assault 1

  • Bio-Atomic Breath
Range S AP Type
Hellstorm D 1 Assault 1

  • Spine-Cloud Spray
Range S AP Type
48' 7 4 Assault 6, Skyfire, Twin-linked

  • Brainleech Hive
Range S AP Type
36' 6 4 Assault 48, Rending, Neural Agony, Twinlinked

  • Deathscreamer Hive
Range S AP Type
36' 7 2 Assault 48, Rending, Twinlinked

  • Gargantuan Grasping Tongue
Range S AP Type
36' 8 2 Assault 12, Precision Shots

Upgrade Biomorphs[edit]

  • Destroyer Field: While a model with this biomorph is within Synapse range, it can halve the number of its close combat attacks to gain the Destroyer special rule for it's close combat attacks.
  • Cellular Bolster: While a model with this biomorph is within Synapse range, it cannot lose more than three wounds per each hit taken, or six wounds on rolls of sixes on the destroyer weapon chart.
  • Frag spine batteries: A model with this Biomorph counts as having assault grenades as described in Warhammer 40 000 rulebook as well as any models that it is transporting, during the shooting phase Frag Spine batteries may be used with the following profile without counting towards the total number of weapons fired by the gargantuan creature
Range S AP Type
24' 6 4 Assault 12, Rending, Large Blast

  • Gargantuan Warp Shield: A model with this biomorph have 6+ invulnerable save, which is improved to 4+ if the model is within synapse range.
  • Greater Flesh Hooks Models equipped with this Biomorph have the Move Through Cover special rule, don't suffer a penalty to their Initiative for charging enemies through Difficult terrain and can move through solid walls or climb on ruins or basements without ladders. In addition, it can be fired as a ranged weapon with profile below:
Range S AP Type
24' 8 2 Assault 24, Rending, Twinlinked, Flesh Hook (counts as assault grenades for assaulting through cover)

  • Incendiary Ichor: Wherever a model with this biomorph suffers an unsaved wound in the Fight sub-phase, place a Large Blast template in a base contact with it. All non-vehicle models under this template (friend or foe) suffer a wound with no armor or cover saves allowed. Vehicle models under that template suffer D3 glancing hits with no cover saves allowed. All wounds, caused for this biomorph count for combat resolution.
  • Psy-Catalyst: While a model with this biomorph is within Synapse range, its Biocannons force rerolls to successful invulnerable and cover saves, and remove d3 wounds and hull points on every successful penetration or wound.
  • Spore Cloud: A model with this biomorph has the Shrouded special rule. At the initiative step 10 all enemy models in base contact with this model suffer Strength 1 AP- hit with the Poisoned (4+) special rule.
  • Synaptic Regeneration: If, at the start of its movement phase, a model with this biomorph is within Synapse range, roll a D6 for each Wound it lacks up to it's maximum Wound characteristic - on each result of 5+ the model regains one Wound.
  • Transport Chamber: A model with this biomorph can transport Codex: Tyranids units and counts as a transport vehicle with a transport capacity of 10 models and the Assault Vehicle special rule for that purpose. This model cannot transport extremely bulky models.
  • Transport Sacs: A model with this biomorph can transport Codex: Tyranids units and counts as a transport vehicle with a transport capacity of 20 models and the Assault Vehicle special rule for that purpose. This model cannot transport extremely bulky models.
  • Transport Hooks: A model with this biomorph can transport Codex: Tyranids units with the Jump Infantry type and counts as a transport vehicle with transport capacity of 40 models and the Assault Vehicle special rule for that purpose. This model cannot transport extremely bulky models. If this model is hit by a Template or Blast weapon, it's passengers suffer D6 automatic hits with the weapon's profile. Passengers may disembark this model at the end of the movement phase even if it's Swooping - in this case nominate one point over which this model moved in this turn and place the disembarking unit there like it's performing Deep Strike, though they scatter only D6' instead of the usual 2D6'. If this model is destroyed while Swooping, disembark all of it's passenger like above, except they scatter 2D6'.


Doom of Malan'tai[edit]

300 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Doom of Malan'tai 3 5 4 4 4 3 1 10 4+ Infantry 1 (Unique)

Special Rules:

  • Adamantium Will
  • Eternal Warrior
  • Fear
  • Psyker (Mastery Level 5)
  • Preferred Enemy (Eldar, Dark Eldar, Harlequins, Ynnari, Slaanesh)
  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Split fire
  • Synapse Creature The doom of Malan'Tai adds its wound characteristic to its synapse range.
  • Very Bulky
  • Destroyer of Malan'tai: Eldar (whether Craftworlder, Dark Eldar, Harlequins, or Ynnari) as well as models with the Mark of Slaanesh or Slaanesh Daemons suffer a -2 leadership penalty while within the Doom of Malan'tai's synapse range or when forced to take a leadership test of any sort inflicted by the Doom of Malan'tai or if targeted by a power that wounds based on Leadership by the Doom of Malan'tai. This is cumulative with any penalties they may already suffer for being in the Doom of Malan'Tai's synapse range. It may always reroll failed Deny the Witch Rolls, and denies on a 4+ against Eldar or Slaaneshi psykers.
  • Soul Eater: Each time an enemy model is removed as a causality due to the Doom of Malan'tai attacks or psychic powers, the Doom of Malan'tai gain one Wound, to the maximum of 10.
  • Psychic Apocalypse: The amount of Warp Charges the Doom of Malan'tai generates is equal to it's Wounds characteristic. Additionally, it adds its current Wounds to the result of Psychic Scream psychic power (so it would be 2d6+2+W) and its range. It use any power from the Hive Mind's wrath and malice disciplines (save for Psychic Scream) half as many additional times with no added warp charge cost as its wound characteristic, and may add the entirety of it to the range (at its standard wounds for example, the Doom of Malan'tai could manifest warp blast as Assault 3 with 4 additional inches of range). For Alien voice, it may add half its wound characteristic to its leadership roll. It may utilize any power from Hive Mind's wrath even if locked in assault, and can use Mind Breath, Warp Blast, or Despair in overwatch despite this not normally being allowable. It harnesses warp dice on a roll of 2. When, Doom of Malan'tai suffers Perils of the Warp, it doesn't roll on Perils of the Warp chart, and instead loses one Wound with no saves available.
  • Warp Field: The Doom of Malan'tai has a 3+ invulnerable save.

Psyker: The Doom of Malan'tai knows every power in the Hive Mind's Wrath and Hive Mind's Malice discipline.


  • Mutations: (WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:50/W:15/I:5/A:10/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:25/Syn:25)
  • May take a Tyrannocyte or a Malefactor as a Dedicated Transport.

The Swarmlord[edit]

550 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
The Swarmlord 10 5 6 6 6 6 6 10 2+ Monstrous Creature (C) 1 (Unique)

Apex Biomorphs:

  • Bone Sabres:
The Swarmlord has two pairs of Bone Sabres. Each pair counts as a Melee weapon with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- User+2 1 Melee, Instant Death, Parry, Blade Fury, Shieldbreaker, Overwhelming Assault, Armourbane

Parry: The Swarmlord, while equipped with two sets of Bone Sabres, has a 3+ invulnerable save against close combat attacks, rerolling ones. If for some reason he loses one of these sets, the swarmlord loses the ability to reroll ones.
Blade Fury: The Swarmlord, equipped with two sets of Bone Sabres may forgo all of his attacks in close combat to deal an automatic hit to each enemy model in a base contact with it. If for some reason he loses one of these sets, it still may deal hits to all models in a base contact with it, but must roll to hit for each instead of hitting automatically.
Shieldbreaker: Successful invulnerable save against wounds caused by two sets of Bone Sabres must be re-rolled. If for some reason the Swarmlord loses one of these sets, only invulnerable saves with the result of 6 must be re-rolled.
Overwhelming Assault: The Sheer number of angles that the Swarmlord constantly attacks from makes it difficult to form a defense and difficult to form an attack, improving the the Swarmlord's to hit rolls in assault by one (3+ to hit becomes 2+), and decreasing the to hit rolls of every enemy locked in assault with the swarmlord by 1 (5+ becomes 6+).


  • Warp Field: The Swarmlord has a 4++ invulnerable save against shooting attacks.
  • Dopamine Injectors
  • Regeneration

Special Rules:

  • Adamantium Will
  • Eternal Warrior
  • Fleet
  • It Will not Die
  • Know No Honor
  • Precision Shots
  • Precision Strikes
  • Psyker (Mastery Level 4)
  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Synapse Creature
  • Aeons of Experience: The Swarmlord may generate two warlord traits with the option to reroll and choose from the preferred result, from one or different warlord trait charts. Alternatively may choose to generate mind eater and synaptic lynch-pin warlord traits. If your list is battleforged, the Swarmlord may generate an additional warlord trait, or can automatically generate master of the vanguard.
  • Alien Cunning: Whilst the Swarmlord is alive, you must add 1 to your Reserve Rolls and must subtract 1 from your enemy's reserve rolls.
    • Bullet Screening: Any Termagant, Hormagaunt, Simurgh, or Gargoyle Brood within the Swarmlord's synapse range may make Look Out Sir! rolls for any friendly Codex:Tyranids units behind it as if they were part of the targeted unit.
  • Master Hive Tyrant: The Swarmlord is considered to have Hive Commander, Indescribable Horror, and Old Adversary.
  • Psychic Monstrosity: The Swarmlord's synapse range and shadow in the warp range are increased by 6' and the Swarmlord harnesses warp charge dice on a 2+ and never suffers perils. The Swarmlord may reroll deny the witch attempts. The Swarmlord may reroll a generated power and choose from the preferred result, and always receives the Primaris power of that discipline even if it has selected multiple disciplines.
  • Speed Synapse: All friendly units within the Swarmlord's synapse range (including the swarmlord itself) may add an additional three inches to their run and charge rolls, and may assault or shoot after running as per Onslaught (as such, if the Swarmlord rolls Onslaught, reroll for another power until one gets a power that is not Onslaught on a table of your choosing)
  • Suppress Instincts: All Codex:Tyranids units within the Swarmlord's synapse range can voluntarily go to ground, despite being Fearless, unless some other rules prevent them from going to ground. Once per game all Codex:Tyranids units within the Swarmlord's synapse range that has gone to ground may move, shoot and charge normally, while they remain within synapse range.
  • Swarm Leader: At the beginning of your turn, choose either the Swarmlord’s unit, or one friendly unit from Codex: Tyranids within the Swarmlord's synapse range. Then, choose one of the following special rules: Furious Charge, Counter-Attack, Monster Hunter, Tank Hunter, or Preferred Enemy. The chosen unit has that special rule until the end of the turn.
  • The Destroyer of Galaxies: The Swarmlord's leadership may never be negatively affected and leadership tests forced by its actions (such as fear tests) are taken at a -2 leadership penalty.


  • Mutations: (WS:-/BS:5/S:10/T:20/W:20/I:15/A:20/Ld:-/Sv:-/Psy:30/Syn:40)
  • May take items from the Biomorphs lists.
  • May take any of the following:
- Prehensile pincer ······································· 10 pts.
- Flesh hooks ··············································· 15 pts.
  • The Swarmlord, and it's unit of Tyrant Guard (if it is a brood of three or less) may take a Tyrannocyte as a Dedicated Transport.

Scythed Hierodule[edit]

400 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Scythed Hierodule 4 3 10 8 8 3 6 10 3+ Gargantuan Creature 1 Scythed Hierodule


  • Two pairs of scything talons
  • Bio-acid spray

Special rules:

  • Agile
  • Reaping: For each model, removed as a causality due to Scythed Hierodule's attacks in close combat, he may immediately perform one additional attack. These additional attacks do generate additional attacks themselves.


  • May take up to three biomorphs from the following list:
- Transport chamber ······································ 15 pts.
- Cellular bolster ············································ 15 pts.
- Destroyer field ············································· 30 pts.
- Greater Flesh Hooks ············································· 30 pts.
- Frag Spine Batteries ············································· 30 pts.
- Gargantuan warp shield ······························· 40 pts.
- Spore cloud ················································ 40 pts.
- Synaptic regeneration ·································· 45 pts.

Barbed Hierodule[edit]

480 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Barbed Hierodule 4 3 10 8 7 3 5 10 3+ Gargantuan Creature 1 Barbed Hierodule


  • Scything talons
  • Two bio-cannons

Special rules: Agile


  • May take up to three biomorphs from the following list:
- Transport chamber ······································ 15 pts.
- Cellular bolster ············································ 15 pts.
- Bio-plasma torrent ······································· 30 pts.
- Greater Flesh Hooks ············································· 30 pts.
- Frag Spine Batteries ············································· 30 pts.
- Gargantuan warp shield ······························· 40 pts.
- Spore cloud ················································ 40 pts.
- Synaptic regeneration ·································· 45 pts.
- Psy-catalyst ··············································· 50 pts.


580 pts.

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WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Harridan 4 5 10 8 8 3 4 10 3+ Flying Gargantuan Creature 1 Harridan


  • Scything talons
  • Two bio-cannons
  • Transport hooks

Special rules:

  • Skilled Flyer: Harridan may re-roll failed Grounding tests.
  • Predator of the Skies: Harridan's Vector Strike deals D3 hits, or D6 if the target is a Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures, Swooping Flying Gargantuan Creatures, Zooming Flyers and Zooming Super-heavy Flyers.


  • May take any biomorph from the following list:
- Cellular bolster ············································ 15 pts.
- Greater Flesh Hooks ············································· 30 pts.
- Frag Spine Batteries ············································· 30 pts.
- Gargantuan warp shield ······························· 40 pts.
- Regeneration ·································· 45 pts.
- Psy-catalyst ··············································· 50 pts.


600 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Cerebore 4 3 10 10 10 3 4 10 2+ Gargantuan Creature 1 Cerebore


  • Two pairs of lash whips
  • Feeder Tendrils
  • Greater Flesh hooks
  • Bio-acid spray
  • Frag-spine Batteries
  • Amphibious Adaptations

Special rules:

  • Feel no Pain (3+)
  • It Will Not Die (3+)
  • Transport beast A Cerebore may transport up to 50 models or two Monstrous Creatures.


  • May take up to three biomorphs from the following list:
- Transport chamber ······································ 15 pts.
- Cellular bolster ············································ 15 pts.
- Destroyer field ············································· 30 pts.
- Gargantuan warp shield ······························· 40 pts.
- Spore cloud ················································ 40 pts.
- Spine-cloud spray ······································· 40 pts.
- Synaptic regeneration ·································· 45 pts.
- Bio-cannon ·································· 45 pts.


600 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Viciator 6 4 10 8 8 3 8 10 3+ Gargantuan Creature 1 Viciator


  • Scything talons
  • Drooling Maw: Viciators have a large symbiotic organism that resides within its mouth. In exchange for protection, it produces a cocktail of volatile fluids that the Viciator is able to spray over a large area. When a Viciator attacks a vehicle it counts any armour values higher than 12 as 12.
  • Brainleech Hive
  • Greater Flesh Hooks
  • Spore cloud

Special rules:

  • Agile
  • Tank hunter
  • Monster Hunter
  • Tank Eater A Viciator's close combat attacks are considered AP1.


  • May replace Brainleech Hive with Deathscreamer Hive ······································ 25 pts
  • May take up to three biomorphs from the following list:
- Transport chamber ······································ 15 pts.
- Cellular bolster ············································ 15 pts.
- Destroyer field ············································· 30 pts.
- Frag Spine Batteries ············································· 30 pts.
- Gargantuan warp shield ······························· 40 pts.
- Spine-Cloud Spray ················································ 40 pts.
- Synaptic regeneration ·································· 45 pts.


650 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Nautiloid 6 3 10 10 10 4 10 10 2+ Gargantuan Creature 1 Nautiloid


  • Two pairs of lash whips
  • Feeder Tendrils
  • Greater Flesh hooks
  • Bio-acid spray
  • Frag-spine Batteries
  • Gargantuan Grasping Tongue
  • Amphibious Adaptations
  • Spore Cloud

Special rules:

  • Feel no Pain (3+)
  • It Will Not Die (3+)
  • Feeder-beast: If a Nautiloid inflicts at least one unsaved Wound in the Assault phase or Shooting Phase, then at the end of that phase it recovers a single Wound lost earlier in the battle.
  • Fuel for Rampage: For each model removed as a casualty due to Nautiloid attacks (both ranged and melee), it gains one Food token at the and of the phase, to the maximum of Twelve - At the start of the Movement phase a Nautiloid may expend up to six food tokens to gain +2' bonus to it's maximum movement distance for each token spent. At the start of the Fight subphase of Assault phase Haruspex may spend any number of Food tokens to gain +1 bonus Attack for each token spent. At the start of the movement phase, a Nautiloid may spend any number of Food tokens to recover one wound per two food tokens spent.
  • Savage: In close combat a Nautiloid can exchange all of its normal Attacks to make a Savage attack, resolved at its normal initiative. When doing so, place a large blast template for each 3 Attacks the Nautiloid has (including any bonus Attacks) in a base contact with the Nautiloidbase, placed in a way that they don't cover any friendly models. For each enemy model covered by any of these templates, enemy unit suffer an automatic hit with Strength 8, AP2 and Ignores Cover special rule. Do note that models covered by multiple Savage blasts do not suffer multiple hits.


  • May take up to three biomorphs from the following list:
- Transport chamber ······································ 15 pts.
- Cellular bolster ············································ 15 pts.
- Destroyer field ············································· 30 pts.
- Gargantuan warp shield ······························· 40 pts.
- Spore cloud ················································ 40 pts.
- Spine-cloud spray ······································· 40 pts.
- Synaptic regeneration ·································· 45 pts.


750 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Hierophant 6 4 10 9 10 3 8 10 2+ Gargantuan Creature 1 Hierophant


  • Scything talons
  • Lash whips
  • Two bio-cannons
  • Synaptic regeneration
  • Spore cloud
  • Gargantuan warp shield

Special rules: Agile


  • May take up to four biomorphs from the following list:
- Incendiary ichor ··········································· 25 pts.
- Transport sacs ············································ 30 pts.
- Bio-plasma torrent ······································· 30 pts.
- Greater Flesh Hooks ············································· 30 pts.
- Frag Spine Batteries ············································· 30 pts.
- Cellular bolster ············································ 40 pts.
- Spine-cloud spray ······································· 40 pts.
- Destroyer field ············································· 50 pts.
- Psy-catalyst ··············································· 80 pts.



First seen as a massive, reaver titan sized Trygon like beast tore into an entire Titan legion on it's own, ripping apart the god machines in a ravenous frenzy to tear a hole through the Adeptus Mechanicus lines and open a path for the forces of Hive Fleet Leviathan to bring about the fall of Megyre. Single mindedly devoted to the task of putting an end to the manufacturing of weapons on Megyre after the Hive Mind determined that the destruction of such a major forgeworld would render countless other worlds easy prey, the creature ignored pain and injury and laid waste to dozens of Titans and Leviathans. It's surprising speed allowing it to rapidly lock itself into combat with the dreadful god machines and rolling cathedrals of the machine cult.

The vaunted shielding that they so relied on proved useless when faced with a foe so close to it, the forty meter tall serpentine monstrosity hacking off massive limbs and ripping into plasma cores while weaving around mighty chainfists and bayonets and pushing past the fire of defensive batteries in it's mad frenzy to rid the world of it's potent defenders. It's wounds sealing themselves as it went from god machine to god machine, systematically destroying them all before throwing itself at the Bastion walls that presented the final obstacles to the planet's destruction by the hive mind.

Pushing past the techno-sorcery and unmatched firepower that only a major forgeworld could bring to bear, the Creature launched itself at the shielded walls and hammered at them relentlessly, slamming it's claws and jaws into the shields and adamantium structure with no regard for the injuries it was suffering. Even as chunks of it's flesh were ripped asunder and it's warp shield collapsed it kept on slamming into the wall. Finally, a hellstorm blast tore out it's heart and ended it's life, but not before it tore down a massive chunk of the wall.

But like other supposedly unique Tyranid organisms, this creature has an odd habit of appearing wherever it would be useful, once again hacking into the largest machines and monsters of it's foes, killing huge Daemons, Squiggoths, Gargants, Titans, and massive tanks all alike in service to the eternal hunger of it's species.

Modeling notes

TBD in full, but what we've seen of it in Conquest looks like a Tyrannofex's head and front two legs, with a Mawloc's tail growing out of its chin

1250 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Viragon 9 3 10 9 12 5 12 10 2+ Gargantuan Creature 1 Viragon


  • Two pairs of Scything talons
  • Bio-lightning pulse
  • Bio-Plasma Torrent
  • Frag Spine Batteries
  • Greater Flesh Hooks
  • Destroyer field
  • Synaptic regeneration
  • Gargantuan warp shield

Special rules:

  • Agile
  • Deep Strike
  • Feel No Pain (4+)
  • It Will Not Die (4+)
  • Fleet
  • Rampage
  • Destroyer Beast: Viragon may activate its destroyer field even if its out of synapse range.
  • Titan Crusher: Viragon may attempt to assault gargantuan creatures, gliding flying gargantuan creatures or super-heavy vehicles in the turn it enters from Reserve.
  • Burrow: An unengaged Viragon can, at any point during its Movement phases from the second game turn onwards, elect to burrow. If it does so, remove it from the table and place it into Ongoing Reserves. A Viragon cannot Deep Strike and Burrow in the same turn.
  • Quake Assault: When arriving from Deep Strike Reserve, a Viragon can choose to Deep Strike onto a point occupied by another model (friend or foe) – roll for scatter as normal. If a Mawloc Deep Strikes onto a point occupied by another model, do not roll on the Deep Strike Mishap table. Instead, place the apocalyptic blast marker directly over the spot the Viragon is deep striking onto. All units except Flyers and Flying Monstrous Creatures beneath the blast marker suffer a number of Strength 10 AP2 hits with the Ignores Cover special rule equal to twice the number of models that unit has underneath the blast marker. If the blast marker is on a multi-level ruin, only models on the lowest level of the ruin count as being under the blast marker. For Wound allocation purposes, assume the attack is coming from the center of the blast marker. Hits against vehicles are resolved against their side armour.
If, after removing casualties, it is now possible to place the Viragon on the table on the spot where the blast marker landed, then do so, even if this is within 1' of another model (but not if it would be in base contact with, or occupying the same space as, another model). If it is not possible to place the Viragon, replace the large blast marker on the spot and resolve another round of damage as detailed above. If, after removing casualties for a second time, it is still not possible to place the Viragon, move enemy models that prevent it to be placed away from the Viragon, until it could be placed normally.
At their next turn after Viragon Deep Strikes, all enemy models within 24' of it treat all terrain (including open ground) as Difficult Terrain.


  • May take up to six biomorphs from the following list:
- Incendiary ichor ··········································· 25 pts.
- Transport sacs (May be taken multiple times) ············································ 30 pts.
- Cellular bolster ············································ 40 pts.
- Spine-cloud spray (May be taken multiple times, fires independently)······································· 40 pts.
- Spore cloud ················································ 50 pts.

Viragon Prime[edit]


Vicious synapse beasts who are among the apex of the Tyranids' many burrowing organisms, the Viragon Prime is somewhat difficult to tell apart from its non-synapse counterparts, but make no mistake, for the Hive Mind's presence exudes powerfully from them

Modeling notes

TBD in full, but what we've seen of it in Conquest looks like a Tyrannofex's head and front two legs, with a Mawloc's tail growing out of its chin

1500 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Viragon Prime 10 4 10 9 12 6 12 10 2+ Gargantuan Creature 1 Viragon Prime


  • Two pairs of Scything talons
  • Bio-lightning pulse (with containment spines)
  • Bio-Plasma Torrent
  • Frag Spine Batteries
  • Greater Flesh Hooks
  • Destroyer field
  • Synaptic regeneration
  • Gargantuan warp shield

Special rules:

  • Agile
  • Deep Strike
  • Feel No Pain (4+)
  • It Will Not Die (4+)
  • Fleet
  • Rampage
  • Synapse
  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Will of the Hive Fleet A Viragon Prime has a 24' inch synapse range.
  • Psyker (Mastery Level 4) A Viragon prime generates twice as many warp charges as its mastery level and manifests its powers with doubled range, and may manifest any power up to twice in a turn without rolling extra manifestation dice. It harnesses warp dice on a 3+ and may reroll failed deny the witch dice.
  • Destroyer Beast: Viragon may activate its destroyer field even if its out of synapse range.
  • Titan Crusher: Viragon may attempt to assault gargantuan creatures, gliding flying gargantuan creatures or super-heavy vehicles in the turn it enters from Reserve.
  • Burrow: An unengaged Viragon can, at any point during its Movement phases from the second game turn onwards, elect to burrow. If it does so, remove it from the table and place it into Ongoing Reserves. A Viragon cannot Deep Strike and Burrow in the same turn.
  • Quake Assault: When arriving from Deep Strike Reserve, a Viragon can choose to Deep Strike onto a point occupied by another model (friend or foe) – roll for scatter as normal. If a Mawloc Deep Strikes onto a point occupied by another model, do not roll on the Deep Strike Mishap table. Instead, place the apocalyptic blast marker directly over the spot the Viragon is deep striking onto. All units except Flyers and Flying Monstrous Creatures beneath the blast marker suffer a number of Strength 10 AP2 hits with the Ignores Cover special rule equal to twice the number of models that unit has underneath the blast marker. If the blast marker is on a multi-level ruin, only models on the lowest level of the ruin count as being under the blast marker. For Wound allocation purposes, assume the attack is coming from the center of the blast marker. Hits against vehicles are resolved against their side armour.
If, after removing casualties, it is now possible to place the Viragon on the table on the spot where the blast marker landed, then do so, even if this is within 1' of another model (but not if it would be in base contact with, or occupying the same space as, another model). If it is not possible to place the Viragon, replace the large blast marker on the spot and resolve another round of damage as detailed above. If, after removing casualties for a second time, it is still not possible to place the Viragon, move enemy models that prevent it to be placed away from the Viragon, until it could be placed normally.
At their next turn after Viragon Deep Strikes, all enemy models within 24' of it treat all terrain (including open ground) as Difficult Terrain.


  • May take up to six biomorphs from the following list:
- Incendiary ichor ··········································· 25 pts.
- Transport sacs (May be taken multiple times)············································ 30 pts.
- Cellular bolster ············································ 40 pts.
- Spine-cloud spray (May be taken multiple times, may fire independently)······································· 40 pts.
- Spore cloud ················································ 50 pts.


2500 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Hydraphant 6 4 D 10 15 4 15 10 2+ Gargantuan Creature 1 Hydraphant


  • Scything talons
  • Lash whips
  • Two colossal bio-cannons(1)
  • Synaptic regeneration
  • Spore cloud
  • Gargantuan warp shield
  • Greater Flesh Hooks
  • Feeder Tendrils

Special rules:

  • Feel no Pain(4+)
  • It will not Die(4+)
  • Agile
  • Trample Assault: Due to its large size, the Hydraphant will tear a devastating path of destruction if it chooses to assault. This is represented by the Trample Assault special rule. After selecting any model or unit in range to assault, move the Hydraphant in a straight line to it, ignoring any intervening models and difficult terrain. For each model of each unit (Friend or foe!) that comes in contact with the creature's base as it moves, resolve for a single destroyer strength hit. Following this, resolve the assault against the target as normal.
  • Colossus: The Hydraphant's stomp attacks use a large blast template, it is immune to dangerous terrain, non-witchfire psychic powers from the enemy, and can only be it in assault by a roll of a six from infantry, walkers, and monstrous creatures, and by a five when in assault with superheavy vehicles and gargantuan creatures unless they have a similar rule (such as the warlord titan) in which resolve assault as would be normal with their WS values. It may also aim any blast templates it utilizes wherever it chooses.


  • May take up to Eight biomorphs from the following list:
- Incendiary ichor ··········································· 25 pts.
- Transport sacs (May be taken multiple times to increase capacity)············································ 30 pts.
- Greater Flesh Hooks (May be taken multiple times)············································· 30 pts.
- Frag Spine Batteries (May be taken multiple times)············································· 30 pts.
- Cellular bolster ············································ 40 pts.
- Spine-cloud spray (may be taken multiple times, does not count towards total weapons fired) ······································· 40 pts.
- Bio-Atomic Breath ······································· 100 pts.


4000 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Dominatrix 8 5 D 10 20 5 20 10 2+ Gargantuan Creature (C) 1 Dominatrix


  • Two pairs of scything talons
  • Two Colossal Bio-Cannons (2)
  • Psy-catalyst
  • Synaptic regeneration

Special Rules:

  • Psyker (Mastery Level 6)
  • Feel No Pain (3+)
  • It Will Not Die (3+)
  • Know No Honor
  • Shadow in the Warp
  • Synapse Creature
  • Dominatrix Warp Field: Dominatrixes have a 3+ invulnerable save.
  • Synaptic Domination: Dominatrix' synapse range is 36'.
  • Trample Assault: Due to its large size, the largest of all known land bound Tyranids; a Dominatrix will tear a devastating path of destruction if it chooses to assault. This is represented by the Trample Assault special rule. After selecting any model or unit in range to assault, move the Dominatrix in a straight line to it, ignoring any intervening models and difficult terrain. For each model of each unit (Friend or foe!) that comes in contact with the creature's base as it moves, resolve d3 Destroyer Strength Hits. Following this, resolve the assault against the target as normal.
  • Source of Power: The Dominatrix automatically knows all powers from the Hive Mind's Control, Hive Mind's Malice, and Hive Mind's Wrath disciplines, and pass her psychic tests on 2+. All psychic powers used by the Dominatrix have tripled range and may be cast thrice in a turn with no extra cost. The Dominatrix harnesses warp dice on a roll of 2+, and generates three times as many warp charges as its mastery level. The dominatrix passes deny the witch rolls on a 4+ and may reroll failed deny the witch rolls. The Dominatrix may only cast six powers per turn however.
  • Hive Mind's Nexus: The penalties for being in the Dominatrix's shadow of the warp field are doubled. E.G enemy psykers manifest their powers by two steps worse (usually only on a six) and take a -2 penalty on perils of the warp rolls, and models with the Psyker, Psychic Pilot, Daemon, Brotherhood of Sorcerers, or Brotherhood of Psykers suffer a -4 penalty to leadership, which is cumulative with any other penalties. All other enemy models suffer a -2 penalty to leadership. All tyranid models within Synapse range of the Dominatrix have a doubled synaptic bonus (e.g models with Instinctive Behavior Lurk gain a 2+ bonus to their cover saves).
  • Colossus: The Dominatrix rivals Mega-Gargants and Imperator class titans in size and as such is nearly unstoppable by smaller combatants. Any stomp attack made by the Dominatrix use a seven inch blast template, it is immune to dangerous terrain, non-witchfire psychic powers from the enemy, and can only be it in assault by a roll of a six from infantry, walkers, and monstrous creatures, and by a five when in assault with superheavy vehicles and gargantuan creatures unless they have a similar rule (such as the warlord titan) in which resolve assault as would be normal with their WS values. It may also aim any blast templates it utilizes wherever it chooses.
  • Monstrous Progenitor: The Dominatrix may spawn monstrous creatures at her Movement phase before she has moved, even if she is locked in assault. On the turn she spawns a monstrous creature, she loses her Dominatrix Warp Shield untill the start of her next turn. The new unit must be placed no more than 6' from the Dominatrix and may not be placed in impassable terrain, on top of another model or within 1' of an enemy unit. Every turn she spawns a monstrous creature, roll a die. On a 5+, she may spawn no more for the rest of the game. The model spawned may not move or assault, but may shoot or run in the shooting phase.
The Dominatrix may spawn the following units of your choice, though each time she does this, she loses a number of Wounds, in the brackets with no saves of any kind allowed:
  • D3-1* Crinis (1)
  • D3 Carnifexes with double scything talons, and bio-plasma (1)
  • D3 Carnifexes with crushing claw, wrecking ball and stonecrusher ramshield (2)
  • D3 Carnifexes with double twin-linked devourers with brainleech worms (2)
  • D3-1* Dactylis (2)
  • 1 Ecorcine (1)
  • 1 Tyranofex with Acid Spray and thorax weapon of your choice (2)
  • 1 Tyranofex with Ruptire Cannon and improved vision mutation (2)
* to the minimum of one


  • May take up to Twelve biomorphs from the following list:
- Incendiary ichor ··········································· 25 pts.
- Greater Flesh Hooks (May be taken multiple times)············································· 30 pts.
- Frag Spine Batteries (May be taken multiple times)············································· 30 pts.
- Cellular bolster ············································ 40 pts.
- Spine-cloud spray (may be taken multiple times, does not count towards total weapons fired) ······································· 40 pts.
- Spore cloud ················································ 50 pts.
- Cellular bolster ············································ 60 pts.
- Bio-Atomic Breath ······································· 100 pts.


Tyranid detachments have access to regular Fortifications (but only to a maximum of one, and only if you take a Genestealer Brood within the same detachment), as well as ones from the list below.Tyranid primary detachments may take up to two additional fortifications from the list below. Tyranid allied detachments may take up to one additional fortification from the list below. Do note, these fortification slots cannot be filled with non-Tyranid fortifications. In addition for every fortification you take, one Hive Guard Brood may be taken without occupying an Elite slot.

Spawning Pool[edit]

50 pts.
Spawning Pool is a Swamp area terrain no more than 7'x7' board. It also can be targeted by weapons with Blast or Template special rules, and counts as a model with T5, W2 and Sv4+ for these purposes. When a Spawning Pool loses its last wound it loses its Ripper Spawner special rule, and becomes a regular Swamp.

  • Ripper Spawner: At the start of each of your Movement phases roll a D3, and add these number of Ripper Swarm bases anywhere within 3' of the Spawning Pool - these bases could be included into already existing Ripper Swarm Broods, if they can be placed in unit a coherency with them, or form a new Ripper Swarm Brood. If any of thise models cannot be placed, because there is no available place or you run out of Ripper Swam bases, remove them as causalities.

Spore Chimneys[edit]

100 pts.
Spore Chimneys is a set of three Battlefield Debris pieces no more than 2'x2' board and 5' high each. Those pieces may be deployed separately. They also can be targeted by ranged weapons or assaulted. They are Gun Emplacements with T8, W4 and Sv3+ each. When a Spore Chimney loses its last wound it loses its Spore Cloud special rule, and becomes regular Battlefield Debris.

  • Spore Cloud: All models within 6' of a Spore Chimney gain 6+ cover save and may re-roll failed cover save rolls. At the start of any shooting phase all non-Tyranid units within 6' of a Spore Chimney suffer a number of hits with Strength 1, AP5, Poisoned (3+) and Ignores Cover special rules equal to the number of models within 6' of a Spore Chimney, resolved as a shooting attack from the Spore Chimney.

Capillary Towers[edit]

100 pts.
Capillary Towers is a set of three Battlefield Debris pieces each no more than 3'x3' board and as high as you want (count as unlimited height). Those pieces may be deployed separately. They also can be targeted by ranged weapons or assaulted. They are Gun Emplacements with T9, W6 and Sv2+ each. When a Capillary Tower loses its last wound it loses its Biomass Transponder special rule, and becomes regular Battlefield Debris, and a Tyranid Player who controls it loses one Victory Point.

  • Biomass Transponder: If you have at least one functioning Capillary Tower on the board, each time one of your units with Instinctive Behavior (Feed) special rule destroys an enemy unit in close combat or force to retreat, give a Feed token to that unit. Units with a Feed token count Capillary Tower as an Objective marker, which grants 3 Victory Points at the end of each of his turns if scored. Each time it grants Victory Points, remove one Feed token from one of the units scoring the Capillary Tower.


75 pts.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Composition
Sporocyst 2 2 5 5 6 3 3 8 4+ Monstrous Creature 1 Sporocyst


  • 5 Deathspitters

Special Rules:

  • Fearless
  • Infiltrate
  • Instinctive Fire
  • Immobile Pod: A model with this special rule cannot move. It can never go to ground (voluntarily or otherwise) and cannot consolidate or make a sweeping advance.
  • Psychic Resonator: Any friendly Synapse Creature within 6' of this model adds 6' to its synapse range.
  • Spore Node: A model with this special rule can produce a Spore Mine Cluster with three Spore Mines or one Mucolid Spore in the Shooting phase, in addition to any attacks it makes. Place the Spore Mines wholly within 6' of the model, in unit coherency and not in impassable terrain or within 1' of an enemy model. After they are placed, the Spore Mines are treated as a separate unit for the rest of the battle.


  • Mutations: (WS:5/BS:10/S:5/T:20/W:10/I:5/A:5/Ld:5/Sv:15/Psy:-/Syn:-)
  • May replace all five deathspitters with:
- Five barbed stranglers ····································· 25 pts.
- Five venom cannons ········································ 25 pts.


Standard 40k[edit]

All units in these formations may take a Tyrannocyte or Malefactor as a dedicated transport if they are applicable.

  • Lictor Forest Brood: This Formation consists of 5 Lictor broods (which act as if they were a single unit), and replaces the Stealth rule with the shrouded rule.
  • Manufactorum Genestealers: This Formation consists of 5 Genestealer Broods (which may not include additional Genestealers, a Patriarch, or a Broodlord, but the genestealers may be replaced by Ymgarl Genestealers). If they Infiltrate to deploy into a Building or Ruins, they can deploy up to 6' of an enemy unit.
  • Deathleaper's Assassin Brood: This formation consists of Deathleaper and 5 Lictor Broods and may include up to two Dimachaeron Broods; any unit within 12' of any model in the formation gets a -1 penalty to Leadership, and also benefits from Preferred Enemy (Characters and Independent Characters).
  • Broodlord's Hunting Pack: This formation consists of 3 Genestealer Broods (each of which may contain a broodlord, but only one Genestealer Patriarch can be taken). If they arrive from Reserves, they can set up in any unoccupied Building or a Ruin (although they have to be more than 6' away from enemy units in the latter case). In addition, they gain Preferred Enemy towards a unit of your choice when they deploy. The Genestealer broods may be replaced by Ymgarl genestealer broods, if this is done, if a Genestealer patriarch has been taken it must be replaced with a Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch.
  • Gargoyle Bio-Bombs: This formation consists of 3 Spore Mine Clusters and 3 Gargoyle Broods and may include up to three Simurgh Broods. If a Spore Mine Cluster in the formation starts a move (including Run or Charge) within 6' of a Gargoyle from the Formation, it can move 6' in the movement phase and will not halve the distance rolled if it runs or charges. The spore mine clusters may be replaced by Meiotic or Mucolid Spores.
  • Endless swarm: This formation consists of one to three broods of hormagaunts, one to three broods of termagants, and one brood of Warriors, who all gain objective secured. Any time a warrior, hormagaunt, or termagant brood is wiped out, roll a d6, on a 4+ the unit is instead placed into ongoing reserves and may re-enter play as per the rules of ongoing reserves. Up to five Tervigons may be added to this formation, three of which must take a free upgrade to spawn Hormagaunts and two of which must spawn Termagants. Hormagaunts and Termagants spawned from these Tervigons also have objective secured and may re-enter play if wiped out, and like Tervigons from an Incubator node, these Tervigons are only exhausted if they roll triples on their spawning dice.
  • Incubator node': This formation consists of one to three broods of Termagants and one Tervigon brood. The Tervigon may be upgraded to spawn Hormagaunts, Rippers, Skyslashers, Simurghs, or Gargoyles instead for free. In which case, replace the mandated Termagant broods with the appropriate broods. Tervigons in this formation are only exhausted on rolling a triple on their 3d6 spawning dice.
  • 'Synaptic swarm': A Tyranid Prime (which may be upgraded to an Apex strain Prime) joins three broods of Warriors, one of which may be an Alpha Warrior Brood; and each warrior in the formation gains an additional six inches to its synapse range. Warrior broods used in this formation may be used in any formation other then a second synaptic swarm
  • Psychic Choir Node: Three to Six broods of Zoanthropes (with the Option to add the Doom of Malan'tai), Two Maleceptor Broods, the option for two Tervigon broods, and one Hive Tyrant (with optional tyrant guard brood) who may be replaced with the Swarmlord, all of whom consider their power dices successes on rolls of one better than before for manifesting powers and denying (usually improving to warp dice succeeding on a 3+ and denying to a 5+) and add a one to any perils of the warp rolls and extend their synapse range by 6'.
  • Skyblight swarm: This formation consists of a winged hive tyrant (and winged Tyrant Guards if so chosen), 0-1 Harpy Broods, 0-1 Hive Crone Broods, 0-1 Erinyes Broods, and one to three Gargoyle broods and one to three Simurgh Broods. The Gargoyle and Simurgh broods have objective secured, and if wiped out, the controlling player must roll a d6, on a 4+ the Gargoyle or Simurgh brood is placed into ongoing reserves and may re-enter play from reserves.
  • Living artillery node: An Exocrine joins 3 Biovore broods and a Warrior Brood with a Venom Cannon or a Barbed Strangler. This gives everyone Pinning on their shooting and the ability to re-roll the scatter die when firing a Blast or Barrage weapon. The warriors may be replaced with a Tervigon which must use a monstrous bio-cannon, a Zoanthrope Brood, or a Hive Tyrant who must use a monstrous-biocannon. The Exorcine brood may be replaced with a Dactilys brood.
  • Bio-blast node: A Tyrannofex brood joins 3 Carnifex broods, each with a monstrous biocannon, and a Warrior brood with a biocannon. For this, the entire formation gets Split Fire and any friendly unit within the 12 inches of the Synapse creature can reroll 1s to Wound in shooting. The Warrior brood may be replaced with a Tervigon which must use a monstrous bio-cannon, a Zoanthrope Brood, or a Hive Tyrant who must use a monstrous bio-cannon and may include Tyrant Guard.
  • Gunner Node: This formation consists of a Hive Tyrant with a monstrous bio-cannon, a Hive Guard Brood that the Hive Tyrant may join as if they were Tyrant Guard, and a pair of Exocrine Broods. The entire formation considers its ballistic skill as being one higher, and may choose to use skyfire at the start of a turn (if three-dimensional thought patterns is purchased, they instead gain interceptor, if that is also already purchased, the formation's ballistic skill is improved by a further one step).
  • Hypertoxic Node: This formation consists of a Hive Tyrant that must have Toxin sacs (if joined by Tyrant guard, the Tyrant guard must also have toxin sacs), a toxicrene brood, and three venomthrope broods with the option of a Crinis brood. The Malanthropes and the venomthropes gain an additional six inches to their spore clouds, while the entire formation gains toxic miasma that can be used every turn, and the Venomthropes and Hive tyrants inflict instant death on a 5+ to wound, or improve any existing conditional instant death (such as through implant attack or boneswords) by two steps. The venomthropes may be replaced by malanthropes.
  • Neural Node: This formation consists of a maleceptor brood and up to three zoanthrope broods that may include a Neurothrope and may include the Doom of Malan'tai. The Synapse range of all units in the formation is extended by six inches, and reroll warp dice to manifest powers or deny the witch. This formation may be joined to the Psychic Choir Node with two Neural Nodes takien as part of the Node, in which case the benefits stack (increasing synapse range by a total of twelve and improving the likelihood of manifesting powers, with shadow in the warp's effects being doubled to -4 leadership and -2 on attempts to harvest warp dice).
  • Urban cleansing node: One unit of warriors with Greater Stranglers, two units of Pyrovores, and a Tyrannofex with Acid spray. All models part of the Urban-Cleansing node re-roll to wound and penetrate and re-roll number of hits dealt in overwatch taking the highest. The Pyrovores and warriors gain move through cover. A Hive Tyrant and Tyrant Guard may be taken with this formation, but the Tyrant must have a Thorax biomorph. Urban Cleansing Nodes taken as part of a Hive Fleet moloch detachment may assault through ruins at initiative.
  • Wrecker node: This formation consists or three Carnifex broods, a Trygon or a Dimachaeron brood and a warrior brood; all members of the formation must use all melee weapons. The warrior brood may be replaced by a Hive Tyrant who must use all melee weapons and their Tyrant guard brood, a Tervigon who must use all melee weapons and must spawn Hormagaunts (though the upgrade will be free), or a Trygon prime. All friendly units within 12 inches of the synapse creature may reroll 1st to wound in assault and all units part of the formation gain an additional hammer of wrath hit.
  • Tyrant Node: A walking Tyrant takes a brood of Tyrant Guards and a Venomthrope Brood. The Tyrant gains an additional six inches to Synapse and the Venomthropes' spore cloud expands by six inches. The Hive Tyrant may be replaced with the Swarmlord and the Venomthropes by Malanthropes who also gain a bonus to synapse and their spore cloud and a Toxicerene may be added, which
  • Subterranean Swarm: This formation consists of a Trygon Prime, a Trygon Brood, a Mawloc brood, and three warrior broods. The whole formation is considered a single entity for the purposes of ongoing reserves, and when deployed the Trygon Prime must be the first model deployed, and all other units in the formation may deepstrike without scattering within one inch of the Trygon prime or another unit in the formation. The formation may shoot or run upon entering from reserves.
  • Skytyrant Swarm: A Winged Hive Tyrant (may take winged tyrant guard brood) takes two to six broods of Gargoyles and two to six Simurgh Broods and increases its synapse range by six inches, and one Shrike brood and one Sky-slasher brood may be taken for every two broods of Gargoyles and Simurghs who also gain six inches to their Synapse range. The Tyrant may expend a gargoyle to gain look out sir! on a 2+, and all flying monstrous creatures and jump infantry friendly to the player gain preferred enemy (everything!) as long as they remain in synapse range.
  • Sporefield: One to Three Mucolid Clusters can join with one to three Spore Mine Clusters and may be joined by up to three Meiotic Spore clusters. They all gain Infiltrate and if any unit is wiped out, it may re-enter reserves on a 4+, units from this formation do not give kill points.
  • Skytide (It might be best to make Skytide another Decurion focused on Flier and Jump infantry spam) This formation consists of three Skyblight swarms, a Skytyrant Swarm, and up to three Sporefield. The benefits of all other formations stack, thus all gargoyles, simurghs, shrikes, and sporefields may be entered from reserves on a 4+ that must be rerolled if failed if wiped out and all synapse creatures gain six inches of range to their synapse. All units in the formation gain preferred enemy (everything!) while in synapse range, and a shrike brood and sky-slasher brood for every two gargoyle and simurgh broods may be taken.

Living Tide Detachment[edit]

(Make it some kind of decurion detachment)Here it comes! For reflection of the unique tactics of massive hive-fleet assaults, and in the name of the Fun, we have implemented a kind of decurion detachment. Use it wisely.

A rare world suffers full-scale invasion of the Hive Fleet for their unbelievable size. Instead, stellar systems do face just a splinters of the fleets - small, but still eclipsing the very sky of the doomed worlds.

Tyranoformed world – If this is your Primary Detachment, you may re-roll your Warlord Trait. Also, at the beginning of the third turn, all terrain, representing any organic, liquid or natural one, becomes Dangerous for non-Tyranid Creatures, and gives Shrouded for Tyranid units within.

Shadow of the Splinter – In addition to the effects of Shadow in the Warp Special rule, all non-Tyranid Psykers on the table generate one Warp Charge less than usual, to a minimum of 1, and activate Charges on a roll of 5+, rather than usual 4+.

The Living Tide includes a number of formations - command, core and support. You have to take at least one command formation, and one core formation; per them you may include up to ten support formations.

  • Command formations (1 per Core)
    • Synaptic Nexus
    • Hive Spine
  • Core formations:
    • The Living Waves
  • Support formations (0-10 per Core):
    • Psychic Storm
    • Breacher Swarm
    • Shock Swarm
    • Artillery Swarm
    • Sporefall
    • Biotitan
    • You may also take non-Apocalypse formations as Support Formations, and a Tyrant or Psychic Choir node – as Command Formations.


Synaptic Nexus (Command) – The Swarm is lead by specially evolved creatures, forming the basis for synaptic network.

  • 1 Alpha warrior brood
  • 0-1 Tyranid Prime
  • 0-1 Hive Tyrant or the Swarmlord.
  • 0-1 Tyrant Guard Brood

The entire formation might fight on foot, or take Tyrannocytes, or take wings - it can not mix this options.

  • The Synapse core - As long as at least one unit from the formation remains alive, the 'Dominion' psychic power is manifested automatically by all friendly Tyranid psykers, and is done so without spending any Warp Charges.

Hive Spine (Command) – The synaptic network is a diverse structure, where basis is often augmented by lesser creatures.

  • 1-3 Warrior broods
  • 0-1 Lictor broods
  • Synaptic Amplifier - Each Warrior or Lictor from this formation adds 1 Warp Charge to your poll at the beginning of your Psychic Phase. You may discard all these Warp Charges, channeling them to the weaponry, if so, all melee weapons in the formation gain 'Instant Death' and 'Fleshbane' special rules.

The Living Waves (Core) – An advance of the Swarm is like an avalanche of claws and fangs, massive and endless.

  • 1-5 Tervigons
  • 5-10 units of Gaunt genus (Hormagaunts, Termagants, Gargoyles, Simurghs)
  • Unlimited Assault - Each time a Gaunt genus model from a formation is slain, take a marker. For each 12 markers at the end of the turn, you may place a unit of 10 basic Termagants, Hormagaunts, Gargoyles, or Simurghs into and Ongoing Reserve. This units may enter table either from your table edge, or within 6' from any Tervigon in this formation. Broods spawned by the Tervigon are also considered to have this special rule. The Tervigons added to this formation are only exhausted on a roll of triple ones and upgrades to make them spawn Hormagaunts, Simurghs, or Gargoyles instead are free. You may choose to hold markers in reserve to spawn a larger brood instead for every multiple of twelve markers that you have (twenty four markers to spawn a brood of twenty gaunt menus models, thirty six to spawn thirty, forty eight to spawn forty, sixty to spawn fifty).

Psychic Storm (Support) – Not psykers in a common sense, Tyranid creatures can still use the psychic power of the Hive Mind to a dreadful effect.

  • 3 Zoanthrope broods
  • 1 Neurothrope (not a Doom of Malan'Tai, not included into broods)

The entire formation must act as one unit. Broods can not take Neurothrope for them.

  • Psystorm - During your Psychic Phase, Zoanthropes can overcharge the Neurothrope from the formation, instead of manifesting powers themselves. If so, the Neurothrope gains the Psystorm power:

Warp Charge 3, witchfire.

Range S AP Type
Blast 48 10 2 Assault 1, Massive Blast
Lance 60 D 2 Assault 3, Destroyer

If Perils of Warp occurs when manifesting Psystorm, do not roll on the table. Instead, just remove one model from formation of your choice, without any saves of any kind.

Breacher Swarm (Support) – To avoid the defense perimeters of the prey, Tyranid swarm employs subterranean assault creatures.

  • 1 Trygon Prime
  • 0-3 Trygons or Mawlocs
  • 1+ Ravener brood
  • 0+ Ripper swarm brood
  • 0+ Cortex Leech swarm brood

Rippers and Cortex Leeches must have Deep Strike.

  • Breach the prey - The entire formation must start in reserve, arrives at once (roll only one die for the whole formation), and acts as one unit. As long as the infantry models from the formation stay alive, Monsters Creatures can use Look out, Sir (4+), as if they were Characters.

Shock Swarm (Support) – Facing the tank spearheads of Imperium, Tau and Orks, Hive Mind found it useful, and evolved it's own version.

  • 1-9 Carnifexes
  • 0-3 Haruspexes

All models must have Regeneration

  • Living steamroll - The entire formation acts as one unit. It charges on 3D6', and it's Hammer of Wrath attacks gain are considered to have the rending special rule, As long, as at least three models from the formation stay alive, they can perform a Thunderblitz, as if they were a Super-heavy Tank.

Artillery Swarm (Support) – Despite organic nature, Tyranid artillery is still deadly.

  • 1 Exocrine or Dactylis
  • 0-3 Biovore broods
  • 0-3 Carnifex broods

Carnifexes must all have bio-cannons. The entire formation must start on the table.

  • Artillery assault - if all creatures from the formation are within 12' of a Exocrine (or Dactylis), and do not move, they double the range of their shooting weapons, and also gain 'Ignores Cover' and 'Twin-linked' special rules.

Sporefall (Support) – The invasion is often heralded by the spores descending form the sky.

  • 1+ Tyranocyte,
  • 0+ Mucolid Spore Cluster, Spore Mine Cluster, or Meiotic Spore Brood

The entire formation starts in reserve, and automatically enters play by Deep Strike at the beginning of the second turn. You can re-roll the scatter and distance for Deep Strike.

Biotitan (Support) – Tyranid Biotitans are not just a huge creatures, but a warmachines, genetically engineered to endure any damage.

  • 1 Scythed Hierodule, Barbed Heirodule, Heirophant, Viciator, Viragon, Viragon Prime Hydraphant, Cerebore, Nautiloid, or Dominatrix,

Immortal - If the creature from this formation is slain, do not remove it from the table. Leave it where it was killed, place on side or replace with a suitable marker. It counts as area terrain (4+ cover save).At the beginning of your next turn, roll a dice - on a roll of 6 the Biotitan regenerates, becoming alive, restoring half of it's nominal Wounds, and can act as normal. Any intervening models are just moved out to let it stand - they run away screaming (or complaining), as the monstrosity reemerges.On a roll of 1-5, damage is too severe, and the Biotitan remains dead - repeat the roll at the beginning of your next turn. Keep repeating until it resurrects or until the game ends. It may die and resurrect itself multiple times. Kill points are given for each death of the Biotitan.

Skytide Detachment (?)[edit]

If this does become an alternative Decurion detachment I'd imagine it'd be centered around spamming FMCs, Jump monstrous creatures, and Spores. Really built around owning the skies.

Apocalypse only[edit]

  • Croneconven:
  • Eater Swarm:
  • Eye of the Hive:
  • Harpy Skyhaunters: Add two additional shots to the profile of the Skyhaunt weapon (This is intended to give the Skyhaunter an advantage over a Salvo HVC)
  • Kraken Tendril Swarm:
  • Leviathan Skyswarm:
  • Spore storm Brood: The Exorcine may be replaced by a Dactylis.
  • Tervigon Brood Node: Tervigons may be upgraded to spawn Hormagaunts, Rippers, Gargoyles, and Sky-Slashers as a normal Tervigon. In the case of these other creatures, one Tervigon may spawn it's broodlings with the players choice of weapons or biomorphs.
  • Tyrannofex Gunbeast Brood:
  • The shadow incarnate: This formation consists of a pair or trio of Psychic Choir Node formations, one of which may be lead by the swarmlord. The synapse range of all synapse creatures in the formation is doubled or tripled if three nodes are taken. The Tyrants (and Swarmlord) gain a new power called 'The Terror' which is a Nova power that adds 6 to its range for each psyker in the formation, counting Zoanthropes as a single psyker with the profile of with S2, AP1, Assault 10, Pinning, and Blind that affects enemy units only. If Three Psychic choir nodes are used instead of two, the Terror becomes S4. If two psychic choir nodes are used, all models within synapse range gain a +3 to deny enemy powers, while if three are used this rises to +4.
  • Phodian Annihilation Swarm:
  • Carnifex Crusher Brood:
  • Living Fortress:
  • Vanguard Infestation:
  • Hypertoxic Node:
  • Neural Node:
  • Sky Tyrant Swarm:
  • Spore Field:
  • Sky Tide:

Reference tables[edit]

  • Melee Weapons
Range S AP Type
Boneswords - User 3 Melee, Life Drain, Parry
Bonesword and Lash Whip - User 3 Melee, Life Drain, Parry, Constrict
Crushing Claws - +1 2 Melee, Armourbane, Unwieldy, Crusher
Crushing Claw and Wrecking Ball - +1 2 Melee, Armourbane, Unwieldy, Wrecker, Sweep
Lash Whips - User - Melee, Constrict
Rending Claws - User 5 Melee, Diamantine Tips
Patriarch's Claws - User 3 Melee, Diamantine Tips
Scything Talons - User 6 Melee, Slashing Attacks
Sickle Claws - User 2 Melee, Sickle Strike
Grasping Talons - +1 2 Melee, Spine-Maw Strike
Thorax Spine-Maw - +4 1 Melee, Instant Death, Digestion Spine

  • Ranged Weapons
Weapon Range S AP Type
Acid Spray Template 6 4 Assault 1, Torrent, Dissolve
Bio-electric pulse 18' 5 5 Assault 6, Lightning Shock
Bio-electric pulse with containment spines 18' 5 5 Assault 12, Lightning Shock
Bio-Plasmic Glob 18' 7 2 Assault 1, Blast, Maw Cannon
Bio-Plasmic Spit 18' 7 2 Assault 2, Maw Cannon
Bio-Plasmic Cannon
-Single Shot 36' 7 2 Assault 1, Large Blast
-Barrage 36' 7 2 Assault 3, Blast
-Fusillade 36' 7 2 Assault 6
Cluster Spines 18' 5 - Assault 1, Large Blast
Deathspitter 18' 5 5 Assault 3
Deathspitter with deathscreamer grubs 18' 7 5 Assault 6
Devourer 18' 4 - Assault 3, Neural Agony
Devourer with brainleech worms 18' 6 - Assault 6, Neural Agony
Drool Cannon
-Torrent Template 5 3 Assault 1, Torrent
-Split 18' 6 3 Assault 2, Sticky Ooze
Desiccator larvae Template 1 - Assault 1, Fleshbane, Thorax
Electroshock grubs Template 5 5 Assault 1, Haywire, Thorax
Shreddershard Beetles Template 3 - Assault 1, Rending, Shred, Thorax
Bloodseeker Flies Template 1 - Assault 1, Blind, Thorax
Mindflayer Worms Template 4 - Assault 1, Neural Agony, Thorax
Flamespurt Cannon Template 5 4 Assault 1, Spurt
Fleshborer 12' 4 5 Assault 1
Fleshborer hive 18' 4 4 Assault 20, Rending, Shred, Sunder
Grasping Tongue 12' 6 2 Assault 3, Ignores Cover, Gulp!
Impaler Cannon 24' 8 3 Assault 2, Homing, Ignores Cover
Rupture Cannon 48' 10 2 Assault 2, Chain Reaction
Shock Cannon 24' 5 5 Assault 1, Blast, Homing, Haywire
Spike Rifle 24' 3 5 Assault 1
Spinefist 12' 3 5 Assault X*, Twin-Linked
Heavy Spinefist 12' 5 5 Assault X*, Twin-Linked
Stinger Salvo 18' 5 4 Assault 4
Strangleweb Template 3 6 Assault 1, Pinning, Shred, Sunder
Greater Strangler Template 4 5 Assault 1, Pinning, Shred, Sunder
Barbed Strangler 36' 4 5 Assault 1, Shred, Large Blast, Pinning, Sunder
Stranglethorn Cannon 36' 6 4 Assault 1, Shred, Large Blast, Pinning, Sunder
Tentalclid 36' 5 5 Assault 1, Haywire, Pinning, Seeking, Independent Missiles, One use only
Venom Cannon
-Single Shot 36' 7 4 Assault 1, Blast
-Salvo 36' 7 4 Assault 2
Heavy Venom Cannon
-Single Shot 36' 9 3 Assault 1, Blast
-Salvo 36' 9 3 Assault 2

  • Models
Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Hive Tyrant 8 4 6 6 4 5 4 10 3+ Monstrous Creature (C)
Tyrant Guard 3 3 5 6 2 4 2 7 3+ Infantry
Alpha Warrior 6 4 4 4 3 5 5 10 3+ Infantry
Malanthrope 3 3 5 5 4 5 3 10 3+ Infantry (C)
Trygon Prime 7 4 7 7 7 5 6 10 3+ Monstrous Creature (C)
Tervigon 3 3 5 6 6 2 3 10 3+ Monstrous Creature (C)
Tyranid Prime 6 4 5 5 3 5 5 10 4+ Infantry (C)
Tyranid Prime Apex Strain 7 4 5 5 4 6 5 10 4+ Infantry (C)
Genestealer Patriarch 7 2 5 5 3 5 4 10 4+ Infantry (C)
Ymgarl Genestealer Patriarch 7 2 5 5 3 5 4 10 3+ Infantry (C)
The Parasite of Mortex 5 3 6 4 3 6 4 10 3+ Jump Infantry (C)
Old One Eye 4 4 10 6 5 2 5 9 2+ Monstrous Creature
Tyranid Warrior 5 3 4 4 3 4 3 10 4+ Infantry
Genestealer 6 2 4 4 1 6 3 10 5+ Infantry
Broodlord 7 2 5 5 3 7 4 10 4+ Infantry (C)
Termagant 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 6 6+ Infantry
Termagant Alpha 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 6+ Infantry
Hormagaunt 3 3 3 3 1 5 2 6 6+ Infantry
Hormagaunt Alpha 4 4 3 3 1 6 3 4 6+ Infantry
Ripper Swarm 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 5 6+ Infantry
Tyrannocyte 2 2 6 5 6 3 3 8 4+ Monstrous Creature
Malefactor 2 2 5 7 6 3 3 8 2+ Monstrous Creature
Hive Guard 3 3 5 6 2 2 2 7 4+ Infantry
Zoanthrope 3 4 4 4 2 3 1 10 5+ Infantry
Doom of Malan'tai 3 4 4 4 3 3 1 10 4+ Infantry
Venomthrope 3 3 4 4 2 3 1 6 5+ Infantry
Lictor 6 3 6 4 3 6 3 10 5+ Infantry
Lictor Alpha 7 4 6 4 3 7 4 10 5+ Infantry (C)
Deathleaper 9 5 6 4 3 8 5 10 5+ Infantry (C)
Pyrovore 3 3 4 4 3 2 2 6 4+ Beasts
Ymgarl Genestealer 6 2 4 4 1 6 3 10 4+ Infantry
Ymgarl Broodlord 7 2 5 5 3 7 4 10 3+ Infantry (C)
Haruspex 3 3 6 6 5 3 3 7 3+ Monstrous Creature
Crinis 5 3 6 6 4 5 5 7 3+ Monstrous Creature
Cortex Leech Swarm 4 3 3 3 3 2 4 10 6+ Infantry
Dimachaeron 8 3 6 6 6 6 5 10 3+ Monstrous Creature (Leaper)
Tyranid Shrike 5 3 4 4 3 4 3 10 5+ Jump Infantry
Ravener 5 3 4 4 3 5 4 6 5+ Beasts
Ravener Alpha 6 4 4 4 3 6 5 10 5+ Beast (C)
The Red Terror 6 3 5 5 3 5 5 8 4+ Beast (C)
Gargoyle 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 6 6+ Jump Infantry
Gargoyle Alpha 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 6+ Jump Infantry
Simurgh 3 3 3 3 1 5 2 6 6+ Jump Infantry
Simurgh Alpha 4 3 3 3 1 6 3 8 6+ Jump Infantry
Sky-Slasher Swarm 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 5 6+ Jump Infantry
Laius Horror 3 3 6 6 4 4 4 6 4+ Monstrous Creature
Harpy 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 10 4+ Flying Monstrous Creature
Hive Crone 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 10 4+ Flying Monstrous Creature
Frag Mine - - 1 1 1 1 - 1 - Infantry
Toxin Mine - - 1 1 1 1 - 1 - Infantry
Acid Mine - - 1 1 1 1 - 1 - Infantry
Char Mine - - 1 1 1 1 - 1 - Infantry
Carnifex 3 3 9 6 4 2 3 7 3+ Monstrous Creature
Biovore 3 3 4 4 3 2 2 6 4+ Infantry
Trygon 6 3 7 7 7 4 6 8 3+ Monstrous Creature
Mawloc 4 0 6 7 7 4 4 8 3+ Monstrous Creature
Exocrine 3 3 6 6 5 4 3 7 3+ Monstrous Creature
Tyrannofex 3 3 6 6 6 4 3 8 2+ Monstrous Creature
Dactylis 2 3 6 6 4 1 1 7 3+ Monstrous Creature
Erinyes 5 3 6 6 6 5 6 10 3+ Flying Monstrous Creature
The Swarmlord 9 4 6 6 5 6 5 10 3+ Monstrous Creature (C)

Special Rules[edit]

Spurt: In close combat, models equipped with weapons with this special rule, may exchange all of it's attacks to deal D3 automatic hits at S5 AP4, resolved at double the model's Initiative step. These hits counts as flame weapons.
Sticky Ooze: When fired on the front or side armour of Flyers, Weapons with this special rule are AP1 and have the Armourbane special rule. Hits from weapons with this special rule also force -1 penalty to Grounding tests when firing on swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures.
Neural Agony: A unit that received an unsaved wound from one or more weapons with this special rule suffers a -1 Leadership penalty until the end of the phase.
Maw Cannon: Weapons with this special rule do not count towards the maximum number of weapons fired per shooting phase. In close combat Weapons with this special rule grant one additional attack at S7 AP2, resolved at Initiative step 1.
Dissolve: Enemy models suffer -1 penalty to their armour save throws against wounds caused by weapons with this special rule (for example, models with 3+ armour save only save on a 4+, though AP4 still wouldn't penetrate their armour). For each vehicle hit by a weapon with this special rule, roll a D6 before rolling for armour penetration. On a 3+ the vehicle loses one point of armour from all facings for the rest of the game.
*Punch Guns get one shot for every Attack on the unmodified characteristic profile of the Tyranid creature firing them. For example, a Termagant (1 Attack) fires 1 shot while a Ravener (3 Attacks) fires 3 shots.
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